
yóu mài
  • naked oats
莜麦 [yóu mài]
  • [naked oats] 禾本科一种一年生草本植物(Avena nuda)。秆直立地丛生,叶舌透明膜质,叶片扁平而软。圆锥花序 ,向四周开展,小穗含3-6小花;外稃有芒或无芒,内稃短,具纤毛,成熟时子粒与稃分离。亦称裸燕麦,俗称油麦

  1. 非选择性除草剂Basta对荞麦和莜麦种子萌发的影响

    Effect of Herbicide Basta on Mature Embryo of Buckwheat and Naked Oats

  2. 介绍了莜麦面包的制法。

    The method of making naked oats bread was introduced in this article .

  3. 莜麦播种方式决策的BP神经网络模型

    The Model of BP ANN in Decision-making of The Mode of Sowing Naked Oats Seeds

  4. 利用核不育莜麦ZY基因育成优质高蛋白燕麦新品种冀张燕1号

    New High Protein Oat Variety " Ji-Zhang-Yan No.1 " Breeded with Naked Oat Genic Male Sterile Gene ZY

  5. 莜麦生育后期0~30cm土层内的根量呈下降趋势,而30~90cm土层内的根量增加。

    In the late period of naked oats , the root biomass in 0 ~ 30cm soil layer exhibited decreasing trend , but increased in 40 ~ 90cm soil layer .

  6. 莜麦的营养价值高,蛋白质的含量居谷类粮食之首,所含氨基酸种类全,而且比较平衡。

    Its protein content was the highest in the cereal grain .

  7. 讨论了莜麦的营养成分和保健功能。

    Naked Oats nutrition ingredient and the health functions were discussed .

  8. 莜麦茎杆叶片动态变化规律研究

    Studies on Changing Patterns of Stalks and Leaves of Naked Oats

  9. 侵染莜麦的大麦黄矮病毒的分离及提纯

    Isolation and purification of barley yellow dwarf virus infecting oats

  10. 莜麦粉对不同年龄大鼠的抗氧化作用

    Effects of Naked Oats Flour on Antioxidation in Rats with Different Ages

  11. 旱地莜麦多目标动态施肥模式研究

    Study on mode of multi-purpose dynamic fertilization of naked oat on dry-land

  12. 莜麦不同品种抗旱性鉴定初报

    The First Report on Drought Resistance in Different Varieties of Naked Oat

  13. 莜麦加工工艺关键设备热风炉、热风滚筒的研制与应用

    Hot Air Furnace & Hot Air Cylinder used in Naked Oats Processing

  14. 高寒区旱地莜麦合理种植密度的研究

    Study on Reasonable Naked Oats Density in Dry Lands of Highly Cold Areas

  15. 莜麦面是糖尿病疗效食品。

    Nake oats is a healthy food for diabetics .

  16. 农产以莜麦、小麦、马铃薯和胡麻、甜菜为主。

    To agro-naked oats , wheat , potatoes and flax , sugar beet-based .

  17. 冀西北坝上旱地莜麦多目标动态施肥模式研究

    Study on Dynamic Fertilizing Model with Multi-Purpose for Dry Land Oats in Bashang District

  18. 莜麦的营养成分和保健功能

    Study on Naked Oats Nutrition Components and Functions

  19. 有机肥对旱地莜麦生长发育的影响

    Effect of Organic Fertilizers on The Growing Development of Naked Oats in Dry Lands

  20. 莜麦保健面包的研制

    Preparation of health bread with naked oat

  21. 莜麦、荞麦和胡麻是本区特色作物,种植广泛。

    Naked oats , buckwheat and benne were the characteristic crops and had extensive planting .

  22. 结果表明,追氮可显著提高青莜麦生物产量和秸秆的蛋白质含量。

    The result showed that biomass and protein contents could increase by additional nitrogen fertilizer .

  23. 采用花药单倍体育种方法育成花中21号莜麦新品种

    Development of New Variety of Avena Nuda Huazhong 21 by Adopting Anther Haploid Breeding Method

  24. 双季栽培对青莜麦的产质量及光合特性的影响

    Effects of Production and Quality of Forage Green Naked Oat and Photosynthetic Character by Double-Cropping Cultivation

  25. 小南瓜田生物产量为3416.7kg/hm~2,为莜麦的39.5%;

    Cushaw biomass was 3 416.7kg / hm ~ 2 , was 39.5 % of naked-oats .

  26. 追氮及收获期对饲用青莜麦产量及秸秆蛋白质含量的影响青春野绿

    Effect of nitrogen fertilizer and harvest stage on yield and quality of forage green naked oat

  27. 青莜麦双季栽培和麦茬复种技术的研究

    Double-season Cultivation of Green Naked Oat Forage and the Study on Its Re-cultivating Technology on Wheat Stubble

  28. 坝上高原土壤&植物系统莜麦综合保水增产措施研究

    Study on Comprehensive Measures of Water-protecting and Yield-increasing in Naked Oat in Soil-plant System in Bashang Plateau

  29. 内蒙古产荞麦和莜麦中淀粉及非淀粉多糖的含量研究

    Study on contents of starch and non-starch polysaccharides of buckwheat and naked oat producted in Inner Mongolia

  30. 糖尿病患者莜麦面食品餐后血糖及胰岛素释放效应观察

    Influence on Blood-surgar Levels and Insulin Release Effect in Diabetic Patients After Taking Naked Oats Flour Food
