
  • 网络Color composition;Color Construction
  1. 探讨了计算机辅助平面构成、色彩构成、立体构成(三大构成)的课程教学,并指出三大构成的教学尤应结合计算机的应用,以提高教学水平和质量。

    This paper discusses teaching of computer aided plane construction , color construction and solid construction and points out that must be combined with computer for improving teaching level and quality .

  2. 周春芽色彩构成中传统人文精神的应用

    Humanity spirit 's application in color composition of Zhou Chunya

  3. 通过对色彩构成的相关理论的研究分析,提出了MCSES系统的配色推荐主要遵循的色彩设计原则;

    On the base of analyzing the theories on color constitution , principles of color scheming in MCSES are presented .

  4. 色彩构成的互补性

    The nature of complementing each other of color constitution

  5. 色彩构成是艺术设计专业的一门基础课。

    Color composition is a basic course for students majoring in arts design .

  6. 然而,城市的色彩构成是多元的,是一个复杂而庞大的色彩系统。

    However , cities are multi-color constitute a complex and large color system .

  7. 模糊集理论在色彩构成识别中的应用

    Applications of Fuzzy Sets Theory in Color-structure Recognition

  8. 从色彩构成教学看艺术专业学生创新能力的培养

    On the Training of Ability to Innovate for Artistic Majors from Teaching Color Composition

  9. 从色彩构成的角度分析室内设计中对色彩的运用;

    Reading the color of use within the interior design from the color constitute ;

  10. 合唱色彩构成要素分析

    Analysis on Composing Factors of Chorus Coloring

  11. 色彩构成的生态效应

    The Ecological Effect of the Colour Composition

  12. 论形态构成学之色彩构成教学

    On the Teaching of Color-construct of Morphology

  13. 无论尺寸大小,她的作品总是由迷人的曲线和小块的色彩构成。

    Whatever the size , her work consisted of amazing swirls and dabs of colour .

  14. 现代工业建筑的色彩构成设计

    Color formation of modern industrial architecture

  15. 楚青铜龙纹在现代色彩构成设计中的探索

    The Studying of the Dragon 's Stripe of Chu Bronze in the Modern Designation of Colorful Construction

  16. 色彩构成的再构成

    Re - composing of Color

  17. 论现代绘画色彩构成

    Color Constitution in Modern Painting

  18. 综合构成是“平面构成”、“色彩构成”、“立体构成”的合称。

    Comprehensive Formation is the general name of plane formation , color formation and Three Dimentional Composition .

  19. 色彩构成是以科学的色彩理论为依托的艺术设计专业的基础课程。

    Color composition is a basic course of art and design professional based on scientific color theory .

  20. 第二章阐述了工当代工笔花鸟画运用色彩构成的原因。

    Chapter two discusses the reason for using color composition in the elaborate-style paintings of birds and flowers .

  21. 色彩构成教学初探

    About Color Composition Teaching

  22. 他还常用金色、白色、蓝色、黑色、铅灰等色彩构成各种丰美的意象。

    He also constitutes images by means of colors , including gold , white , red , blue and grey .

  23. 高等职业院校《色彩构成》课程教学改革的思考

    A Brief Study of the Teaching Innovation on the Course of " the Composition of Colors " in Vocational College

  24. 摘要“平面构成”与“色彩构成”、“立体构成”组合成三大构成,是艺术设计专业的基础课。

    The basic courses for the major in art design consist of color composition , three-dimensional construction and planar formation .

  25. 利用模糊原理对其色彩构成进行识别,即把得到的直方图变成具有某种意义的模糊集,提取其隶属函数作为色彩构成特征量,依据模糊集理论中的择近原则,进行图像色彩构成的识别。

    In this way , similarity principle of fuzzy sets theory can be employed in the recognition of color-structure of color images .

  26. 报导了模糊集理论在色彩构成识别中应用的理论和实验结果。

    We report for the first time the theoretical and experimental results of the application of fuzzy sets theory in color-structure recognition .

  27. 当然,这些都会运用到色彩构成的三要素既明度、纯度和色相来完成的。

    Of course , these will be finished by applying both of three elements : color composition , purity and effect of color .

  28. 了解了色彩构成的原理、组成要素、表现手段等基本技能,这对画家们抒发自己的情感与意境起到了至关重要的作用。

    It is crucial for artists to express their emotions and artistic conception by understanding the composition of color like principles , constituents and performance .

  29. 《德伯家的苔丝》渗透出的浓浓的乡土色彩构成了哈代小说,尤其是性格与环境小说的另一重要特色。

    Tess of the d ' Urbervilles was also infiltrated with pronounced local color , which was another important feature of the Novels of Character and Environment .

  30. 色彩构成能够丰富学生的设计思维,提高审美的判断能力,倡导创新的变革精神。

    So the study and grasp of color formation have direct relationship with the accomplishment of color and the level of creation in designing work in the future .