
  1. 从粮食经济到草业经济的创新&甘肃中部地区农业结构调整研究

    From grain economy to grassland economy & An innovation idea about the agriculture structure adjustment in the central part of Gansu

  2. 实行草原有偿承包制度,是草业经济体制改革的重要突破。

    Carrying out the system of repaying contrac of grasslands is an important breakthrough of the reform of economic system of grassland agriculture .

  3. 从古到今,草业经济是国民经济中极为重要的部分,无论在畜牧养殖区还是在农耕种植区。

    Grass economic is a very important portion of domestic economic from ancient to modern word both in the pasturage and the farming area .

  4. 中国草业生态经济区初探

    A preliminary discussion on grassland ecological economic regions in China

  5. 本文阐明了循环经济的内涵,提出了实施畜牧业和草业循环经济的原则,介绍了几种家庭生态农业园模式。

    The present paper defined the connotation of circulatory economy , suggested the principles for the development of animal husbandry and grass circulatory economy , introduced several family ecological agricultural patterns .

  6. 草业是青海经济开发与生态环境治理的基础

    Prataculture & the fundation of economical development and ecological environment renovation in Qinghai Province

  7. 立草为业兴晋富民&确立草业为山西农业经济的主导产业

    Establishing Prataculture and Offering it to Dominant Industry in Shanxi Agricultural Economic

  8. 发展低碳经济是我国应对气候变化的必然选择,草业在低碳经济发展中将发挥重要作用。

    Developing the low-carbon economy is the inevitable choice to response the atmosphere change ; the prataculture will play an important role in the low-carbon economy .

  9. 发展饲草业具有巨大的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,但在其商品化生产过程中,首先遇到的是这些物料松散,容积密度小,收集、运输困难。

    Developing the forage grass industry possesses giant economic effect , social benefit and ecological benefit . But in his commoditization production process , we firstly come across that the materials are loose , and volume density is small , and it is difficult to collect and transport .

  10. 建立海河低平原和黄河三角洲两个饲草业出口基地,以大城市和亚洲市场为对象,发展外向型草业经济;

    Development of two forage export bases in the Haihe river reaches and Yellow river delta to target international forage markets ;