
luò yè guǒ shù
  • deciduous fruit tree
落叶果树[luò yè guǒ shù]
  1. DNA分子标记在落叶果树上的应用

    Application of DNA molecular marker in deciduous fruit tree

  2. 落叶果树无休眠栽培的原理与技术体系

    Principles and technical systems of non-dormancy culture on deciduous fruit tree

  3. 落叶果树枝条具有取材容易、DNA含量丰富的特点而适合在休眠季节用于提取DNA,进而加速果树分子生物学研究进程。

    The phloems of the annual branch deciduous tree had the traits to gather easily , and they were rich in DNA contents , this characteristic was suitable to extract DNA in the dormancy season . The CTAB and SDS methods were used to isolate DNA in this paper .

  4. 桃是我国第3大落叶果树。

    Peach is the third major deciduous fruit trees in China .

  5. 多效唑作用机理及在落叶果树上的应用

    The Functioning Mechanism and Application of Paclobutrazol in Deciduous Fruit Tree

  6. 落叶果树的氮循环

    Internal Cycling of Nitrogen in Deciduous Fruit Trees : A Literature Review

  7. 落叶果树芽休眠期的呼吸变化

    Respiratory changes during Dormancy of the buds of the deciduous fruit trees

  8. 氮素营养在落叶果树中利用的研究

    Advance in Research on Utilization of Nitrogen Nutrition in Deciduous Fruit Tree

  9. 影响落叶果树芽休眠的因素

    Factors that influence bud dormancy in deciduous fruit trees

  10. 西北地区落叶果树生产结构的调整与优化

    Adjustment and Optimization of Industry Structure of Deciduous Fruit Trees in Western China

  11. 落叶果树花粉中的氨基酸含量及其评价

    Contents and appraisal of aminoacid of deciduous fruits pollen

  12. 常见落叶果树果实矿质营养的研究现状

    Advances in Research on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit of Common Deciduous Fruit Tree

  13. 落叶果树主要病害的化学防治技术及展望

    The techniques of chemical control of main diseases of defoliated fruit tree and prospect

  14. 田间因素对落叶果树果实后期发育的影响

    Effect of Field Factor on the Later Stage Development in Fruits of Deciduous Trees

  15. 扫描电镜不同制样方法对几种落叶果树花粉形态的影响

    Effects of Different Sampling Method in Scanning Electron Microscope on Pollen Morphology of Some Fruits

  16. 苏南地区主要落叶果树的需冷量及休眠解除生理机制的研究

    Physiological Mechanism and Chilling Requirement of Main Deciduous Trees in Southern Area of Jiangsu Province

  17. 休眠是多年生落叶果树抵御不良环境的一种有效过程。

    Dormancy is an effective process to resist adverse environment for perennial deciduous fruit trees .

  18. 落叶果树离体器官再生研究的现状和存在问题

    Organ regeneration of deciduous fruit trees in vitro : present status and topics to be researched

  19. 横断山区干旱河谷落叶果树资源及其开发

    Resources of deciduous fruit trees of the arid valleys in Hengduan mountainous region and their development

  20. 樱桃是落叶果树中成熟较早的水果,有早春第一果的美誉,号称百果第一枝。

    Cherry is one of deciduous fruit that matures early , which is called the first fruit in early spring .

  21. 落叶果树需冷量的研究进展连翘是木犀科连翘属植物,落叶灌木,传统以果实入药。

    The Advance of Studying on Chilling Requirement of Defoliate Fruits Forsythia Suspensa Vahl . belongs to Oleaceae 's defoliate shrub .

  22. 明确需冷量是落叶果树设施促成栽培的先决条件,也是设施促成栽培中选用品种的重要依据。

    The determination of chilling requirement is a prerequisite in forcing cultivation for deciduous fruit trees , and also important foundation for selection of varieties .

  23. 综合有关文献,介绍了落叶果树需冷量的概念、估算方法、研究现状、生物学机制和存在问题。

    This paper summarizes the conception , estimating methods , current situation of studies , biological mechanisms and problems on chilling requirement of deciduous fruit crops .

  24. 研究表明碳水化合物代谢作为植物重要代谢途径之一,对落叶果树的休眠有重要调控作用。

    Many researches have shown that carbohydrate metabolism that is a basic metabolic pathway of plants plays an important role in dormancy of deciduous fruit trees .

  25. 该河谷地是世界栽培落叶果树的重要起源地之一,也是世界上稀有的生物多样性天然基因库。

    They are one of the important origins of the deciduous fruit trees planted in the world and a natural gene bak of biodiversity rarely found in the world .

  26. 综述了多效唑的作用机理和多效唑在果树体内的吸收、运转、分配、有效期和多年效应及在落叶果树上的应用状况。

    The functioning mechanism , absorption , transference , distribution , effective period and perennial effect , as well as application of paclobutrazol in deciduous fruit trees were summarized .

  27. 我国的落叶果树多生长在夏季高温、干旱地区,果实日灼病问题相当突出,尤其是苹果、葡萄、石榴等树种发生严重。

    Under the strong light and arid climate conditions in summer , many fruit crops such as apple , grape and pomegranate are commonly and severely affected by sunburn in China .

  28. 综述了落叶果树氮对产量与品质的影响、氮循环、氮诊断与精准施氮等氮素营养研究的几个方面。

    To summarize several aspects of research on nitrogen nutrition in deciduous fruit tree , including nitrogen 's effect on output and quality , nitrogen cycling , nitrogen diagnosis and precision application technology .

  29. 西北地区落叶果树资源丰富但果树产业发展整体水平较低,果树生产结构矛盾突出,果农收入水平起伏波动日益加剧等许多深层次问题有待解决。

    The resources of deciduous fruit trees are abundant but the industry 's development level is low , and there is a serious contradiction in fruit industry structure , and also the farmers ' income has an increasing fluctuate .

  30. 其野生果树种质资源十分丰富,现已查明的野生果树及近缘种9科21属58种,是多种温带落叶果树栽培种的重要起源地之一。

    The investigation reveals that there are 58 species and allied species in 21 genera and 9 families in the wild fruit-tree forests , and the regions are one of the important sources of domesticating many species of temperate deciduous fruit trees .