
  • 网络Phnix;PFENNIG;Charles Finney;Fanny
  1. 他给我一个芬尼当小费。

    He tipped me one pfennig .

  2. 《芬尼与亚历山大》(1982)是伯格曼一生最受褒奖的作品之一,拿到了包括最佳外语片奖在内的四项奥斯卡奖。

    " Fanny and Alexander ," 1982 , was one of Bergman 's most prized productions during his lifetime , winning four Oscars , including the best foreign language film .

  3. RP-HPLC测定盐酸地芬尼多片的含量与有关物质

    Determination of Content and Related Substances in Difenidol Hydrochloride Tablets by RP-HPLC

  4. RP-HPLC测定盐酸地芬尼多原料的有关物质上海市实物地质资料信息管理与服务系统建设

    Determination of the Related Substances of Difenidol Hydrochloride by RP-HPLC Construction of the Geological Material Information Management and Service System in Shanghai

  5. 2死后再分布模型大鼠30只,分别灌服盐酸地芬尼多800mg/kg,观察4小时,颈椎脱臼致死。

    After having been observed for 4 hours , the rats , which were alive , were executed by a cervical vertebrae luxation .

  6. 苏格兰的芬尼赫斯特城堡(FerniehirstCastle)是科尔(Kerr)家族祖传的居所。科尔家族的先祖随着威廉一世(WilliamtheConqueror)在1066年来到英国。

    Ferniehirst Castle in Scotland is the ancestral home of the Kerr family , which traces their family tree back to their arrival in Britain alongside William the Conqueror in 1066 .

  7. 家兔12只,分4组,完全夹闭气管12分钟后0分钟、30分钟、60分钟、120分钟分别经灌胃灌入盐酸地芬尼多400mg/kg,24小时后取材。

    1.3.1 Postmortem diffusion : After having been shutted the windpipe completely for 12 minutes , twenty four domestic rabbits were respectively given an administration of difenidol hydrochloride ( 400mg / kg ) by a stomach tube .

  8. 盐酸地芬尼多在中毒大鼠体内死后再分布的研究

    Study on the Postmortem Redistribution of Difenidol Hydrochloride in Poisoned Rats

  9. 他们会嘲弄地说,小芬尼亚来了。

    " Here comes the little Fenian ," they 'd jeer .

  10. 他会没事的,可是芬尼去了哪里呢?

    He 'll be fine , but where is Finney gone ?

  11. 有人说最早的欢舞者是一个芬尼安。

    It 's said that the first Galliard was a Fianna .

  12. 1例地芬尼多中毒小儿的救治及护理

    Rescue and nursing care of a child with difenidol poisoning

  13. 芬尼向基顿伸出手去的一幅定格画面。

    A freeze-frame of Finney reaching out to keaton .

  14. 呜兹这一阵稀里哗啦的乱折腾,惊动了温室里的另一位主人&芬尼。

    While that noise Woods tossing , alerted the owner of another greenhouse-Finney .

  15. 芬尼决定给这个闯入一点教训。

    Finney decided to give this into a lesson .

  16. 目的:对盐酸地芬尼多片进行溶出度测定,以考察其质量。

    OBJECTIVE : To determine dissolution of various difenidol hydrochloride tablets and investigate its quality .

  17. 比上一交易日上涨了2.75芬尼。

    That 's a gain of two and three quarters on the previous close there .

  18. 那怎么还中了芬尼的毒?

    Then how Finney poisons you ?

  19. 芬尼的两颗大毒牙就在他鼻子前晃荡,毒液滴成了两排。

    Two large fangs of Finney in his nose , the venom dripping into two rows .

  20. 结论:舒芬尼与芬太尼均有一定程度的镇静作用,且1∶10舒芬尼的镇静作用强于芬太尼。

    Conclusions : The sedation effect of 1 ∶ 10 sufentanil is better than that of fentanyl .

  21. 但芬尼有竞争对手。

    But Feeny has competition .

  22. 是不是被芬尼咬了?

    Are you being bitten ?

  23. 本文采用阴离子表面活性剂滴定法测定盐酸地芬尼多片的含量及含量均匀度。

    An anionic surfactant titration was established for the determination of diphenidol hydrochloride tablet and content uniformity .

  24. 芬尼先生感谢他的朋友和家人们能亲自到柏林罕去观看他比赛。

    Mister Finney thanked all his friends and family members who traveled to Bellingham to watch him compete .

  25. 幸运的芬尼被海关稽查处截获,并被送到了生物研究所。

    Fortunately , Finney was intercepted by customs inspection at , and was sent to the Institute of Biology .

  26. 芬尼安和他们的亲属关系亲密,并且会勇猛地保护他们,这造成过很多冲突。

    Fianna are close to their Kinfolk and fiercely protective , a fact that has led to no few skirmishes .

  27. 芬尼见老鼠仍是毫无逃跑的意思,只能以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势扑向呜兹。

    Finney still saw the rat no trend to escape and can only be a tendency toward Woods in haste .

  28. 在年轻时,芬尼曾经挨家挨户推销圣诞卡,清除社区车道上的积雪,还在高尔夫球场当过球童。

    Feeney made money in his youth selling Christmas cards door-to-door , clearing snow from driveways and caddying at golf courses .

  29. 科莱特吃力地抓起芬尼的头,看到他滴着血的嘴里居然齐根断了一颗毒牙。

    Klaette struggled to grab the head of Finney and saw her mouth dripping blood , a broken fang actually from roots .

  30. 芬尼惊愕的空当呜兹本该趁机逃跑,怎奈他两腿只顾着打颤,怎么都迈不开步子。

    Woods should escape when the moment Finney has dismay , persevering seeking only his legs trembled , cannot make a step .