
  • 网络Vessel name;name of vessel;Name of Ship
  1. 根据第17条将注册船舶名称的更改注册;

    A change of name of a registered ship under section 17 ;

  2. 各该船长,应于可能范围内,将其船舶名称及船籍港并开来及开往之处所,通知于他船舶。

    The shipmasters of each of the ships in collision is likewise bound so far as possible to make known to the other ship the name of his ship , its port of registry , and the places where she had departed from and is bound for .

  3. 赋权予注册官为船舶预留名称;

    Empowering the Registrar to reserve a name for a ship ;

  4. 赋权予注册官在以下情况下拒绝以建议的船舶注册名称

    Empowering the Registrar to refuse to register any ship by the name

  5. 有关船舶的名称及正式编号;

    The name and official number of the ship ;

  6. 申请书应当载明船舶的名称、申请船舶优先权催告的事实和理由。

    The application shall specify the name of the ship , the facts of and reasons for applying for publicizing notice for assertion of maritime liens .

  7. 预约保险单是指保险单仅作笼统的规定,将船舶的名称和其他事项在以后申报中确定。

    A floating policy is a policy which describes the insurance in general terms , and leaves the name of the ship or ships and other particulars to be defined by subsequent declaration .

  8. 在真正的时间就可以持续追踪在港口每一船舶的名称、位置和航程,当起雾的时候就能成为挽救生命的数据,而港口又会恢复和平。这个关键环节支持着每一次航行。

    In real time it constantly tracks the name , position and course of every vessel in the harbor , life saving data when the fog grows in and the harbour turns to peace soon . It keeps this critical link from sinking .

  9. 国际船舶运输经营者的名称、注册地、营业执照副本、主要出资人;

    Name , place of registration , copy of business license , and main capital subscribers of the international shipping operator ;