
jié yù shǒu shù
  • Birth control surgery;contraceptive operation;operation for birth controlling
  1. 对照组于术前30-60min单纯口服普尔丁40mg,按节育手术操作常规行取器术。

    40 mg of Nefopam Hydrochloride was orally administered 30 ~ 60 minutes before the operation , IUDs were removed according to the birth control operations ′ routine in the control group .

  2. 节育手术;知情选择;优质服务;

    Birth control operation Informed choice Quality of care ;

  3. 非法进行节育手术罪的构成要件问题探讨

    Discussing on Problems of Constitutions of the Crime of Illegally Conducting Operations against Birth Control

  4. 别忘了给我做节育手术,这样我会更健康。

    Please have me spayed or neutered , so that I can be even healthier .

  5. 北京市海淀区1986~2007年节育手术并发症分析

    Analysis on Complications of Contraceptive Operations in Haidian District of Beijing from 1986 to 2007

  6. 实施避孕节育手术,应当保证受术者的安全。

    Sterilization operations shall ensure the safety of those to whom the operations are performed .

  7. 其客观要件是实施了非法进行节育手术而情节严重的行为;

    Its objective formation essential is illegally conducting operations against birth control and gravity of the circumstances ;

  8. 实施假节育手术、进行假医学鉴定、出具假计划生育证明的。

    Performing false operations of birth control , using false medical identification or providing false family planning certificates .

  9. 目的探讨山东省农民参加节育手术保健保偿制的意愿。

    To discuss the peasants ' desire to take the prepayment scheme of birth controlling surgery in Shandong Province .

  10. 非法进行节育手术罪的客体应是“国家的计划生育制度”;

    The object of crime of illegally conducting operations against birth control should be " national birth control system ";

  11. 未经区、县卫生行政部门批准,从事中止妊娠术、节育手术或者助产技术等母婴保健专项技术服务;

    Being engaged in such special technical services for mother-baby health-care as suspension of pregnancy , birth-control operation , midwife technique , etc.

  12. 员工在享受产假、看护假、节育手术假时,其工资应如何支付?

    When employee is enjoying holiday of holiday of maternity leave , nurse , birth control operation , how should its salary pay ?

  13. 2001年5月一妇女因医院认为她不适合做节育手术而拒绝结扎,被福建一计划生育管理人员打死。

    In May2001 , birth-control officials in Fujian beat to death a woman who resisted sterilization after a hospital said the surgery was unadvisable .

  14. 由所有者花费数百美元对安哥鲁雪貂负责实施节育手术后,将其全部售出。

    The angora ferrets were then sold whole with the owners being responsible for having them fixed ( costing a few hundred dollars ) .

  15. 年秋季,捷克的兽医不能再为小于6个月的幼貂实施节育手术,丹麦的情形亦是如此。

    In the fall of2003 the vets in the Czech Republic would no longer fix the ferrets prior to6 months of age as was the case in Denmark .

  16. 有关部门有义务为育龄夫妇提供安全、有效的避孕药具和技术,保障实施节育手术的妇女的安全和健康。

    Relevant departments have the duty to provide couples at the child-bearing age with safe and effective contraceptives and techniques and ensure that women taking birth control measures are safe and healthy .

  17. 在农村,建立养老、子女安康、合作医疗、母婴保健保偿、计划免疫保偿和节育手术安全等多种形式的保障制度。

    In the countryside , there will be the multiple security system relating to the old-age insurance , children 's safety and health , cooperative medicare , maternal and child health care , planned immunity and birth-control operation safety ;

  18. 答:员工依法享受产假、看护假、节育手术假等假期,用人单位应当视为提供正常劳动并支付工资。

    Answer : employee enjoys the period of leave such as holiday of holiday of maternity leave , nurse , birth control operation lawfully , unit of choose and employ persons ought to regard as provide normal work and pay salary .

  19. 结果76.7%的群众支持保偿制,有15.3%的调查对象不支持实行保偿制,年龄、是否落实节育手术、采取的不同节育措施等因素影响人们的参保意愿。

    The results showed that 76.7 % of persons supported the prepayment scheme , neither did 15.3 % . Many factors influenced their desire such as age , whether taking birth controlling surgery , taking different measures for birth controlling and so on .

  20. 育龄夫妻双方按照国家有关规定计划生育,有关部门应当提供安全、有效的避孕药具和技术,保障实施节育手术的妇女的健康和安全。

    Where a couple of child-bearing age practise family planning according to the relevant regulations of the state , the departments concerned shall provide safe and effective contraceptives and techniques , and ensure the health and safety of the woman receiving any birth-control operation .

  21. 我们认为,刑法设置非法进行节育手术罪的目的主要是为了防范和打击各类严重破坏国家计划生育立法、危害妇女生命健康的犯罪行为。

    We holds this view , the purpose that the criminal law establishes the crime of illegal proceeding practice on birth controls primarily is to stand against various serious activities breaking the national - planned parenthood laws which endangers the health and life of the women .

  22. 出售前,《鹦鹉世界》通过一位纽约的兽医对幼仔实施节育以及切除臭腺手术。

    Parrots of the World utilized a NY vet to fix and descent the kits prior to any sale .

  23. 雪貂被送到捷克由有资质的兽医(该兽医已进行上千次此类手术)实施节育以及切除臭腺手术,然后运往美国。

    The ferrets were sent to the Czech Republic to be fixed and descented by a qualified vet who has performed this procedure thousands of times and then shipped to the US .