
sū lí shì
  • Zurich;Switzerland;Zürich;ZRH
  1. 苏黎世的金价下挫2美元,以385.50元开盘。

    Gold declined $ 2 in Zurich to open at 385.50

  2. 即使身在苏黎世,他也一直关注着郡际板球赛的比分。

    Even in Zurich he kept up with the County cricket scores .

  3. 英国驻苏黎世领事证实被害人中有一名英国籍男子。

    The British Consul in Zurich has confirmed that a British man was among the people killed .

  4. 苏黎世的富足最初来自于14世纪对丝绸贸易的高度垄断。

    Zurich 's affluence came initially from cornering a sizeable chunk of the 14th Century silk trade .

  5. 我给上校打电话请他推荐我去填补苏黎世的那个职位空缺。

    I rang the Colonel and asked him to put my name forward for the vacancy in Zurich .

  6. 爱因斯坦在瑞士读完高中后进入苏黎世的一所大学。

    Einstein finished high school in Switzerland and entered a university in Zurich .

  7. 今年7月,AIG以20亿美元的价格,将旗下汽车子公司卖给了苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)。

    In July , it sold its automobiles subsidiary to Zurich Financial Services for $ 2bn .

  8. 在近期由美国瑞士基金会(americanswissfoundation)主办的一次苏黎世-伯尔尼之旅中,我发现很多瑞士人仍对此愤恨不已。

    On a recent trip to Zurich and Bern hosted by the American Swiss Foundation , I found many Swiss still resentful .

  9. 苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)首席经济学家DanielHoffman表示,其中一个问题就是经济差异。

    Zurich Financial Services Group Chief Economist Daniel Hoffman said one of those issues is economic .

  10. 53岁的苏黎世保险公司(ZurichInsuranceGroup)首席财务官皮埃尔•瓦塞勒,与公司的首席执行官处于激烈的斗争之中。

    Pierre Wauthier , 53 , CFO at Zurich Insurance Group was in the middle of a horrendous conflict with his CEO .

  11. 苏黎世保险(ZurichInsurance)将出售其在新华人寿(NewChinaLife)所持剩余股份,成为最新一家抛出在华投资的西方金融企业。

    Zurich Insurance is to sell the remainder of its stake in New China Life , becoming the latest western financial company to sell down its Chinese investment .

  12. 公司CEO沈文天在9月3日的电话会议中向分析师保证,苏黎世目前状况良好。

    In a September 3 conference call , CEO Martin Senn assured analysts Zurich was in good shape .

  13. 这样的假设就使苏黎世大学的研究员们明白,集中精力研究GABA接收器是关键所在。

    So it made sense for the Zurich researchers to focus on GABA receptors .

  14. 瑞士苏黎世当地时间11日,梅西荣膺2015世界最佳球员奖项——金球奖,结束了C罗此前两年对这一足坛个人最高荣誉的垄断。

    Messi won the Ballon d'Or trophy in Zurich on Monday as the world 's best player in 2015 , ending Cristiano Ronaldo 's two-year hold on soccer 's top individual honor .

  15. BelaBan在瑞士的苏黎世大学完成了他的哲学博士学位。

    Bela Ban completed his PhD at the University of Zurich , Switzerland .

  16. 6月1日在苏黎世(Zurich)一场主席选举将如期举行。

    IN ZURICH on June 1st a presidential election is due to take place .

  17. IBM公司与瑞士苏黎世联邦技术学院本周二宣布,他们计划利用水冷超级计算机系统散热过程中产生的热水来为学院的大楼供热。

    IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich plan to build a water-cooled supercomputer whose surplus heat will be re-used to heat the university 's buildings .

  18. 苏黎世的经济学家彼得??H??埃格尔(PeterH.Egger)和安德烈娅??拉斯曼(AndreaLassman)近期分析了81篇有关语言和国际贸易的学术论文。

    The Zurich-based economists Peter H. Egger and Andrea Lassmann recently analysed 81 academic articles on language and international trade .

  19. 总部位于苏黎世的EFGInternational将准备接收安勤私人银行的香港业务,可能将接管大约8.83亿美元的资产。

    Zurich-based EFG International will look to take over Falcon 's Hong Kong business and could assume around 883 million dollars in assets under management .

  20. 同样来自哥廷根的瑞士逻辑学家P.博内斯,是希尔伯特的亲密伙伴,也已经回到了苏黎世。

    The Swiss logician P. Bernays , a close associate of Hilbert , and another exile from Gttingen , had returned to Z ü rich .

  21. 苏黎世保险(ZurichInsurance)董事长汤姆.德斯瓦恩(TomdeSwaan)主张,由于大型金融集团很复杂,因此它们应该分别任命董事长和CEO。

    Tom de Swaan , chairman of Zurich Insurance , argues that big financial groups should separate the roles because of their complexity .

  22. 上个月,苏黎世表示,愿意出价56亿英镑——约合87亿美元,555亿元人民币——收购RSA。

    Last month , it indicated that it was willing to offer 5.6 billion pounds , or about $ 8.7 billion , for RSA .

  23. 苏黎世司法部长MartinGraf称,自由的声音赢得胜利。

    The head of the justice department for Zurich , Martin Graf , said the liberal voices had won .

  24. 我们的体育记者AlexCapstick从苏黎世发回报道。

    Our sports correspondent Alex Capstick reports from Zurich .

  25. 在一个周五的下午5点,谷歌(Google)苏黎世工程中心,那曲Heidi歌从扬声器中传了出来。

    At five o'clock on a Friday afternoon at Google 's engineering centre in Zurich , the Heidi song comes over the loudspeakers .

  26. 去年,瑞士表明福特在苏黎世23汽车展的概念福克斯RSWRC版。

    Last year Ford Switzerland showed a concept Focus RS WRC Edition at the23rd Auto Z ü rich Show .

  27. 苏黎世是欧洲最大的保险公司之一,它于今年7月声称,考虑对RSA保险集团主动发起收购。

    The company , one of the largest insurers in Europe , had said in July that it was considering making an unsolicited bid for RSA .

  28. 去年,在苏黎世保险收购英国保险公司RSA未果、并在美国和中国遇到问题之后,沈文天同意辞去首席执行官之职。

    He agreed to step down after Zurich failed to acquire the UK insurer RSA last year , and faced problems in the US and China .

  29. 欧洲保险集团&苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)预计,其未来的中国业务发展,除现有的在华外企客户外,将主要依赖中国国内企业的海外活动。

    Zurich Financial Services , the European insurance group , expects its future China business to rely heavily on Chinese domestic enterprises ' activities overseas , in addition to its existing client base of foreign corporations .

  30. “中国正走上一条非常不均衡的经济增长道路,”全球保险集团苏黎世金融服务集团(zurichfinancialservices)集团首席经济学家丹尼尔霍夫曼(danielhofmann)表示。

    " China is on a very unbalanced path of economic growth , " said Daniel Hofmann , group chief economist at Zurich Financial Services , the global insurance group .