
  • English Listening;listening comprehension;English Listening Comprehension
  1. 基于Internet的英语听力教育系统

    Implementation of Internet-based System of Teaching English Listening

  2. ASP英语听力分级测试系统设计

    A Design of English Listening Graded Testing System with Asp

  3. 利用Web技术,可以构建一个网上虚拟教室,实现互动性、智能化、内容丰富的网络远程教育。本系统旨在以英语听力教育为例,设计并制作一个基于Internet的远程教育系统。

    With the Web and other Internet technologies , we can create a Web-based virtual classroom , to bring together a community of learners for interactive English listening education .

  4. 本研究在探究中国大学EFL学习者的英语听力取向时采用了探索性因子分析和频率分析的方法。

    The methods of exploratory factor analysis and frequency analysis were used in the investigation of the orientations toward English listening held by the tertiary-level EFL learners in China .

  5. 本文利用中远集团SEPT数据库对航海英语听力、口语和阅读作了相关分析。

    The correlations and partial correlations were analyzed between seafarer 's listening , speaking and reading competency using data of COSCO SEPT Test Bank .

  6. 高校英语听力教学法探讨

    Some suggestions on teaching methods of English listening in agricultural college

  7. 英语听力教学中有效听音习惯的培养

    On the Development of Effective Listening Habits in English Listening Teaching

  8. 利用二八法则,提高英语听力技能

    Using the 80 - 20 Rule to Improve English Listening Skills

  9. 浅谈工科学生英语听力教学的策略

    On Tactics in Teaching of Listening Comprehension For Students of Engineering

  10. 浅谈大学生英语听力水平的提高

    Discussion on the Improvement of English Listening Comprehension of College Students

  11. 影响大学英语听力教学的主要原因和改进措施

    Key Factors in College English Listening Instruction and Their Improving Solutions

  12. 传统的英语听力教学形式比较单调。

    The traditional teaching methods of English listening are very dull .

  13. 会话含义理论在英语听力试题中的应用

    On the Application of Conversational Implication Theory in English Listening Test

  14. 多媒体商务英语听力自主学习策略研究

    Business English Listening with Multimedia : An Autonomous Learning Strategy Perspective

  15. 认知负荷理论与英语听力练习材料的设计

    The Cognitive Load Theory and the Design of English Listening Materials

  16. 英语听力水平提高的关键要素探索

    A Probe into the Key Elements in Upgrading English Listening Competency

  17. 从记忆的工作机理谈影响英语听力的三个变量

    On the Three Variables Influencing English Listening According to Memory Mechanism

  18. 现代信息教育多媒体技术与大学英语听力教学改革

    Information Education with Multimedia Technology and Innovation in Listening Teaching at colleges

  19. 英语听力测试中的修辞问题解读

    To Understand Correctly the Figures of Speech Used in English Listening Tests

  20. 简论成人英语听力困难及策略训练

    Listening Comprehension Difficulties and Strategies Training for Adult English Learners

  21. 英语听力与英语阅读的关系

    The Relation Between Listening and Reading Comprehensions in Studying English

  22. 英语听力教学中的预测技能及其课堂训练

    Prediction in English Listening and Its Training Methods in Class - hour

  23. 大学英语听力教学探索和实践

    Research on and practice of teaching of College English listening

  24. 大学英语听力素质教育与应试问题

    Research into quality instruction & examination on College English Test listening comprehension

  25. 英语听力课是外语教学的一个重要的组成部分。

    English listening class is an important component of foreign language teaching .

  26. 英语听力课中师生的双向交流

    Two-way Communication between Teacher and Student in English Listening Course

  27. 英语听力课引入英文影视片段的设想与尝试

    The Trial to Use English Film and Videotapes in English Listening Class

  28. 大学英语听力课堂教学微探

    A Survey of Classroom Teaching Methods of College English Listening

  29. 功能主义理论在英语听力教学中的作用也得以凸显。

    And the theories of functionalism are stressed in English listening teaching .

  30. 场独立/场依存认知风格与英语听力理解关系的研究

    A Study on the Relationship between Field Dependence-Independence and English Listening Comprehension