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jiān nán
  • difficult;hard;hardship;arduous;privation
艰难 [jiān nán]
  • [hard;difficult] 艰苦困难

  • 历艰难险巇。--孙文《黄花冈七十二烈士事略 序》

  • 漫长而艰难的行军

艰难[jiān nán]
  1. 这是一次艰难而曲折的旅行。

    It was a difficult and roundabout trip .

  2. 他不懂得失业后生活会是怎样的艰难。

    He has no conception of how difficult life is if you 're unemployed .

  3. 求职可能是一个漫长而又艰难的历程。

    Applying for jobs can be a long and painful process .

  4. 那是在物价飞涨、生活艰难的往昔。

    That was in the bad old days of rampant inflation .

  5. 他踏上了穿越林莽的艰难征程。

    He started to slog his way through the undergrowth .

  6. 他步履艰难地走完最后两英里到了城里。

    He trudged the last two miles to the town .

  7. 对我们所有人来说,那是一个艰难的时期。

    It was a stressful time for all of us .

  8. 我注视着她步履艰难地穿过田野。

    I watched her plodding her way across the field .

  9. 到山顶的路漫长而艰难。

    It was a long slog to the top of the mountain .

  10. 经过一番艰难的讨价还价,我们达成了协议。

    After much hard bargaining we reached an agreement .

  11. 他们不得不过着艰难的生活。

    They were condemned to a life of hardship .

  12. 她婚姻的破裂标志着她进入了一生中空前艰难的时期。

    The break-up of her marriage marked an all-time low in her life .

  13. 他艰难地从倒塌的大楼废墟底下慢慢爬了出来。

    Slowly , he clawed his way out from under the collapsed building .

  14. 公司在1000万英镑债务的重压下步履艰难。

    The company is staggering under the weight of a £ 10m debt .

  15. 老人往往靠十分微薄的收入艰难度日。

    Old people often subsist on very small incomes .

  16. 我们已渡过了经济衰退的最艰难时期。

    We 're over the worst of the recession .

  17. 他步履艰难地往家走,感到孤独而沮丧。

    He trudged home feeling lonely and let down .

  18. 一切都变得艰难了。

    Everything has become just that little bit harder .

  19. 要事业家庭两不误,有时会很艰难。

    It can be tough trying to juggle a career and a family .

  20. 考虑到处境的艰难,你已经做得相当不错了。

    You 've done very well , considering .

  21. 一个人独力抚养孩子是艰难的。

    It 's hard bringing up children alone .

  22. 这家俱乐部靠一点小钱艰难度日。

    The club exists on a shoestring budget .

  23. 她一个人抚养四个孩子一定很艰难。

    It must be hard for her , bringing up four children on her own .

  24. 我们冒雨艰难地跋涉。

    We plodded on through the rain .

  25. 对她宽容些吧——她目前的处境真是很艰难。

    Go easy on her ─ she 's having a really hard time at the moment .

  26. 美元与石油市场同时经历了艰难时期。

    The US dollar went through a difficult time , in company with the oil market .

  27. 我们步履艰难地一步一步往山上爬。

    We trudged up the hill .

  28. 那是个艰难的决定。

    That 's a tough call .

  29. 丑闻使政府处境艰难。

    The scandal rocked the government .

  30. 肖娜艰难地喘着气。

    Shona struggled for breath .