
luò chuí
  • wind up a deal
  1. 他的画以人民币十万元落槌。

    His painting was auctioned off for ¥ 100,000 .

  2. 其它作品包括莫奈的睡莲系列画作之一,他的1905年印象派绘画《睡莲》(Nymphéas)以5400万美元落槌。

    Others included one of Claude Monet 's water lilies series of paintings while his 1905 impressionist painting " Nymph é as " sold for $ 54m .

  3. 陈年名酒专场不仅创下高价新纪录,而且整场拍卖的成交率也达到100%,多个标的超过起拍价十倍甚至几十倍落槌。

    Besides record transaction price , the auction also set100 percent sale rate record and many liquors were sold a dozen or scores times of their base prices .

  4. 当然,如果买家决定把钻石切开,拍卖的落槌价中是不包括加工费用的。

    And of course , the hammer price does not include whatever the buyer would have to pay to have the stone cut , should he or she decide to do so .

  5. 无论最终是谁买下这颗宝石,都需要向苏富比支付一笔叫做“买家佣金”的费用,落槌价超过300万美元后费率为12%,最初的300万美元费率还要更高。

    Whoever buys the Lucara stone will pay Sotheby 's a 12 percent fee , known as the buyer 's premium , on the hammer price for anything over the first $ 3 million , and a higher percentage of the first $ 3 million .