
  • 网络Saskatchewan;SINP
  1. AcmeRefiningCompany是一家中型、私营的炼油厂,位于加拿大萨斯喀彻温省。

    Acme Refining Company is a medium-sized , privately owned oil refinery located in Saskatchewan , Canada .

  2. 但是,取自于亚伯达(Alberta)的柳树枝因对过去干燥环境的“记忆”产生了一组与取自于萨斯喀彻温省(Saskatchewan)的不同的基因。

    But the trees from Alberta activated a different group of genes in response to the " drought " than the poplars obtained from Saskatchewan .

  3. 萨斯喀彻温省大学的一位经济学家RichardGray认为,同以往农场衰落时期相比,当前的农场经济萧条可能不会产生影响深远或持续长久,因为生物燃料现在正同粮食和能源价格密切相关。

    The bust , when it comes , may not be as deep or as long as previous farm slumps because biofuels now link grain and energy prices , says Richard Gray , an economist at the University of Saskatchewan .

  4. 本文扼要介绍了加拿大萨斯喀彻温省北部比弗洛支地区脉型(veintype)和阿萨巴斯卡盆地中与不整合面有关的(Unconformityassociated)铀资源概况;

    This paper briefly introduces uranium resources of unconformity associated uranium mineralization in Athabasca basin and vein type uranium mineralization in Beaverlodge area , Northern Saskatchewan , Canada , and systematically expounds common metallogenic characteristics of the above two types of uranium mineralization .

  5. 埃尔伯塔省、魁北克省和曼尼托巴省均支持萨斯喀彻温省。

    Alberta , Quebec and Manitoba have thrown their support behind Saskatchewan .

  6. 加拿大萨斯喀彻温省艾伯特王子卫星站

    Prince Albert Satellite Station in Canada 's Saskatchewan Province

  7. 大萨斯喀彻温省的首府和最大城市。

    The provincial capital and largest city of Saskatchewan .

  8. 对不起。说说看,我们的萨斯喀彻温省之行你们过得好吗?

    Sorry , everybody . so , did you enjoy our visit to saskatchewan ?

  9. 亚伯达和萨斯喀彻温省的许多山区发现了恐龙化石。

    In Alberta and Saskatchewan there are many hills where dinosaur bones were found .

  10. 萨斯喀彻温省南部一城市。

    A city is S Saskatchewan .

  11. 例如,政府计划在萨斯喀彻温省东南部建立一个净煤发电站。

    The government plans a clean-coal power station in the south-east of the province , for example .

  12. 在1931年,萨斯喀彻温省是加拿大人口第三大省,仅次于安大略省和魁北克省。

    In1931 Saskatchewan was the third most populous province in Canada , behind only Ontario and Quebec .

  13. 农民所抱怨的高燃料价格和高肥料价格正在帮助萨斯喀彻温省变得富有。

    Farmers grumble about the high fuel and fertiliser prices that are helping to make the province rich .

  14. 以拥有广袤麦田著称的萨斯喀彻温省同时也以严重的周期性蝗灾闻名。

    Saskatchewan , a province known for its vast fields of wheat , also has a reputation for vast , cyclical grasshopper invasions .

  15. 萨斯喀彻温省有政府干涉经济的历史:该省目前仍控制着当地的电话公司和汽车保险公司。

    Saskatchewan has a history of government involvement in the economy : the province still controls the local phone company and car insurer .

  16. 但是,就连必和必拓的一些支持者也批评该公司太长时间以来把游说重点放在渥太华、而非萨斯喀彻温省这个大草原省份。

    But even some BHP supporters criticise the group for focusing its lobbying efforts for too long on Ottawa rather than the prairie province .

  17. 为了让自己的报价能吸引加拿大和目标公司开采钾盐所在的萨斯喀彻温省,必和必拓可谓竭尽全力。

    BHP strained every sinew to make its bid attractive to Canada and the province of Saskatchewan , where the target mines its potash .

  18. 加拿大的萨斯喀彻温省的做法就更绝了在啤酒酒吧里面喝水是违法的。

    Saskatchewan in Canada at least has the rights of the drinker at its civic heart it is against the law to drink water in beer parlours there .

  19. 加拿大的萨斯喀彻温省的做法就更绝了——在啤酒酒吧里面喝水是违法的。

    Saskatchewan in Canada at least has the rights of the drinker at its civic heart - it is against the law to drink water in beer parlours there . Czech your change

  20. 在这篇论文中,加拿大萨斯喀彻温省大学的心理学研究者指出:这一习惯可能是在婴儿时期习成的,因为婴儿会倾向于做向右转动的动作。

    In their paper , psychology researchers from the University of Saskatchewan in Canada point to the theory that this habit could be learned in infancy , as babies tend to make more rightward head turns .

  21. 现在,随着加拿大出口的高速增长,萨斯喀彻温省也已成为“富有”之省。按加拿大民众的看法,萨斯喀彻温省在某些社会福利事业上不应再享有联邦政府救济的权利。

    Now , thanks to its export boom , Saskatchewan too has become a " have " province , which in Canadian parlance means that it no longer qualifies for federal handouts for certain social services .

  22. 加拿大萨斯喀彻温省皇家博物馆馆长、无脊椎动物古生物学博士赖安·麦凯勒表示,“保存尾巴的新材料中有一只幼年恐龙的8节椎骨。且这些椎骨被羽毛所包围。”

    Dr Ryan McKellar , Curator of Invertebrate Palaeontology at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in Canada , said : ' The new material preserves a tail consisting of eight vertebrae from a juvenile . These are surrounded by feathers . "

  23. 加拿大萨斯喀彻温(Saskatchewan)省北部铀成矿作用的主要特点与启示

    Characteristics of uranium metallogeny in northern saskatchewan , canada and its inspiration significance for uranium prospecting in China