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  • buckwheat flour
  1. 荞麦粉营养品质与加工特性研究

    Studies on nutritive qualities and processing features of buckwheat flour

  2. 荞麦粉的添加率对朝鲜族冷面品质的影响

    Effect of the addition of buckwheat flour on the properties of Korean noodle

  3. 试验结果表明,与小麦粉相比,荞麦粉的粘度很高,β-淀粉酶活性很低,降落值大于1000s。

    The results show that compared with wheat flour , the viscosity of buckwheat flour is high and the β amylase activity of buckwheat flour is very low . The failing number value of buckwheat flour is higher than 1 000 s.

  4. 荞麦粉中黄酮类化合物提取工艺的研究

    Study on Extraction Condition of Flavonoids from Skin Powder of Buckwheat

  5. 煮的或烘焙的荞麦粉。

    Boiled or baked buckwheat .

  6. 不同部位的荞麦粉,其粗蛋白含量、粗淀粉含量、芦丁含量差异较大。

    Different milling fractions have significant difference in content of crude protein , crude starch , rutin .

  7. 荞麦粉的持水力明显大于小麦粉。

    Water-binding capacity and falling number of buckwheat flour were obviously higher than those of wheat flour .

  8. 荞麦粉比例大于30%,混粉评价值变化平缓。

    When the proportion was higher than 30 % , values about mixed flour paste flatly changed .

  9. 所有荞麦粉的持水力明显大于小麦面粉,其中荞麦麸粉、苦荞麸粉最高,荞麦全粉次之,荞麦心粉最低。

    Bran of buckwheat and bitter buckwheat was the highest , full flour was higher and within flour was the lowest .

  10. 她取出一把金剪刀,把一块绸子剪成几片,缝了一个很精致的小袋,在袋里装满了很细的荞麦粉。

    She took her large gold scissors , cut a piece of silk into squares , and made a neat little bag .

  11. 介绍在传统饼干中添加不同比例的荞麦粉并采用半发酵法来探索最佳生产工艺。

    This paper introduced optimal technology of adding different ratio of bitter buckwheat into traditional and adopting semifermentation method to produce biscuit .

  12. 荞麦粉比例大于30%,荞麦混粉难以制作面包。

    As buckwheat flour content was above 30 % , the mixing dough was very difficult to deal with during the bread-making process .

  13. 而荞麦粉加量大于30%,混粉焙烤特性变差,已难以制作面包。

    When the proportion was higher than 30 % , its baking characteristic became so worse that it could not be made into bread .

  14. 荞麦粉中含有小麦面粉所不具有的生物活性物质&芦丁,芦丁具有重要的医疗保健价值,因而荞麦食品倍受人们欢迎。

    Fifthly , buckwheat flour included luding that wheat flour had not , which had so important hygienical values that buckwheat foods are popular .

  15. 试验结果表明:荞麦粉的水分含量小于对照小麦粉。

    The experimental results were showed as followings : Compared with wheat flour , buckwheat flours have lower moisture , higher ash and crude fiber content .

  16. 试验发现,荞麦粉比例为10%和20%时,荞麦混粉具有较好的焙烤特性,尚可用来加工面包;

    We found when proportion of buckwheat flour was 10 % and 20 % , mixed buckwheat flour had good baking characteristic and could be made into bread .

  17. 荞麦粉用量不超过20%时,混粉面包仍表现出良好的食用性能和商品价值。

    When the addition amount of buckwheat flour is no more than 20 % , the bread made by the mixied flour has good processing properties and market value .

  18. 经正交实验得到多谷物馒头粉的最佳配方为:小麦粉68.0%,小米粉8.0%,玉米粉5.0%,燕麦粉9.0%,荞麦粉10.0%。

    Optimum formula of multiple grains steamed bread flour was determined by orthogonal experiment that was wheat powder 68.0 % , millet powder 8.0 % , corn powder 5.0 % , oat powder 9.0 % , and buckwheat powder 10.0 % .

  19. 六个不同类型荞麦花花粉粒形态的电镜观察比较研究

    Study on pollen morphology of six kinds of buck-wheat flowers by means of electric microscope

  20. 不同荞麦品种的粉质特性及其凝胶食品的加工适用性研究

    Farinograph Feather of Different Species of Buckwheat and the Research on Its Processing Applicability of Gel Food

  21. 本文主要以小麦面粉、荞麦面粉、大豆粉为主要原料,以谷氨酰胺转胺酶(TG)作为品质改良剂对荞麦馒头、面包、方便面进行品质影响研究。

    Wheat flour , buckwheat flour and soybean flour were used materials , researched the effect on quality properties of buckwheat steamed bread , baked bread and instant noodle by using transglutaminase ( TG ) as quality improver .

  22. 我国荞麦主要品种的粉质性状相关性研究

    Study on the correlation between the rheological properties of Chinese major buckwheat species

  23. 结果表明,荞麦淀粉的消化吸收要慢于玉米淀粉和小麦淀粉,但是快于荞麦粉。

    Results indicated that buckwheat starch exhibited a slower absorption than corn starch and wheat starch , whereas a faster absorption than buckwheat flour .

  24. 为提高荞麦淀粉制备过程中淀粉与蛋白质、黄酮类化合物的分离效果,实现对荞麦粉中主要营养和功能物质的高效分离与综合利用。

    A starch separation process by cooperating alcoholic extraction of flavonoids with protein hydrolysis by alkaline protease was carried out in the paper .