
huā kuí
  • tree mallow
花葵[huā kuí]
  1. 目前只有海雀受到花葵蔓延的影响。然而研究者警告其他地面筑巢的海鸟可能很快就会受到影响,包括银鸥、黑背鸥和鸬。

    At present , only puffins have been affected by the tree mallow 's spread . however , researchers warn other ground-nesting seabirds could soon be affected , including herring gulls , black-backed gulls and cormorants .

  2. 大花葵红色素理化特性研究

    Study on physico-chemical properties of the pigment in flowers of mallow

  3. 盐胁迫下电场处理对花葵种子发芽率的影响

    Effect of electric field treatment on seed germination of sunflower under salt stress Flowers