
kǔ xíng
  • austerity;asceticism;ascetic practices;life of self-denial and mortification
苦行 [kǔ xíng]
  • [asceticism;ascetic practices] 某些宗教徒的修行手段,故意用一般人难以忍受的种种痛苦来折磨自己

  • 他的苦行已明显可见

苦行[kǔ xíng]
  1. 她苦行主义的忠实气质是一种危险的升华。

    Her mood of ecstatic fidelity was a dangerous exaltation .

  2. 我说的并不是苦行主义或禁欲主义。

    I am not speaking here about asceticism or abstinence .

  3. 婆罗门!我的孩子!请停止练习进一步的苦行

    Brahman ! O my child ! Cease from practising further penances .

  4. 这个隐士过的是苦行生活。

    The hermit followed an ascetic life-style .

  5. 苦行,放弃,否定,这些对我并不是全新的东西。

    Austerity , renunciation , negation were not wholly new to me ;

  6. 没有苦行能得到神的恩典吗?

    Can one receive the grace of God without austerities ?

  7. 他下一步是实行苦行,在沙门中十分普遍。

    He next practised asceticism , which was very common among samanas .

  8. 早先居住在高柱子顶端的基督教苦行修道者。

    An early Christian ascetic who lived on top of high pillars .

  9. 修女过的那种清心寡欲的苦行生活。

    A life of complete renunciation as a nun .

  10. 他们的斋戒是更严格的,他们的其他苦行演习严格。

    Their fasts are more rigid , and their other ascetic exercises stricter .

  11. 他潜心于紧张的苦行修炼。

    He subjected himself to a strenuous ascetic discipline .

  12. 苦行主义是他的品质之一。

    Asceticism was a hallmark of his brand .

  13. 他反对为科学献身的苦行主义,主张快乐的科学。

    Her opposed the asceticism of devotion to sciences , advocated the gay science .

  14. 她妹妹性格外向,爱寻求欢乐,而她崇尚苦行,生活严谨。

    Her sister is extrovert and funloving , while she is ascetic and strict .

  15. 早期基督教徒的苦行他那苦行僧似的瘦脸反映出他正在冥思苦索。

    Early Christian austerities His thin , ascetic face mirrows an intensity of thought .

  16. 而是在通过苦行体验、感官剥离和返璞归真寻求启蒙。

    but instead was seeking enlightenment through ascetic experience , deprivation , and simplicity .

  17. 在这个“苦行”时期销售顶级豪华汽车是非常棘手的。

    In these hair-shirt times , selling the ultimate statement of automotive luxury is tricky .

  18. 热与光:苦行与精进&略论中印太阳和火神话及相关的宗教问题

    Ancient Chinese and Indian Myths of the Sun and the Fire and Relevant Religious Problems

  19. 众神之王不得不以苦行来为自己的过错赎罪。

    The king of the gods had to perform penance to atone for his transgression .

  20. 他成为奥古斯丁时期的修士,他实行苦行主义以致身体受到了伤害。

    He became an Augustinian monk and practised such asceticism that his health was impaired .

  21. 苦行则焚烧了所有的不净,身体和感官都变得超级精细。

    As intense discipline burns up impurities , the body and its senses become supremely refined .

  22. 带回来很多我年轻的时候在布茹阿佳苦行的极乐的记忆。

    Bring back lots of blissful memories of the austerities of my youthful days in Vraja .

  23. 灼热之光(神圣):现在同样增加神圣新星与苦行的伤害。

    Searing Light ( Holy ): Now also increases the damage of your Holy Nova and Penance spells .

  24. 精进是纯净、满足、苦行、研读和敬神。

    The niyamas ( observances ) are purity , contentment , mortification , study and devotion to God .

  25. 六年苦行,他瘦得皮包骨头,身体非常虚弱。

    Due to exhaustion and years of ascetic life , he became a bag of bones and very weak .

  26. 那时候,两个主要的训练是为了启迪而设的,是静心和苦行。

    By that time , the two major disciplines for the sake of enlightenment were meditation and ascetic austeritics .

  27. 抑制通过克己或自我苦行的方式抑制(一个人的身体或物质欲望)

    To discipline ( one 's body and physical appetites ) by self - denial or self - inflicted privation .

  28. 他苦行多年,获得了足够的功力而成为了三界的国王。

    He performed severe penance for many years to gain enough power to become the king of the three worlds .

  29. 这正是大多数人如何看待他们的食物选择的不健康的放纵或者不堪忍受的苦行二者不可调和。

    This is precisely how most people view their food choices-as unhealthy indulgence or unbearable privation-with little grey area in-between .

  30. 由于没有机会救度他以前的老师,于是佛陀出发前往会遇五位苦行比丘。

    Not having the opportunity to save His former teachers , He set out to travel and meet the5 ascetics .