
  • 网络side effect
  1. 在这一长期的治疗过程中,抗癫痫药物的副作用逐渐显露,尤其是对骨骼系统的不良反应自上世纪被发现以来正受到越来越大的关注。

    In the long-term process , the side effects of AEDs are exposed .

  2. 但是药物的副作用不容乐观。

    But the side effects are no picnic .

  3. 目的研究HIV/HCV重叠感染者用高效抗逆转录病毒治疗(HAART)的疗效和药物的副作用以及HIV和HCV的相互影响。

    Objective To investigate highly active anti retroviral therapy of HIV / HCV superinfection .

  4. 现有药物的副作用和耐药性的快速出现使得寻找新HIV逆转录酶抑制剂的研究工作更为紧迫。

    The side effects and drug resistances of the existing drugs prompt an urgent research on searching for new inhibitors of HIV RT.

  5. 同时也因为NSAIDs类药物的副作用而限制了其更广泛应用。

    At the same time the adverse effects of NSAIDs limited their wider application .

  6. 这个月《Pediatrics》上的一项研究表明,十个住院儿童中就有一个以上感觉到药物的副作用,其中超过五分之一的情况是可以预防的。

    More than one in ten hospitalized kids has a bad reaction to a drug & and more than a fifth of those cases are preventable .

  7. 来自EMBL的一个研究团队开发了一种计算方法,通过比较药物的副作用来看看能否预测药物的作用靶点。

    A team of EMBL researchers now developed a computational tool that compares side effects to test if they can predict common targets of drugs .

  8. 您看见过体内药物的副作用吗?

    Have you seen the side effect of drug in your body ?

  9. 不幸的是,临床这些药物的副作用已经有报道。

    Unfortunately , clinically significant side-effects hae been reported with these agents .

  10. 据说只是药物的副作用。

    It 's just a side effect , they say .

  11. 治疗期间观察烧伤创面成痂时间、创面愈合时间、用药后创面感染情况、创面修复情况及药物的副作用以判断疗效。

    To evaluate effect wound healing time and scabbed time were recorded .

  12. 这些药物的副作用引起了大家普遍的关注。

    There is widespread concern about the possible side effects of these drugs .

  13. 这并不是某一种药物的副作用。

    It 's not just a side effect of one kind of medication .

  14. 另外总共有3.7%的病人因药物的副作用而退出。

    Adverse events led to study discontinuation in3 · 7 % of the patients .

  15. 有些药物的副作用会使你在第二天早上仍然感到昏昏沉沉想睡觉。

    The effects of certain medications that cause drowsiness can linger until the next morning .

  16. 每组中断实验的人数相似,大部分是因为药物的副作用而中断实验的。

    The number of discontinuations in each group was similar ; most were for adverse events .

  17. 诊所针对我沮丧开的药物的副作用让我有点自杀的倾向。

    A reaction to the medication the clinic gave me for my depression left me suicidal .

  18. 化疗药物的副作用和化疗药物产生的多药耐药等不同程度的影响了卵巢癌的治疗效果。

    The ill effect of drug and the multi-drug resistance affect the therapeutic efficacy of ovarian carcinoma .

  19. 由于药物的副作用,他成了聋子。

    As a consequence of the side effect of the drug , he has become a deaf .

  20. 另一方面,他们的身体太小了,而且正在发育的身体对他们所需要的那些药物的副作用超级敏感。

    But their tiny , developing bodies are ultra sensitive to side effects from important medicines they may need .

  21. 第一类担心这些药物的副作用(特别是通胀),如果过量服用的话。

    The first worries about the side-effects of these drugs ( notably inflation ), if administered in overly large doses .

  22. 这两种药物的副作用少,因此有可能在某一天被用于治疗儿童早衰症。

    The drugs have few side effects , so might one day be used to treat children with the disease .

  23. 但是尽量要你的处方医师密切规律的监察药物的副作用,必要时改变用药剂量。

    But do expect your prescribing physician to monitor side effects closely and regularly and to tweak the dose if necessary .

  24. 到1961年,该药物的副作用已经显而易见——新生儿先天四肢畸形。

    By 1961 , though , negative effects of the drug were becoming evident -- babies were born with severe deformities .

  25. 发烧也可能是一些药物的副作用引起,譬如说抗生素和用来治疗过度紧张以及抽搐的麻醉药。

    Fever can be a side effect of some medications such as antibiotics and drugs used to treat hypertension or seizures .

  26. 基因表达常常是不定域的,这项发现对人们理解和预测治疗药物的副作用有重要意义。

    The discovery that gene expression is often not regional has significant implications for understanding and predicting side-effects of therapeutic drugs .

  27. 药物的副作用主要为Ⅰ级或Ⅱ级皮疹和腹泻,经对症处理可缓解。

    The majority of adverse events were grade 1 or grade 2 skin rash and diarrhea , which were manageable and reversible .

  28. 但是,神经细胞并不分裂,所以对微管结合药物的副作用有免疫力。

    However , since nerve cells do not replicate or divide , they are immune to the toxic effects of microtubule-binding drugs .

  29. 这张嘴的动作是没病却吃称为“迟发性运动障碍”的精神病药物的副作用。

    The mouth movements are a side effect ( not the actual condition ) of taking antipsychotic meds , which is called tardive dyskinesia .

  30. 即使告知那些药物的副作用是医生的职责所在,但有时他们也会避而不谈。

    And even though it 's the doctor 's job to tell people about those side effects , sometimes that just doesn 't happen .