
  • 网络Salina
  1. 学生ClaireHinrichsen在一个人口600多人的城镇长大,她曾在堪萨斯大学(KU)读本科,她选择加入萨莱纳项目的原因之一就是学校的规模。

    Student Claire Hinrichsen grew up in a town of about six hundred people . She attended the University of Kansas , or KU , as an undergraduate . One reason she chose the Salina program is because of the size .

  2. 整个学校只有8名学生,这是美国最小的医学院,由萨莱纳的教授授课,或是堪萨斯市和卫奇塔的教授通过视频链接授课。

    There are only eight students -- the smallest medical school in the country . Classes are taught by professors in Salina or on a video link from Kansas City or Wichita .

  3. 该项目总部设在堪萨斯州第十大城市萨莱纳,这里人口五万。

    The program is based in Kansas ' tenth largest city , Salina , home to about fifty thousand people . Salina is about a three-hour drive from Kansas City , past fields of corn , and cattle .