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  • 网络slavery
  1. 他们呼吁当局将蓄奴定为一种应该受到惩罚的罪行。

    They called on the authorities to make slavery a punishable offence .

  2. 以前蓄奴还合法呢

    that used to be legal -- human slavery , so ...

  3. 然而盖茨与他的朋友,索尼娱乐(SonyEntertainment)首席执行官迈克尔·林顿(MichaelLynton)的通信记录显示,当阿弗莱克得知自己有一个蓄奴的先辈后,却要求把这个细节剪掉。

    But when he learned that he had a slave-owning ancestor , he asked that the detail be excised , according to communications between Gates and his friend Michael Lynton , the chief executive of Sony Entertainment .

  4. 墨西哥法律禁止蓄奴,对吗?

    Mexican law said there ain 't no slaves , right ?

  5. 蓄奴制曾经触动过他,但只是在某种抽象的意义上而言。

    Slavery moved him , yet as a somewhat abstract cause .

  6. 美国人蓄奴,野蛮侵占土著人的土地。

    Americans kept slaves ; they brutally displaced indigenous peoples .

  7. 弗吉尼亚的定居先于蓄奴,因此是很多元的。

    Virginia was settled before slavery began , and it was diverse .

  8. 即使乔治。华盛顿和汤玛士。杰弗逊也曾蓄奴。

    Even George Washington and Thomas Jefferson had slaves .

  9. 他为废除蓄奴制度而奔走游说。

    He campaigned for the abolition of slavery .

  10. 他相信废除蓄奴制是唯一的出路,这明显地反映了他的激进主义。

    His radicalism showed itself in his belief that abolition was the only course .

  11. 这与希腊文化中对蓄奴的辩护,有异曲同工之妙。

    This is uncannily parallel by the way to the rationalization for slaves in Greek culture .

  12. 蓄奴的政府与被奴役的民族。

    Slave-owning governments and enslaved peoples .

  13. 不承认蓄奴是一个罪,使南方和北方避免了冲突,但只是暂时性的。

    By not admitting that slave-holding is a sin , both sides avoided conflict , but only temporarily .

  14. 北方各州的人一直瞧不起梅森一狄克森线以南的昔日的蓄奴州。

    The former slave states south of the Mason-Dixon line have always been looked down on by northerners .

  15. 美国宪法中的主要瑕疵&没有废除蓄奴,曾遭受了无数的批评。

    Countless critics have pointed out the major blemish on the Constitution : It does not abolish slavery .

  16. 1860年12月20日,南卡罗来纳州脱离联邦,其他十个蓄奴州旋即效仿。

    December 20 , 1860.South Carolina secedes from the Union . The ten other slave states soon follow .

  17. 康普生的家境衰败就是蓄奴制旧南方衰亡的缩影。

    The declining family circumstances of the Compsons is the symbol of the dying away of the old South tradition .

  18. 只要在马萨诸塞可以把一个黑人从汽车里推出去,马萨话塞就是一个蓄奴州。

    While a black man can be turned out of a car in Massachusetts , Massachusetts is a slave State .

  19. 正是道貌岸然的蓄奴主,拿出奴隶生产的利息的十分之一来,给其余的奴隶星期日的自由。

    It is the pious slave-breeder devoting the proceeds of every tenth slave to buy a Sunday 's liberty for the rest .

  20. 如果奴役他人是错误的,神一定会供应那些遵行他的话不蓄奴的人劳力上的需要。

    If it is wrong to enslave another , then God must be able to provide for those who follow him without resorting to slavery .

  21. 同时,也有另外一种担心,害怕在新的领土里面增加蓄奴州会加剧南北之间的分化。

    There was concern that an increase in slave holding states created out of the new territory would exacerbate divisions between north and south , as well .

  22. 在就职典礼上,亚伯拉罕·林肯勉强承诺允许蓄奴州继续保持奴隶制,但退步太小且为时已晚。

    At his inauguration , Abraham Lincoln reluctantly pledges that states with slaves will be allowed to keep them , but it 's too little , too late .

  23. 从某种意义上说,托妮·莫里森认为,美国对蓄奴传统还有一个辩护,但不是邓巴这个例子中的,不用工作。

    Now in a certain way , this is still a rationalization that Tony Morrison sees in the American slave-owning tradition , but it 's not so much in the case of this Dunbar a freedom from work .

  24. 当时的美国南方是典型的种植园农业经济社会,重农思想严重;宗教意识保守;蓄奴制盛行,等级制森严;种族冲突激烈。

    Then , south America was in the society of typical agriculture economy . There were the ideas of attention to agriculture , the conservative religious consciousness , the prevalence of slavery , the strict hierarchy , and the violent ethnic conflicts .

  25. 通过小说中的两个重要历史背景:二战和美国南方蓄奴制,本篇论文分别从宏观和个人角度对人类的罪恶本质进行了剖析。

    There are two historical backgrounds in this novel . One is World War II , and the other is slavery in the South . This thesis employs these two historical events to explore the essence of human sin from two perspectives of the collective and individual .