
  • 网络detention basin
  1. 蓄滞洪区综合利用多目标情景分析模型研究

    Study on the Multi-object and Scenario Analysis Model for the Integrative Utilization of Flood Detention Basin

  2. 蓄滞洪区洪水调度优化和风险分析

    Optimization and Risk Analysis of Storage and Detention Basin

  3. 基于GIS的层次分析法在蓄滞洪区启用次序决策中的应用

    Application of GIS Analytic Hierarchy Process for Deciding Operation Sequence of Flood Detention Zones

  4. 最后运用GIS制图技术,将计算后的河南省蓄滞洪区的和谐度直观的表现出来,同时从五个子系统方面,分别制作河南省蓄滞洪区和谐性展示的专题图。

    In the end , using the charting function of GIS , thematic maps revealing the harmony degree of storage and detention zones within Henan province are made separately out of all the five child systems .

  5. 建立蓄滞洪区滩区土地银行的设想

    Consideration on establishment of land bank in flood detention basin

  6. 蓄滞洪区可持续发展研究

    Study on the sustainable development of storage and detention zones

  7. 蓄滞洪区利用与减灾研究百色水利枢纽防洪库容的确定

    Determination of flood storage capacity of the Baise water resources pivotal project

  8. 淮河蓄滞洪区洪水风险分析的认识

    Flood risk analysis of flood retention areas in the Huai River Basin

  9. 蓄滞洪区行蓄洪损失快速评估方法研究

    Study on quick evaluation method of flood storage damage in flood storage area

  10. 海河蓄滞洪区洪水资源利用的水污染风险分析

    Water pollution risk analysis on flood resource utilization in Haihe River detention areas

  11. 松花江流域蓄滞洪区方案优选智能决策研究

    Intelligent decision on optimization of storage-detention flood area alternatives in Songhua River basin

  12. 蓄滞洪区洪水模拟研究综述

    A review of flood simulation in flood detention basin

  13. 洞庭湖蓄滞洪区建设管理问题与对策研究

    Research on the Construction and Management of Flood Storage Areas in Dongting Lake

  14. 蓄滞洪区运用损失快速评估与补偿研究

    The Research of Fast Assessment and Compensation in Exertion Loss of Store Floodwater Area

  15. 蓄滞洪区洪水保险与再保险研究

    Study on Flood Insurance and Reinsurance of The-Flood-Storage-Area

  16. 中国蓄滞洪区补偿保障体系研究

    Research on Chinese Store Floodwater Area Compensation System

  17. 蓄滞洪区管理案例研究

    Flood detention basin management-case studies

  18. 我国蓄滞洪区、滩区问题主要表现在土地利用和人口安全与发展两个方面。

    The major problems of flood detention basin of China are land use and human safety and development .

  19. 蓄滞洪区可持续发展评价指标体系及案例研究

    The indicators system for the assessment of the sustainable development of storage and detention zones and case study

  20. 第1章蓄滞洪区的基本状况与灾后补偿的历史研究。

    The first chapter : the basic situation of store floodwater area and historical research on compensation after disaster .

  21. 目前我国的蓄滞洪区既是蓄滞洪水的场所,又是区内居民生存发展的家园。

    Detention areas are both the room for flood detention and the homestead for survival and development of local residents .

  22. 所建三维演示模块能够计算蓄滞洪区的蓄水量和淹没面积,对蓄滞洪区调洪蓄洪提供决策上的支持,弥补了传统的二维可视化的局限性。

    The 3D module can calculate the water storage capacity and flood submerged area and remedy the limitation of traditional 2D visualization .

  23. 现阶段,洞庭湖蓄滞洪区人口安置采用单退和双退模式,逐步将蓄滞洪区内人口迁出。

    At the present , Single-relocating Mode and Double-relocating Mode are adopted for the population resettlement in Dongting Lake flood detention areas .

  24. 加强蓄滞洪区安全建设,改善滞洪区广大人民群众的生存条件,是防汛工作中的重中之重。

    Strengthening safe construction of flood storage and detention areas and improving peoples survival conditions are the most important tasks in flood prevention .

  25. 淮河蓄滞洪区承担着滞蓄洪水和居民生存发展的双重作用。

    Flood retention area in the Huai River Basin has dual functions of storing water as well as providing living spaces for the people .

  26. 黄河下游滩区享受蓄滞洪区运用政策补偿可行性研究

    Feasibility studies on applying compensation policies of flood retention and storage areas in flood plain areas in the lower reaches of the Yellow River

  27. 试论黄河下游滩区享受蓄滞洪区补偿政策的必要性

    On the Necessity to Administer the Lower Yellow River Flood Plain Areas With the Same Compensation Policy as the Flood Detention and Storage Areas

  28. 本文将多目标模糊优选理论和方法引入到蓄滞洪区洪水调度方案优选中。

    In this paper , multi-objective fuzzy optimal theory and measure is introduced to optimal selection of flood control 's projects of storage and detention basin .

  29. 对蓄滞洪区洪水调度进行了风险识别,建立了蓄滞洪区洪水调度风险分析模型,并进行了洪水风险分析计算。

    Flood risk operation model of flood control of storage and detention basin is built up , and the flood risk analysis calculation is carried on .

  30. 对蓄滞洪区分洪口门的数值模拟进行了探讨,建立了一种模拟分洪口门展宽及刷深的数学模型。

    The paper discusses the numerical simulation of opening in the flood detention area , and builds a mathematic model to simulate the widening and scouring process of opening .