
  • 网络suharto;Soeharto;Tommy Suharto
  1. 苏哈托总统演讲的整个基调是强调连续性与稳定性。

    The whole tone of President Suharto 's speech was one of continuity and stability .

  2. 苏哈托去年11月致函SFO,断然否认一切指控,并称这些指控系捏造。

    Mr Suharto wrote to the SFO in November to deny categorically all wrongdoing , adding that the accusations were false .

  3. 苏哈托的新秩序(NewOrder)政权结构类似一个金字塔。

    The political power structure of New Order seems like a pyramid .

  4. 印尼三林家族(Salim)控制着从汽车销售到当地肯德基(KFC)特许经营权的相当大一部分经济。该家族在苏哈托(Suharto)独裁时期取得垄断的磨面许可,由此打造起印多福公司。

    Indonesia 's Salim family , which built Indofood after obtaining a monopoly licence to mill flour under the Suharto dictatorship , controls large parts of the economy from car distribution to the local KFC franchise .

  5. 苏哈托之子被判处15年徒刑

    Suharto 's Son Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison

  6. 在苏哈托执政时(1965&1998年),当地经济获得了长足的发展。

    Under the regime of Suharto ( 1965-1998 ), the country experienced considerable economic growth .

  7. 这将是前总统苏哈托1998年下台以来印尼举行的第二次民主选举。

    It will be the second democratic presidential election since President Suharto stepped down in 1998 .

  8. 苏哈托家族中存在的裙带主义造成了这个亚洲国家的经济崩溃。

    In Indonesia , the nepotism within the Suharto family caused the economic breakdown of the Asian country .

  9. 但即便是在后苏哈托时代,人们也从未对研究那场大清洗运动产生过太大兴趣。

    Yet there has never been a great deal of interest even in post-Suharto Indonesia in examining the purges .

  10. 检察官们表示,这笔资金没有用作向贫困孩子发放奖学金,而是转移给了苏哈托的其它家族基金会和企业。

    Prosecutors say that rather than going to scholarships , the money was diverted to other family foundations and companies .

  11. 据报道苏哈托和他的家族累积财富达400亿美元。

    Suharto nb sp ; and his family are reported to have accumulated up to nbsp ; 40 BILLION USD in wealth .

  12. 检察官表示,在对这起民事诉讼的进展进行评估后,他们将决定是否起诉苏哈托的另外6家基金会。

    Prosecutors have said they will decide whether to sue the other six foundations after assessing progress of the initial civil suit .

  13. 并在苏哈托担任总统之前,任期中及之后作为老师拍摄了一系列纪录短片。

    Next to attending workshops as a tutor he has shot several short documentaries before , during and after Suharto stepped down as a president .

  14. 许多印尼人单纯地想忽略掉这段历史,将这段屠杀视作苏哈托时代开始的一个标志,而苏哈托统治时期正是新民主政体希望遗忘的一个时代。

    Many Indonesians simply would rather look forward , seeing the killings as the beginning of the Suharto era that the new democracy wants to put behind it .

  15. 他们还指出,当年处在杀戮中心的刽子手们仍然手握重权,几十年来把持着苏哈托时代留存下来的那些机构组织。

    They also point to the lasting power of people at the heart of the killings , who maintained power for decades in organizations that have survived the Suharto era .

  16. 透明国际估计,从苏哈托1966年掌权到他统治结束期间,苏哈托及其家族共聚敛了高达350亿美元的财富。

    Transparency International estimated Mr Suharto and his family amassed a fortune of up to $ 35bn between his ascent to power in 1966 and the end of his rule .

  17. 检察官说前总统苏哈托必须解释他们所说的慈善基金里丢失的4亿多美金到底哪里去了?

    Prosecutors say he must explain what happens to more than 400 million dollars which they say is missing from a charitable foundation . From Jakarta , Lucy Williamson reports .

  18. 那场杀戮奠定了苏哈托统治的基础,印尼学校一直将1965年的事件描述为挫败了一个威胁国家未来的政治派别。

    The killings laid the foundations for Suharto 's rule , and schools have long presented 1965 as the defeat of a political faction that threatened the nation 's future .

  19. 当印度尼西亚在经历苏哈托的长期独裁统治后,开始寻求新的开始时,众人将目光转向梅加瓦蒂??苏加诺,其父亲任总统时被苏哈托推翻。

    When Indonesia was seeking a new start after the removal of its long serving dictator , Suharto , it turned to Megawati Sukarnoputri , the daughter of the man he overthrew .

  20. 这个期间,国家的惟一焦点是经济增长,很大比重的利益只在苏哈托家族和他们的伙伴之间分配。

    During this period , when the exclusive focus of the country was economic growth , a large portion of the benefits was narrowly divided among the Suharto family and their cronies .

  21. 苏哈托时期,由于环境的改善,政府大力引进国外技术和资金发展本国科技,建立起了科研体系,在高技术方面有了迅猛的发展。

    Suharto period , due to improvement of the environment , the government vigorously introducing foreign technology and funds to develop its own technology , has established a scientific research system , there have been rapid in the high-tech development .

  22. 揭示了在后苏哈托时代里一套人道的、平等的华人政策的制定和实施,以及印及华人政治、文化境况的彻底改善,还将是一个复杂的、漫长的过程;

    It will be a long and complex process for the post Suharto Government to make and carry out a set of fair policies toward the ethnic Chinese , and totally improve the political and cultural conditions of the Chinese community .