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  1. 我是亚诺斯·佩克梅斯特,艾尔巴尤拉大学中世纪史系助教。

    I am Janos Pekmester , assistant professor in the medieval history department at the University of Alba Iula .

  2. 不过,力拓希望在2月12日发布全年业绩时,能宣布与中铝达成交易,以减轻该公司股价面临的压力,以及公司首席执行官汤姆•艾尔巴尼斯(TomAlbanese)身上的负担。

    However , the Anglo-Australian group hopes to have a deal to announce when it publishes its full-year results on February 12 , in order to take the pressure off its share price and off Tom Albanese , chief executive .

  3. 不过库艾尔巴斯-蒙斯表示,大部分技术设备都会是隐形的。

    However , Mr Cuervas-Mons claims much of the technology will be invisible .

  4. 包括他们在内,有四万名巴勒斯坦难民逃离了那赫艾尔巴里德战争区。

    They are among the40,000 Palestine Refugees who fled the fighting in Nahr el-Bared .

  5. 库艾尔巴斯-蒙斯表示,目前第一位体验者已经入住“实验公寓”。

    Mr Cuervas-Mons says the first inhabitant has already moved into the experimental apartment .

  6. 进行一次配股发行,尽管有可能伤害艾尔巴尼斯的骄傲感,但终究不算是一个问题。

    Getting away a rights issue , while possibly painful to Mr Albanese 's pride , would not be a problem .

  7. “我们知道那赫艾尔巴里德已经不在了”马涅说,“但是我们会返回去,把它重建起来。”

    " We know Nahr el-Bared is gone " said Mania . " But we go back and we rebuild it . "

  8. 伊德瑞斯•艾尔巴也是007粉丝眼中的热门人选,虽然他年纪太大不适合演邦德。《舞动人生》中的杰米•贝尔也是热门人选之一。

    Despite claiming he 's too old for the role , Idris Elba remains a popular choice with Bond fans , as does Billy Elliot star Jamie Bell .

  9. 35岁的抖森在本次竞争中击败了悬疑犯罪剧《路德》的男星伊德里斯•艾尔巴,网球名将安迪•穆雷和《五十度灰》的主演杰米•多南。

    Hiddleston , 35 , beat off competition from the likes of Luther star Idris Elba , tennis ace Andy Murray and Fifty Shades of Grey actor Jamie Dornan .

  10. 野心工厂的主管伊翁?库艾尔巴斯-蒙斯介绍说:该项目的硬件目前已基本完成,但软件开发工作只完成了40%。智能住宅出自这家西班牙的设计机构。

    ' The hardware is complete but only 40 percent of the software is finished , ' said Ion Cuervas-Mons , director of Think Big Factory , a Spanish design agency which created the project .

  11. 艾尔巴尼斯拒绝给出力拓希望从资本投资项目节省的具体金额,但他表示,力拓“能够在不牺牲未来增长的前提下,减少资本支出”。

    Mr Albanese declined to put a figure on how much Rio hoped to save from its capital spending programme but said the group had " the ability to reduce capital costs without sacrificing future growth " .