
  • 网络nutritional condition;nutrition
  1. 超临界CO2体系下酵母转化茄尼醇生成辅酶Q(10)的营养条件

    Nutritional Conditions of CoQ_ ( 10 ) Biotransformation from Solanesol in Supercritical CO_2

  2. 花菖蒲较适应中等营养条件,在一定范围内随营养元素的增加,其叶绿素含量、可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白含量和SOD活性均有不同程度升高,超过此范围,则出现下降趋势。

    Iris ensata var. hortens adapted the medium nutritional conditions . Its chlorophyll content , the soluble sugar content , the soluble protein content and the SOD activeness had elevated . Beyond the scope , these had declining trend .

  3. 研究营养条件对白腐菌合成木素过氧化物酶(ligninperoxidase,LiP)的影响。

    It was investigated about effects of nutrient conditions on lignin peroxidase ( LiP ) activity .

  4. 借助于磷酸化作用,PKA可调节细胞对外界营养条件和压力状况的应激反应过程。

    PKA modulates the cells ' response to extracellular nutrient condition and stress through phosphorylation .

  5. 在一定pH、温度和营养条件下,光照的强弱和时间的长短决定着藻类光合作用的效率,对藻类的生长速率起着重要的作用。

    The intensities and time of the illumination determine algal photosynthetic efficiency in certain circumstances of pH 、 temperature and nutrient . Meanwhile , it play an important role in the Cyanobacteria growth rate .

  6. 富营养条件下不同形态氮对轮叶黑藻(Hydrillaverticillata)的生理影响

    Effects of Different Form of Nitrogen on Hydrilla verticillata under Eutrophic Nutrient Condition

  7. 不同土壤营养条件下棉花估产RNN模型研究

    Study on the Regression Neural Network Model for Cotton Yield Prediction under Different Soil Nutrition

  8. 银杏内生真菌COLLETOTRICHUMSP.营养条件的初步研究

    A preliminary study on nutrient conditions of an endophytic fungus Colletotrichum sp , from Ginkgo

  9. 用溶液培养研究了在不同N、P、K、Si营养条件下水稻吸收和积累硅的特点及稻体内硅总量与水稻生长的关系。

    The characteristics of uptaking and accumulating of silicon in rice and the relationship between the silicon amounts in rice and the growth of rice plants have been investigated by using solution cultur with different concentrations of N , P , K and Si .

  10. 目的探讨解脲支原体(Uu)在液体培养基中的最佳营养条件和在固体培养基上形成菌落的最佳气体条件。

    Objective : To investigate the optimum nutrient conditions of liquid media for growth and the optimum air conditions for colony formation on solid culture media of Ureaplasma Urealyticum ( Uu ) .

  11. 城市污水优势降解细菌M-6菌株液体营养条件的优化

    Optimization of Nutritional Conditions for the Predominant Degradation Bacteria Strain M-6 Isolated from Municipal Sewage

  12. 研究了摇瓶条件下CandidautilisWSH02-08生物合成谷胱甘肽(GSH)的营养条件,确定以葡萄糖作为碳源,硫酸铵和尿素作为混合氮源。

    The nutrient conditions of glutathione biosynthesis by Candida utilis WSH 02-08 in shaking flasks were studied . Glucose was proved to be the optimal carbon source , and ammonium sulfate and urea were chosen as mixed nitrogen .

  13. 已有研究发现,哈维氏弧菌在低温寡营养条件下能够进入VBNC状态。

    It has been described that V. harveyi can enter the VBNC state at low temperature under poor nutrition conditions .

  14. 通过2a多点试验,研究了秧苗生长状态、本田营养条件(密度、肥料)及不同生育阶段营养条件变化对水稻抽穗期的影响。

    The effects of seedling growing status , nutritional conditions in main field ( planting density and fertilization ) and the changes of nutritional conditions in different growing periods on heading date of rice were studied at several locations over two years .

  15. 应用气相色谱法,在维持型(略低于维持水平)、粗料型、精料型三种不同营养条件下测定了牦牛瘤胃内挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的组成及含量。

    The concentrations and compositions of Chinese Yak rumen fluid volatile fatty acids ( VFA ) were determined by gas-chromatography under three different nutritive levels : maintain group ( MG ), roughage group ( RG ), concentrate group ( CG ) .

  16. 两个品种单株叶面积变化趋势基本一致,在同一氮素营养条件下,除N1表现出D2D1D3D4,其余两个氮素营养条件下均表现出D3D2D1D4。

    Leaf area of single plant of the two varieties has the same trend basically , in the same nitrogen nutrition condition , with the exception of N1 showed D2 D1 D3 D4 , and the remaining two nitrogen nutrition conditions showed D3 D2 D1 D4 .

  17. 研究了诱导酵母子囊孢子产生的营养条件。

    A preliminary study on the nutritional conditions of Acremonium hansfordii ;

  18. 红富士苹果树小叶病与营养条件的关系

    Relationships Between Little Leaf and Nutrient Condition of Fuji Apple Trees

  19. 营养条件对无土栽培西葫芦产量和品质的影响

    Effects of Nutrient Conditions on Yield and Quality of Hydroponics Pumpkin

  20. 珍稀植物濒危机制及保育策略中的营养条件

    The nutrition condition of endangered mechanism and conservation strategy of rare plants

  21. 营养条件对香菇生长发育的影响

    Effect of nutrient condition on the growth and development of Lentinus edodes

  22. 贫营养条件下微生物代谢产物和生物多样性的研究

    Research on Microbial Metabolites and Biodiversity under the Oligotrophic Environment

  23. 水分胁迫对稳态营养条件下泡桐根细胞质膜的影响

    Effect of water stress on plasma membrane in Paulownia of steady-state nutrition

  24. 银耳菌丝体生长营养条件的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on the Nutritional Conditions of Mycelial Growth of Tremella fuciformis

  25. 贫营养条件下膜生物反应器污泥混合液可滤性分析

    Analysis of the filterability of mixed sludge under low nutrition in MBR

  26. 菌根菌生长的营养条件和生理特性研究

    Studies on the Growing Nutrient Conditions and Physiological Characteristics of Mycorrhizal Fungi

  27. 在贫营养条件中,菌株仍然保持生长活性。

    In oligotrophic conditions , the strain remains actively growing .

  28. 利用酵母菌处理木糖厂生产废水营养条件研究

    Optimization of Alimentary Conditions for the Treatment of Xylose Mill Wastewater with Yeast

  29. 用可视化方法优化微生物培养基的营养条件

    Optimization of Nutritional Conditions of a Microbe Culture by a Visual Optimization Method

  30. 巴楚蘑菇对土壤营养条件有很强的适应性。

    Bachu mushroom has more adapt to soil nu-trient .