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yínɡ yè shí jiān
  • business hours;opening hours;banking hours
  1. 它们在银行正常营业时间以外开放。

    They are open outside normal daily banking hours .

  2. 银行在其营业时间外,无接受提交单据的义务。

    Banks are under no obligation to accept presentation of documents outside their banking hours .

  3. 营业时间为每天10点到6点。

    Opening hours are from 10 to 6 each day .

  4. 英国的酒吧营业时间从前受到很严格的限制。

    Britain 's licensing hours used to be very restricted .

  5. 这家酒吧已获准在圣诞前夕延长营业时间。

    The pub had an extension on Christmas Eve .

  6. 营业时间为周一到周五每天上午9:30至下午5:45。

    Opening hours are 9.30am-5.45pm , Mon-Fri .

  7. 访客中心和商店的营业时间:周一至周五上午9点至下午5点,周末上午10点至下午5点。

    Visitor Centre and shop open 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. weekdays ; 10 a.m. — 5 p.m. weekends .

  8. 那家鞋店的正常营业时间是从上午9点到下午6点。

    The regular opening hours of that shoe shop are 9 am to 6 pm .

  9. 营业时间为每周7天。周日至周四10:00-17:30周五和周六10:00-21:00

    Hours Open 7 days a week . Sunday — Thursday 10:00 — 17:30 Friday and Saturday 10:00 — 21:00

  10. 营业时间:每周7天,3-10月10:00-17:1511-2月10:00-16:45

    Hours : Open 7 days a week . March — October 10:00 — 17:15 November — February 10:00 — 16:45

  11. 营业时间:每天上午6点至下午7点。

    Opening hours : 6 am — 7 pm , daily .

  12. 指公众场所的开放或营业时间时,用shut和close均可

    When referring to the opening hours of public places , both shut and close are used

  13. 银行ATM系统提供24小时全天候服务,延长了银行网点的营业时间。

    ATM system is the true 24 hours service system . It extends bank service time .

  14. 但是Koch却没有注意到银行的营业时间只到中午。

    Koch failed to notice the opening hours though .

  15. 本次调查发现:被调查某市三所证券交易所内CO、CO2的浓度和细菌总数随营业时间延长而增高,与营业前比较差异均有高度显著性。微小气候中气温随营业时间延长升高。

    It was found that CO and CO 2 concentrations , the total of bacteria and the temperature increased these while the speed of wind and the relation humility decreased with the opening time delayed .

  16. 而风速、相对湿度均随营业时间延长而降低。且风速与细菌总数和CO2浓度之间均成良好的负相关,其相关系数经检验达显著性水平。

    Moreover , there was a good negative correlation between the speed of wind and the total of bacteria or CO 2 concentration , the correlative coefficient of which had the significance among them .

  17. 据NPR新闻的卡伦·格雷斯比·贝茨报道,一些商店的营业时间比往年提前了很多。

    NPR 's Karen Grigsby Bates says some stores are opening their doors a lot earlier than they had in previous years .

  18. 如果配置了默认问候语并且定义了至少一个键映射,则tts引擎将只合成非营业时间主菜单提示。

    The TTS engine will only synthesize the non-business hours main menu prompt if the default greeting is configured and at least one key mapping has been defined .

  19. 从商业角度讲,这台机器让Sprinkles做到了一件几乎不可能的事,那就是延长营业时间却不增加成本。

    From a business perspective , the machine allow Sprinkles to basically do the impossible : increase hours of operation without raising costs .

  20. 法国主要化妆品零售商丝芙兰(Sephora)获得准许,其巴黎旗舰店的营业时间可以超过晚上9点半。

    Major French cosmetics retailer Sephora has won the right to keep its flagship Paris store open past 9:30 PM .

  21. 纽约证券交易所周一将关闭交易大厅,这在2011年9.11恐怖袭击事件之后尚属首次。此前,东海岸另外的一些企业也表示,因受飓风桑迪(Sandy)影响将调整营业时间。

    The New York Stock Exchange will close its trading floor Monday , the first time it has done so since the Sept. 11 , 2001 , terror attacks , joining other businesses along the East Coast altering their routine because of Hurricane Sandy .

  22. CaféTrama咖啡屋的营业时间是从上午11点到晚上11:30,而且价格颇为公道(这很出乎意料),它已成为巴黎时尚第七区最为流连忘返的地方。

    Open from 11am to 10.30pm and with surprisingly reasonable prices , Caf é Trama has become one of the best places to linger in this chic neighbourhood .

  23. 过去,银行的营业时间一般是上午10点到下午3点。

    Banks used to open and operate between 10 and 3 .

  24. 各处护照升级办理处的营业时间有可能不同。

    The locations handling upgrades may be open at different times .

  25. 亚洲廊餐厅的营业时间是什么时候?

    What is the opening hour of your Asian Delight Restaurant ?

  26. 邮政储蓄的好处是营业时间比银行的要长。

    The postal savings has more business hours than the banks .

  27. 酒店的开始营业时间由法律规定。

    The time of opening of pubs is regulated by law .

  28. 本期节目叫做“咨询营业时间。”

    This episode is called " Asking About Business Hours . "

  29. 早餐店营业时间提早,并且提供更高质量的餐饮。

    Breakfast shops are opening earlier and offering higher quality meals .

  30. 杂货店的营业时间从早上九点到晚上六点。

    The grocery store opening hours are from 9 to 6 .