
  • 网络vegetative reproduction;vegetative propagation
  1. 不过,NPY无疑是营养和生殖力之间的中心链接,正如瘦素作为一个外围因子所担负的角色。

    Nevertheless , NPY can clearly act as a central link between nutrition and reproductive function , just as leptin fulfils this role as a peripheral factor .

  2. 观赏植物B9、N29的营养和生殖生长研究

    Study on Nourishing and Procreation Growth of Ornamental Plant of B9 、 N29

  3. 随着植株从营养到生殖生长阶段,POD总酶带数仍然为79条,EST总酶带数由65条减少到61条,酶带在不同迁移率发生缺失现象及酶活性方面有变化。

    The total EST band number decreased to 61 from 65 as the growth of plants from vegetative stage to reproductive stage ; the total POD bands kept unchangeable at 79 , whereas the deletion under different mobilities and enzymatic activity got changed .

  4. 被子植物的SQUA家族(AP1/FUL家族)属于MADS-box基因,其在营养到生殖发育的转变中扮演着重要角色。并且这个家族的起源与被子植物花结构的固定同时发生。

    The SQUA family ( AP1 / FUL family ) of MADS-box genes plays an important role in the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive development of angiosperms , and its origin might be concurrent with fixation of floral structure in angiosperms .

  5. 杏树营养与生殖生物学研究进展

    Recent Advance in Researches of the Nutrition and Reproductive Biology of Apricot

  6. 大型藻类和苔藓植物在营养和生殖结构上区别很大。

    Larger algae and bryophytes differ more fundamentally in vegetative and reproductive structure .

  7. 中华绒螯蟹雌体脂质营养及生殖调控研究

    Lipid Nutrition and Regulation of Reproduction of Chinese Mitten-handed Crab , Eriocheir Sinensis , Female

  8. 草原植物种群营养元素生殖分配规律研究(Ⅰ)

    A Study on the Reproductive Allocation of Six Nutrient Elements in Steppe Plant Populations (ⅰ)

  9. 在啃食压力下,小叶锦鸡儿的营养、生殖和防御之间存在消长关系。

    Under grazing treatments , there were trade-offs among vegetative , reproductive growth and physical defense .

  10. 在营养和生殖生长阶段旱稻茎含磷量和磷素累积量随水分胁迫程度加深而降低。

    However , as the water stress increases , the phosphorus accumulation of root decreases at vegetative stage and reproductive stage .

  11. 激光微束技术研究君子兰花粉管中营养核对生殖细胞分裂的作用

    Applying the Laser Microbeam Technique to the Study of the Vegetative Nucleus Function on Division of the Generative Cell in the Development of the Male Gametophyte of Clivia nobilis

  12. 瘦素作为连接营养与生殖的代谢信号,具有启动和促进啮齿类动物性发育的作用,在人类青春期发育中有相似的作用。

    Leptin is a trigger for puberty onset in rodents , as a metabolism signals to link reproductive function to the nutritional status , and has a similar effect in childhood growth and development .

  13. 结果表明随放牧强度的加重每分株生殖分蘖数、分蘖地上生物量、营养和生殖地上生物量呈下降的趋势,而营养生物量占分蘖生物量的分配比例呈上升趋势。

    The results showed that the numbers of flowering tiller , aboveground biomass , vegetative and reproductive biomass of tiller per ramet decreased with increasing stocking intensity , while , vegetative allocation per tiller increased .

  14. 生长发育特性多样性表现为:早熟型在拔节期前后进入生长高峰期,日均增长速度最快为1.93cm/d,生育期为249天,其中营养、生殖生长期分别为199天,50天;

    The early-maturing accessions reach their growth peak before jointing date at the highest growth rate of 1.93cm/d . The generation finishes within 249d , among which 199 days on trophic growth and 50 days on reproduction .

  15. 起身后,植株进入营养生长与生殖生长并进期,并随着气温回升速度的加快,根系~(32)P吸收活力迅速增高,到孕穗前后达到高峰。

    After erecting , the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of plant developed simultaneously and root 32P absorption vigour raised quickly as the speeding up of temperature raising rate .

  16. 中央大液泡的形成使得小孢子具有极性,极性小孢子有丝分裂一次形成二胞花粉,在细胞核(营养核及生殖核)中分布的ATPase较多,细胞质中的ATPase较少。

    The mitosis of polar microspore formed a 2-cellular pollen grain . ATPase precipitates were more in both nuclei of vegetative cell and generative cell but less in the cytoplasm .

  17. 逆境激素脱落酸(ABA)能调控植物营养生长和生殖生长过程中的气孔关闭、抵抗逆境、种子后熟和休眠等许多重要事件。

    Abscisic acid ( ABA ) as the stress hormone can modulate many important events in plant growth and development including stoma closing , resistance to stresses , promoting seeds maturity and dormancy .

  18. 抽薹(bolting)是油菜等丛生型植物从顶端生长部位抽出杆状结构并不断伸长的过程,是植株从营养生长向生殖生长过渡的重要发育阶段。

    Bolting is the process that the rod-shaped structure stretches out from the top growth area of clustered-type plants such as rapeseed , which is an important developmental stage of plants from vegetative growth transit to reproductive growth .

  19. 分析发现UV-B辐射增强能对作物的形态在根、茎、叶营养器官和生殖器官方面产生负面影响,从而进一步影响作物的生物量和产量;

    The result showed that the enhanced UV-B radiation had an adverse effect on crop morphology of root , stem , leave systems and reproductive organs . It had a further effect on biomass and yield of crops .

  20. 结果表明:(1)在营养器官与生殖器官中,IAA含量自四分体时期均低于对照,在花药中随CHA剂量增加IAA含量降低幅度增大;

    The results indicated : ( 1 ) The IAA content was lower than CK since the quardrant stage in the nutrient organ and reproductive organ , while the change extent in the anthers was closely related to the dosage of CHA ;

  21. 当CGRr与CGRt的曲线交叉时,可作为营养生长向生殖生长转变的依据。

    When CGRt is equal to CGRr , the crossing of CGRt and CGRr curves may be regarded as the evidence of the transfer from vegetation growth to reproduction growth .

  22. 通过对3种水稻生殖突变体材料的外观形态进行观察后发现,FM1突变体植株不能由营养生长转入生殖生长,一直保持营养生长状态;

    The morphological characters of three kinds of reproductive mutants in rice were observed in the experiments . FM 1 mutant could not enter into reproductive growth , and be kept in state of vegetative growth .

  23. 在胁迫90d,植物处于旺盛生长时期,植物体内重金属含量和生物量达到最大,随着生命周期从营养生长向生殖生长发展,植物体内重金属含量维持较高水平并略下降。

    After90days ' stressing , when growth of the plants reaches their climax , the content of heavy metal and biomass in plants achieve the largest scale . The amount of heavy metal maintains in their maximum or slightly declines with life period changes from nutritive growth to reproductive growth .

  24. 芒果营养生长与生殖生长相互关系的研究

    Study on Relationship between Vegetative Growth and Reproductive Growth of Mango

  25. 在一定程度上抑制植物的营养生长和生殖生长。

    Acid rain also has inhibition on the nutrition growth and reproduction .

  26. 被子植物通过成花转变过程完成从营养生长向生殖生长的过渡。

    Angiosperms accomplish the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth by flowering .

  27. 在鹅掌楸的营养生长和生殖两方面,资源不平衡分配。

    Resources are evenly allocated between reproductive and vegetative growth for Liriodendron chinense .

  28. 朱顶红花粉管中营养核和生殖细胞位置的变换

    Positional shift between the vegetative nucleus and the generative cell in Amaryllis pollen tube

  29. 开花是高等植物由营养生长转向生殖生长的标志之一,决定着植物的有性生殖。

    Flowering is one manifestation of higher plants transiting from vegetative to reproductive growth .

  30. 小麦雄配子体的超微结构Ⅰ.营养细胞和生殖细胞的形成

    Ultrastructure of male gametophyte in wheat ⅰ . the formation of generative and vegetative cells