
  • 网络Scottish Independence Referendum
  1. 经合组织(OECD)昨日表示,对苏格兰独立公投以及中东和乌克兰冲突的担忧损害了世界经济前景。

    Fears of disruption following a Scottish vote for independence and conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine have damaged prospects for the world economy , the OECD said yesterday .

  2. 如今,距苏格兰独立公投只剩几天时间了。

    A poll on Scottish independence is only days away .

  3. 苏格兰独立公投是企业变哑巴的另一个例子。

    The referendum on Scottish independence is another example of corporate reticence .

  4. 一直到不久前,我都认为自己不太关心苏格兰独立公投的事。

    Until recently , I thought I did not much care if Scotland voted for independence .

  5. 日前,英国女王表示希望苏格兰独立公投的选民们一定要认真考虑之后,再决定是否愿意与在一起联合了300多年的英格兰分开。

    The Queen has pleaded with voters in Scotland to think carefully before breaking apart the 300-year-old union with England .

  6. 这标志着一家国际机构首次警告苏格兰独立公投对全球经济造成的整体后果。

    This marks the first time an international body has warned of the wider consequences to the global economy of a Scottish Yes vote .

  7. 布朗首相指出他将“不惜手段”维护英国领土完整并震慑苏格兰独立公投的逐渐抬头。

    Gordon Brown has vowed to do " whatever is necessary " to preserve the United Kingdom in the wake of a bruising battle over a referendum on Scottish independence .

  8. 答案是,苏格兰独立公投让我意识到,我的身份认同感和个人安全感与英国国籍的联系是多么的紧密。

    The answer is that the Scottish referendum has made me realise how much my own sense of identity , and personal security , is tied up with my British nationality .

  9. 许多欧洲国家政府担心,苏格兰独立公投会促进整个欧洲大陆的分裂运动。它们并没有兴趣让一个新分离出来的国家轻松快活地过日子。

    Many European governments fear that a vote for Scottish independence will give succour to separatist movements across the continent . They have little interest in making life easy for a new breakaway state .

  10. 如果该法令得以执行,加泰罗尼亚公投将于11月9日举行,也就是在里程碑式的苏格兰独立公投之后还不到两个月;苏格兰公投的结果是55%的选民拒绝独立。

    If it goes ahead , the Catalan plebiscite would take place on November 9 , less than two months after a landmark in Scotland that saw 55 per cent of voters reject independence .

  11. 美国担心,苏格兰独立的公投结果将增加英国其余部分投票退出欧盟的几率,美国官员认为,这将使英国成为一个不那么得力的合作伙伴。

    The US is worried that a Yes vote could increase the chances that the rest of the UK might vote to leave the EU , which US officials believe would make Britain a much less potent partner .

  12. 9月18日,苏格兰将举行独立公投。

    On September 18 , Scotland will vote on independence .

  13. 英国首相鲍里斯·约翰逊排除了苏格兰进行新的独立公投的可能性。

    British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has a new independence vote for Scotland .

  14. 苏格兰历史性的独立公投引起了全世界人的关注,许多国家密切关注其结果。

    Scotland 's historic referendum on independence has resonated across the world , with many countries watching its outcome closely .

  15. 昨天就苏格兰脱离英国的独立公投大多数人投出了反对票。

    The majority of valid votes cast yesterday by the people of Scotland in response to the referendum question should Scotland be an independent country were in favor of " No. " Yes !

  16. 在与斯特金会晤之后,梅表现出不愿考虑苏格兰第二次独立公投,她表示,苏格兰人民已于2014年传达出了一个“相当明确的消息”了。

    Following a meeting with Ms. Sturgeon , Mrs. May appeared unwilling to consider a second referendum on Scottish independence , saying people in Scotland sent a " very clear message " in 2014 .

  17. 售货员能够快速报出用欧元、人民币和美元等货币计算的价格(未提到苏格兰磅)(编者注:此文写于苏格兰独立公投之前)。没人隐瞒他们拥有外汇的事实,尽管这些外汇只能从国家体系之外获得。

    Shop assistants are able to rattle off prices in euros , renminbi and dollars - just for starters . ( No mention yet of the Scottish pound . ) No one hides the fact they have foreign currency , even though this can only have been obtained outside the state system .

  18. 几乎与悲情政治在苏格兰抬头同样令人沮丧的是,英国其余地方对苏格兰独立公投显得无动于衷。如果那天萨尔蒙德真的赢了,那么这种冷漠态度就不只是显得不负责任了。

    Almost as depressing as the politics of grievance now surfacing in Scotland is the shrug of indifference the campaign has stirred in the rest of the UK . If Mr Salmond does win the day , such nonchalance will seem more than irresponsible .