
  • 网络Honors;honors program;honor course;Honor Class
  1. 他们将要让她加入荣誉课程。

    They 're gonna enroll her in the honors program .

  2. 我读的是荣誉课程,只有极少数人在学习。

    I was in the Honors program and it was ridiculous how little people cared about learning .

  3. 包括艺术在内,几乎每门课都设有荣誉课程和AP课程。

    We offer Honors and Advanced Placement ( AP ) courses in almost every subject area , including the arts .

  4. 生物荣誉课程要花30分钟。

    Honors biology & 30 minutes more .

  5. 他在大学里大展拳脚,得以修读本科商科专业的荣誉课程,担任了学校商科兄弟会的副主席。

    He got into an honors program for undergraduate business majors . He became vice president of a business fraternity on campus .

  6. 即使你在一门荣誉课程只拿到80分,也比你在普通课程中拿到90分要强很多。

    Even if you get an80 in an honors class , it would benefit you more than getting a90 in a regular class .

  7. 艾利克斯-菲利普斯在美国麻省大学提供荣誉课程的联邦学院任助理教授及院长研读课程的负责人。

    Alex Phillips is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Dean 's Book Course at Commonwealth College , the honors college at the University of Massachusetts .

  8. 他不仅是我们做好工作,但他的女儿是在荣誉课程,在学校里和他的儿子是做真的好太多。

    Not only is he doing a good job , but his daughter is in the honors program at school and his son is doing really well too .

  9. 我高一的时候拉丁文学得不错,所以新学年推荐给我的荣誉课程就包括了古希腊语和中文。

    I had gotten good grades in Latin class in my freshman year , so the honors course recommended for me for the coming school year included ancient Greek and Chinese .

  10. 要注册一门荣誉课程,学生通常需要在相同科目的基础课程中表现出才能、学习动力和优秀的成绩纪录。

    In order to sign up for an honors course , a student typically will need to demonstrate talent , motivation , and a strong record in basic courses in the same subject .

  11. 一门法语和俄语的联合荣誉学位课程

    A joint honours course in French and Russian

  12. 看着我的祖母的生命悄悄从我们身边溜走,激发我在参加荣誉生物课程,也让我有动力参加高中的课外实验,去更多地了解细胞、神经系统,以及遗传信息是如何决定蛋白质的结构。

    Seeing my grandmother slip away motivated me to take honours biology courses and participate in extracurricular experiments in high school , to learn more about cells , the nervous system , and how genetic information determines the structure of proteins .