
  • 网络mongolian medicine
  1. 为蒙医学健康发展起到了重要作用。

    For the healthy development of Mongolian medicine has played an important role .

  2. 基于对人与自然关系的整体观思想,阐述了人与自然协调对养生的重要性,从而进一步说明了蒙医学顺应自然,因时制宜养生之道的科学性和实际意义。

    It could explain the science and realistic meaning of the relation of Mongolian medicine and natural rule .

  3. 论蒙医学中的人与自然协调养生观

    The Keeping Health of Harmony the Relation between People and Nature

  4. 蒙医学在长期的发展过程中逐步形成了具有自身特色的伦理思想。

    Mongolian medicine in the development of long-term process of gradually formed its own characteristics with ethical thinking .

  5. 但是,随着科学技术的进步和现代医学的冲击,蒙医学现在面临着前所未有的挑战。

    But with the progress of science and technology and the pound of modem medicine , Mongolian medicine is faced with an unprecedented challenge .

  6. 蒙医学是蒙古族非常珍贵的文化遗产,几千年来为蒙古族的繁衍生息提供了保障。

    Mongolian medicine is a very precious cultural heritage . For thousands of years , it has been providing a guarantee for the Mongolians ' live and multiply .

  7. 而蒙医学专业是少数民族高等教育中发展较早、且具特色的专业,是中国少数民族高等教育专业建设的重要组成部分。

    With strong ethnic characteristics , professional Mongolian medical is one of the early developed major also an important part of the ethnic minority higher education of China .

  8. 在众多民族医药当中,蒙医学(包括蒙药学,以下同)是一块灿烂的瑰宝,是祖国传统医学的重要组成部分之一。

    Among these multiracial medicines , Mongolian medicine ( including Mongolian pharmacy , the following together ) is a brilliant treasure and an important part of traditional medicine in the motherland .

  9. 二是介绍蒙医学的产生和发展、蒙医学与其他民族学的关系、现代蒙医学的发展现状、地位和作用。

    The second part is to introduce the emergence and development of Mongolian medicine ; the relation among Mongolian medicine and other ethnic minorities ' medicine ; the developing status and role of the modern Mongolian medicine .

  10. 以蒙医学文献为依据整理了古代,近代和现代蒙医学伦理思想的主要内容。第三部分分析了蒙医学伦理思想的主要特点及作用。

    Monte finishing medical literature based on the ancient , modern and modern Mongolian medical ethics of the main contents of thinking . Part ⅲ analyzes the thinking of Mongolian medical ethics and the role of the main features .

  11. 为探讨传统医学的学术本质,揭示传统医学认识方法的某些规律,对蒙医学和中医学的思想、理论和技术作系统的比较研究。

    For the sake of the essence of traditional medicines and also for revealing some of the principles of epistemology in traditional medicines , we made the comparative study on traditional Mongolian medicine and traditional Chinese medicine concerning the theory ideal and technique .

  12. 因此从宏观的角度审视,蒙医学不仅是一种传统的医学科学,而且是蒙古族人民观察人体生命现象的特有的思路和方法,是那个社会的文化沉淀的一部分。

    From a more macroscopic point of view we can see the Mongolian medicine is not only a kind of traditional medical science , but also is a special approach to observe the phenomena of life and thus constitutes part of its social culture .

  13. 蒙医体质理论研究已取得阶段性成果,但与其他医学相比差距很大,研究构建蒙医体质学理论体系,对蒙医学基础理论的发展和现代化具有非常重要的现实意义。

    The research of somatoplasm theory about Mongolian medicine had gained phasic outcome , but had big gap compared with others medicine still . Researching and establishing theory system of somatoplasm about Mongolian medicine had much important actual signification for the developing and modernization of basic theory about Mongolian medicine .