
xù diàn chí rónɡ liànɡ
  • Battery capacity;accumulator capacity
  1. PCL蓄电池容量恢复的研究

    Study on the capacity recovery of PCL in lead acid batteries

  2. SVR优化算法及其在蓄电池容量预测中的应用

    SVR optimization and its application to capacity prediction of VRLA batteries

  3. VRLA蓄电池容量落后原因分析

    Cause analysis of capacity lagging in VRLA batteries

  4. 本文结合江苏徐塘发电公司蓄电池容量在线监测系统的检测要求,监控串联蓄电池组的单体电压和表而温度,设计了一款基于ARM的蓄电池在线监测仪。

    And the main achievement is designing a battery on-line monitoring instrument based on ARM to monitor the monomer voltage and surface temperature of series storage battery .

  5. 研究了已发生早期容量损失PCL的铅酸蓄电池容量恢复的可行性。

    The feasibility of restoring capacity was studied for the premature capacity loss in lead acid batteries .

  6. 人工神经网络法预测MH-Ni蓄电池容量

    Prediction of Ni - MH battery capacity by the artificial neural network method

  7. 本文重点阐述了VRLA蓄电池容量落后的产生原因及避免的方法。

    The reasons of capacity lagging in VRLA cells and the measures to avoid the phenomena are elucidated in this paper .

  8. 110kV综合自动化变电站蓄电池容量的计算

    Capacity calculation of storage battery in 110 kV integrated automation substation

  9. 计算机实际模拟证明,新陈代谢GM(1,1)预测模型能够明显地提高预测精度,增加预测可靠程度,从而实现蓄电池容量的早期预测评估。

    The results of simulation indicate that the metabolic GM ( 1,1 ) forecast model can obviously improve the precision of forecasting , increase the reliability of forecasting . So it can do the early forecasting evaluation to the capacity of storage cell .

  10. ECG-6511是医院常见的便携式单导心电图机,具有抗干扰性能好,操作方便、蓄电池容量大等优点。

    ECG-6511 is a familiar single-lead portable electrocardiograph in the hospital . It has the qualities such as high anti-interference , ease of operation and the big capacity of storage battery .

  11. 矿用大车蓄电池容量控制因素探讨

    Discussion on volume control factors of batteries used in haul trucks

  12. 全自动蓄电池容量检测仪的研制

    Design of the completely automatic capacity of storage battery instrument

  13. 温度对密封镉镍蓄电池容量的影响

    Influence of temperature on capacity of sealed cadmium-nickel rechargeable battery

  14. 新型蓄电池容量检测设备的研究

    A new type of equipment for testing the electric capacity of batteries

  15. 通过恒流放电可以实现蓄电池容量的精确测量。

    It can accurate measure the battery discharge capacity via constant-current discharge .

  16. 密封铅酸蓄电池容量快速测试技术难点分析

    The Difficult Point Analysis of SOC Fast Measuring Technology on Sealing Lead-Acid Battery

  17. 本文分析了免维护铅蓄电池容量早期下降的原因。

    The early capacity loss of maintanence-free lead acid storage battery was analyzed .

  18. 单片机控制的电力机车用蓄电池容量校核系统的研制

    Development of battery capacity check system for electric locomotive controlled by single-chip computer

  19. 对铅酸蓄电池容量检测方法的探讨

    A Discussion on the Methods of Testing the Capacity of Lead Acid Batteries

  20. 基于灰色理论的蓄电池容量预测

    Forecasting of cell capacitance based on grey theory

  21. 密封铅酸蓄电池容量的化学限制作用

    Chemical Limitation to Capacity of Sealed Lead-Acid Battery

  22. 独立光伏系统中光伏功率与蓄电池容量的匹配设计

    Matching Design of PV Array Power and Battery Capacity in the Stand-alone Photovoltaic System

  23. 光纤铅酸蓄电池容量传感器研究

    Research on the Fiber Reflecting Sensor for Detecting the Residual Capacity of the Lead-acid Battery

  24. 可以判断系统达到平衡的状态,给出蓄电池容量变化,以及充放电等情况的曲线,显示直观效果。

    You can judge the state of the system balance and get the state curves .

  25. 光纤隐失波铅酸蓄电池容量检测传感器研究

    Research on the Fiber EW Sensor for Detecting the Residual Capacity of the Lead-acid Battery

  26. 模糊逻辑与神经网络的蓄电池容量预测

    Study on estimating storage battery 's capacity based on fuzzy logic and neural network technology

  27. 数字蓄电池容量检测仪

    Digital meter for measuring battery capacity

  28. 从能量平衡的角度出发对太阳能方阵发电量、负载耗电量和蓄电池容量进行了匹配设计。

    Based on energy balance to size the batteries and photovoltaic array for the required load .

  29. 蓄电池容量及起动放电率检测的计算机控制

    The measurement of the capacity of battery and of the starting discharge rate by using of computer controll

  30. 研究了因不可逆硫酸化引起早期失效铅酸蓄电池容量恢复的可行性。

    The feasibility of capacity recovery of sulphated lead acid battery ( premature capacity loss ) was studied .