
yīng míng
  • wise;brilliant
英明 [yīng míng]
  • [wise;brilliant] 卓越而有见识

  • 英明的决策

英明[yīng míng]
  1. 他是一位非常勇敢而英明的领袖。

    He is a very brave and wise leader .

  2. 就像对转基因的非理性恐惧一样,其实一般来讲,我们人类足够英明,能够快速小心地处理好这些问题。

    As with hysteria about genetic modification , we humans are generally wise enough to manage these problems with speed and care .

  3. Conversationalremorse指跟别人说完话,你才想起来之前应该说的都没有说,这些谈话过后才想起来说的可能是机智的回击,英明的建议或者有用的信息。

    Conversational1 remorse2 is the feeling you get after leaving a conversation and thinking of all the things you should have said when you were in the conversation , be it witty3 feedback , wise advice or informative4 message . For example :

  4. 她对昆虫发动的战争似乎是英明的,有益处的。

    Her campaign against insects seemed sensible and useful .

  5. n.领导这次晋升是对您英明领导的高度肯定。

    leadership This advancement is a well-deserved recognition of your competent leadership .

  6. 欧洲中央银行在其行长让-克洛德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)的英明领导下,发挥着决定性的作用。

    The European Central Bank played a decisive role under the able leadership of its president , Jean-Claude Trichet .

  7. 这也让我意识到当初美国司法部(DOJ)决定将微软拆分为多个业务部门的想法是多么英明。

    It makes me think that the DoJ had the right idea way back when & break up MS into several baby-bills .

  8. 奥巴马派遣两位华裔美国人能源部长朱棣文(stevenchu)和商务部长骆家辉(garylocke)前往北京访问,作为今年一系列旨在构建信任的善意表示的一部分,此举相当英明。

    His dispatch of Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Commerce Secretary Gary Locke both Chinese-Americans to Beijing as part of a series of confidence-building overtures this year was a smart move .

  9. 偏头痛发作患者经英明格针剂注射后,血浆cGRP含量显著下降(P<0.01),而ANF和AⅡ含量则无显著变化。

    After sumatriptan injections , the concentrations of plasma cGRP in patients with migraine attacks were significantly decreased compared with those before treatment , and no changes of plasma ANF and A ⅱ were before and after treatment .

  10. 经济决策者眼下的情绪比两个月前乐观,这主要是因为他们相信:欧洲央行(ecb)在马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)的英明领导下,已经化解了欧元区出现金融崩盘的风险。

    Economic decision-makers are more optimistic than two months ago . The main reason is the belief that the European Central Bank , under the shrewd leadership of Mario Draghi , has eliminated the risk of a financial implosion in the eurozone .

  11. 对于东京大学公共政策大学院院长城山英明(HideakiShiroyama)而言,通过这种联盟,较新兴的学校可以参与竞争。

    For Hideaki Shiroyama , dean at the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo , the system is a way in which newer institutions can compete .

  12. 这次晋升是对您英明领导的高度肯定。

    This advancement is a well-deserved recognition of your competent leadership .

  13. 据说,诸葛亮是一位英明的战略家。

    It is said that Zhuge Liang was a wise strategist .

  14. 当年购买这些股权的决定真英明。

    As stakes go , these ones are well done .

  15. 先帝可是英明的君主。

    The late emperor was a wise and valiant man .

  16. 大多数情况下,英明的商人都会选择后者。

    In most cases , wise business dictates the latter .

  17. 连长的决定很英明,长官。

    The company commander made a wise decision , sir .

  18. 亚伯拉翰?林肯被认为是美国最英明的总统之一。

    Abraham Lincoln was considered one of the wisest presidents in america .

  19. 郑余庆是那么的正直英明,人们都称赞他。

    Zheng Yuqing was so honest and wise that people always praised him .

  20. 斯坦德莱是个英明干练的老家伙。

    Standley 's a wise and salty old bird .

  21. 没有失望,倒是很英明并恋爱了。

    Not disappointed , but wise and in love .

  22. 多亏了杰夫当场制定的英明战略,他的球队赢了。

    The team won the game thanks to Jeff 's fabulous spot tactic .

  23. 光武帝的奉献为国家增添了更多的英明决策。

    Emperor Guangwu 's dedication led to the implementation of many wise policies .

  24. 我们信任神的英明和力量,

    we trust in the power of the Almighty for wisdom and strength ,

  25. 我们认为这一成就主要归功于你们的英明决策和卓越的领导能力。

    We ascribe the success mainly to your wise decision and good leadership .

  26. 你买了这么多牛市的股票,真是太英明了。

    It 's wise of you to have bought such a bullish stock .

  27. 埃里克是格鲁吉亚最英明神武的人

    Erik is the best and brightest of Georgia ,

  28. 不用心急,最重要的是有英明的选择。

    There 's no hurry you should choose wisely .

  29. 面对这种答案,一个英明的君主会去向其他人寻求建议。

    Faced with that response , a wise sovereign will seek counsel elsewhere .

  30. 这些看法别出心裁,豪爽大度,英明睿智。

    They are original , magnanimous , and wise .