
  1. 将许多相同的MEMS器件组成阵列,构成自适应结构控制飞机气动性能已成为MEMS研究在航空领域的主要发展方向之一。

    Self-adapting structure for the aerodynamic control , which arrayed by a lot of the same MEMS devices , became the important issue in the AERO-MEMS field .

  2. 在航空领域,随着准确度、复杂度要求的提升,CFD计算耗费了大量的时间,国外许多专家利用GPU卓越的运算性能进行CFD计算,并行求解NS方程。

    In the aviation field , CFD computing accounts for plentiful time , many experts abroad take advantage of GPU to solve NS equations in parallel .

  3. 目前,CMOS图像传感器的应用领域很广,从可视电话、指纹识别、数码相机、汽车到医疗电子,甚至是航空领域。

    Currently , CMOS image sensor applications are very broad , from the video phone , fingerprint identification , digital cameras , automotive to medical electronics , and even aviation .

  4. MIL-STD-1553B总线是一种满足实时性、数据完整性和系统可靠性的通用机载串行多路总线标准,其应用领域已经从最初的航空领域扩大到航天领域。

    MIL-STD-1553B bus is a universal , airplane-carried , and multiple-channel serial bus standard which meets real-time , integrality and reliability , and it extends from aeronautics to astronautics .

  5. 瑞士信贷引用了匡特家族的例子。上世纪90年代,这个家族阻止了宝马公司在汽车行业之外进行业务多元化。与之相反,戴姆勒克莱斯勒(DaimlerChrysler)却进入了国防和航空领域。

    Credit Suisse cites the example of the Quandt family which prevented BMW from diversifying outside the car business in the 1990s , in contrast to DaimlerChrysler which moved into defence and aeronautics .

  6. Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr合金强度高、塑性好、焊接性能优良,具有较好的抗腐蚀性能,在航天、航空领域有着广泛的应用前景。

    Al-Mg-Mn-Sc-Zr alloy is a structure material of high strength and plasticity , good welding property and corrosion resistance used widely in the area of aviation and spaceflight .

  7. E430飞机的出现就像车展中的概念车。与此同时,电子航空领域整体上也取得了很大的进展。

    And while the E430 may be the aircraft equivalent of an auto show concept-car , there 's a good deal of progress being made in the advancement of electrical aeronautics on the whole .

  8. 中国在廉价航空领域发展有限。

    The country has little in the way of discount options .

  9. 眼动分析技术及其在航空领域的应用进展

    Progress of Eye Analysis Techniques and Its Application in Aviation

  10. 世界航空领域真正的先锋。

    A true pioneer of the world 's airways .

  11. 原子惯性技术在航天航空领域的应用

    Applications of Atom Inertial Technology in Aerospace Engineering

  12. 模糊逻辑及其在航空领域的应用前景

    Fuzzy Logic and Its Application in Aeronautics Field

  13. 纺织复合材料的高成本制造技术限制了其在航空领域的进一步应用。

    Current status of textile composite cost limits further application of composite in aviation area .

  14. 航空领域相继对航空电源标准进行修订,提出了更加严格的要求。

    So aircraft filed revise the aircraft power standard successively , and proposed stricter demand .

  15. 在航天和航空领域中,数字模式识别是很有意义的。

    The application of digital pattern recognition is an attractive in the fields of aeronautics and astronautics .

  16. 特别是在过去的几十年间,图像编码已经在航天航空领域得到了广泛的应用。

    Specially , image compression coding already got the widespread application in astronautics in the past decades .

  17. 霍华德·休斯成为隐士前,以他在航空领域的成就受到全世界羡慕。

    Before he was a recluse , Howard Hughes was admired worldwide for his achievements in aviation .

  18. 上月长达六天的航空领域关闭期间,整个航空行业损失高达16亿美元。

    which lost an estimated $ 1.6 billion in last month 's six-day shutdown of air space .

  19. 被广泛应用于工程机械、船舶、冶金、海洋工程和航天、航空领域。

    Is widely used in construction machinery , ships , metallurgy , marine engineering and aerospace , aviation .

  20. 本课题主要研究在航空领域中飞行器语音指令识别技术。

    The technology of speech command recognition based on aerocraft in the aerial domain is studed in the paper .

  21. 第一部分筒述了电磁轴承及电传动技术在国内外的发展及其在航空领域的应用前景。

    Recent progress of active magnetic bearing and application of electric drive technology are briefly summarized in Part One .

  22. 机载气象雷达在民用航空领域里经常被用来提醒飞机绕开危险气象。

    Airborne weather radar in the field of civil aviation aircraft are often used to bypass the dangerous weather alert .

  23. 铝合金密度小、耐腐蚀能力强,是航天航空领域的重要结构材料。

    Aluminum alloy has low density and high corrosion resistance . It is a kind of important structure materials for Aerospace .

  24. 经济管理类、金融类相关专业硕士以上学历,具有航空领域工作背景者优先;

    Economics and management , financial related professional master 's degree , with aviation background working in the field is preferred ;

  25. 近年来,战斗机作战效能研究在航空领域得到了广泛的重视。

    In recent years , the research of operational effectiveness of fighter planes is widely valued in the area of aeronautics .

  26. 在通用航空领域拥有大量的使用航空活塞发动机作为动力装置的飞机。

    In general aviation area , there are a large number of planes using air piston engines as the power plant .

  27. 先进树脂基复合材料在航空领域应用日益广泛,继铝、钢、钛之后,已迅速发展成为四大航空结构材料之一。

    Advanced polymer matrix composites have been one of the mainly aeronautical structure materials and used widely in military and civil aircraft .

  28. 它包括了在航空领域中数据模式的提炼(定义)和采用数据库及文管系统二者来满足系统对数据管理的要求。

    It includes the data scheme definition in aeronautical field and the data management solution using the data base and Archive system .

  29. 对航空领域里高速信号的瞬态变化过程进行捕获和分析,在现代航空电子系统的飞行试验中,显得越来越重要。

    In the flight test of avionics systems , capturing the transient signal and analysis of their characteristic parameters become increasingly important .

  30. 将收益管理的思想方法从航空领域向其他领域延伸是当前的热点问题,其中,集装箱班轮运输的收益管理问题正日益引起人们的广泛关注。

    How to spread the RM from airline to other industries becomes a hotspot problem now and the container transportation attracts more attentions .