
  • shower caddy, shower head;Shower;Hand Shower;Rain Shower
  1. 麦田在微风中成波浪状起伏;麦浪随风波动。专用节水阀、用花洒,喷射力强,随开随用杜绝浪费。

    The wheat field rippled in the breeze . Special water-saving valve , special shower head with strong spray power , using while bathing can put an end to waste .

  2. 安装花洒最简单的方法就是在浴缸上面装一个。

    The simplest way to install a shower is to fit one over the bath .

  3. 淋浴花洒是现代家居生活中不可或缺的物品。

    Shower nozzle is an indispensable item in modern home life .

  4. 首先,测量你目前使用的花洒的用水量。

    First , measure the water consumption of your current showerhead .

  5. 保火灾、爆喉、自动灭火花洒渗漏及爆炸。

    Fire , Bursting Pipes , Sprinkler Leakage & Explosion only .

  6. 说明:可调整淋浴花洒高低,下出水。

    Remarks : The adjustable shower height under the water .

  7. 控制用花洒淋浴的时间到5分钟内。

    Try to restrict your shower time to no more than 5 minutes .

  8. 我希望你有自己的花洒。

    I hope you have your own watering can .

  9. 花洒头之间的距离测量用于灌溉。

    Measure distances between sprinkler heads for irrigation .

  10. 如果喷出的水高于之前标注的水位线的话,就换个新的花洒吧。

    If the water goes higher than the mark , get a new showerhead .

  11. 他居然没有花洒,

    he didn 't have his own watering can

  12. 严禁使用花洒、自动喷灌系统以及无人值守的灌溉系统。

    Sprinklers , garden irrigation systems and unattended hoses are not permitted at any time .

  13. 我自己有花洒。

    And I have my own can .

  14. 龙伍卫浴是一家专业生产高档花洒分水器的卫浴公司!

    Wu Long is a professional production of high-grade bathroom shower bathroom water separator company !

  15. 然后把桶放在花洒下,让花洒喷水一分钟整。

    Then , put the bucket under the shower and run the water for exactly one minute .

  16. 快速感应型消防花洒头

    Fast response type sprinkler head

  17. 将西兰花洒上点盐及橄榄油,用烤炉烤、平底锅炒,或蒸均可。

    Saut é on top of the stove only in olive oil , sesame oil , or butter .

  18. 爱然卫浴是新型的卫浴制造厂家,主要生产永不爆裂的淋浴房、花洒、龙头。

    Love Ran bathroom is the new bathroom manufacturers , the main production Never burstshower rooms , showers , hydrants .

  19. 第二档选择手持花洒,让你每一寸肌肤都享受到淋浴的感觉。

    The second hand-held shower stall selection , so you enjoy a shower every inch of your skin are feeling .

  20. 为了避免造成不必要的故障,浴霸应该尽量安装在离花洒稍远的位置。

    In order to avoid causing unnecessary failures , Yuba should try to install the sprinklers is distant from the location .

  21. 第一档选择顶喷花洒淋浴,出水流量均匀,是你享受淋浴的快感。

    Select the first file Top spray shower , the water flow evenly , is that you enjoy the shower of pleasure .

  22. 从花洒中喷出的水因为含有气泡,所以被分解成大而柔和、布满空气的水滴。

    From the flower because the ejective water in aspersion contains bleb , be decomposed so big and downy , be full of airy water .

  23. 多种出水方式不再是高级花洒的专利,而逐渐普及到普通的花洒品牌。

    A variety of means giving water are the patent that advanced flower asperses no longer , and popularize common flower to asperse a brand gradually .

  24. 镜和门所占的墙不可在南方,洗手盆、花洒和水盆宜放在北、东北或东方。

    Lens and the wall that the door occupies cannot be in southern , lavabo , flower is aspersed and birdbath appropriate is put in north , northeast or east .

  25. 花乐公司主要生产花乐牌淋浴器,花洒,升降杆,软管,水龙头及淋浴屏等洁具系列产品。

    Huale Company is a factory , which is specialized in manufacturing Huale Brand shower , showerhead , sliding bar , flexible hose , faucet and shower panel , and etc.

  26. 该装置借助一个水冷隔热系统和一个花洒式溶液循环系统,解决了传统光助电化学刻蚀装置中溶液升温和气泡堆积的问题。

    With the help of a water-cooling system and a shower-head shaped circulator , the novel photoelectrochemical etching setup resolved the problems of electrolyte temperature going high and hydrogen bubbles assembling .

  27. 宫殿般的皇家套房十分适合王公贵族居住,有豪华的休息厅、图书馆和影院,还有两个主卧,每间都有最大号浴缸和五头花洒。

    The palatial Royal Suite is fit for a maharaja , with an exquisite lounge , library and cinema room , along with two master bathrooms , each with full-size jacuzzis and separate five-head rain showers .