
xù shuǐ
  • retain water;store water;impound
蓄水 [xù shuǐ]
  • (1) [impound]∶为了灌溉、水力发电、防汛或类似的用途而将水拦蓄起来

  • (2) [store water]∶储存水

  • 山坡上建池蓄水

蓄水[xù shuǐ]
  1. 三峡大坝156m蓄水对船舶航行安全的影响分析

    The influence of 156m retain water of Three Gorges upon safety of navigation

  2. 根据三峡大坝156m蓄水引起的库区船舶航行条件的变化及特点,分析156m蓄水后通航环境变化对船舶安全航行的影响,结合库区船舶航行的特点,提出重新制定和修改有关规章和法规;

    In light of the characteristics of navigation condition in the waterway of Three Gorges reservoir after the retain water reaches 156 m , this paper discussed about the influence of change of sailing environment upon the safety of navigation .

  3. 曾为水井供水的蓄水层正式宣告干涸了。

    The aquifer which had once fed the wells was pronounced dry

  4. 放射性水已经渗入地下蓄水层中。

    Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs

  5. 它们缺乏蓄水结构,而且它们生长在岩石表面,这阻止了它们利用地下水,所以它们反而形成了改变其新陈代谢的能力。

    They lack water-storing structures , and their existence on rock faces prevents them from tapping groundwater , so they have instead developed the ability to change their metabolism .

  6. 斯坦福大学的研究小组对这一深度以下的地下蓄水层进行了调查,发现蓄水量或许是先前所认为的三倍。

    The team at Stanford investigated the aquifersbelow this depth and found that reserves may be triple what was previously thought .

  7. 这些来源存在的一个问題就是深层地下水也比浅一些的地下蓄水层的水含盐浓度要高。

    One problem with these sources is that the deep water also has a higher level of salt than shallower aquifers .

  8. 蓄水层的深度从地下一千英尺到三千英尺不等,这意味着抽水的成本是高的,而且还有其他一些担忧

    The aquifers range from 1,000 to 3,000 feet below the ground , which means that pumping will be expensive and there are other concerns .

  9. 用来灌溉这个地区葡萄园的第一批水来自古老的地下蓄水层。

    The wine region 's first water came from an ancient aquifer .

  10. 台湾国立中央大学(NationalCentralUniversity)的研究员对水库蓄水进行了首份详尽的全球评估。

    Researchers at Taiwan 's National Central University carried out the first comprehensive global assessment of water held in reservoirs .

  11. 进水塔蓄水期温度场及温度应力ANSYS分析

    Simulation Analysis of Temperature Field and Stress during Storage Period for Intake Tower by ANSYS

  12. 这表明矿渣废弃地渗透系数大,蓄水量少而蒸发失水强烈,抗旱力弱;碱性较强,土壤有机质、N、P、K含量低;

    These show that the slag wastelands have little water accumulation and high evaporative power , alkaline soil , the low content of organic matter , N , P , K.

  13. 再次,利用多层次模糊优选理论建立了水库正常蓄水位的评价模型,并且用C语言建立了计算机模型,实现了水库正常蓄水位评价的可视化模型;

    Thirdly , the evaluation model of normal water level is established on the basis of multi-layer fuzzy optimization theory , and then transferred into computer model through C # to realize a visualized model for normal water level evaluation ;

  14. 研究结果表明,浅层蓄水容量对NAM模型模拟径流深的影响最小;

    The result shows that the influence of maximum water content in root zone storage is least on depth of runoff volume ;

  15. 三峡水库135m蓄水过程分析

    Analysis on the impoundment process of Three Gorges Reservoir up to EL.135 m

  16. 最后采用了C++BuiIder和Matlab开发工具,对正常蓄水位方案综合评价实现了由指标选取、指标输入、权重输入,到综合评判分析的计算机可视化评判模型。

    Lastly by C + + Builder and Matlab development toll the selection of index , the input of index , the input of weight and the result of comprehensive evaluation are accomplish in the model for compute comprehensive evaluation about normal water level .

  17. 三峡水库135m水位蓄水前后水体中重金属分布变化

    Changes of Heavy Metals Distribution in Water Body of the Three Gorges Reservoir at 135 m Water Level

  18. 三峡蓄水后,必然引起沿江两岸135m~175m范围库岸边坡的不稳定,即水库塌岸或边岸再造。

    When three gorge sluiced , bank slide between 135m and 175m must be instable , namely reservoir bank collapse .

  19. 浅谈三峡水库139m水位蓄水

    On the water impoundment at the elevation of 139 m of the Three Gorges Reservoir

  20. 通过GPS观测和模拟结果的对比,发现2003年蓄水在香溪出现最大幅值约20mm的残差沉降,我们合理地解释为该地段的岩溶渗水荷载的效应。

    Finally by comparing GPS observations with the modeled results we found a residual subsidence in around Xiangxi that can be reasonably considered to be the contribution of the percolation resultant water loads in Carst region .

  21. 由于沙棘的改土作用及林地枯枝、落叶的蓄水作用,沙棘林地1~1.5m土层土壤水分恢复较好,可超过或接近荒山天然草地。

    Due to the soil improvement by Hippophae rhamnoides and the water retaining by litter , the soil moisture of 1 ~ 1.5 m layer could be easy to restore .

  22. 该方法采用逐次迭代逼近的思想,每次仅对一个水库采用SDP求解,并假设其它水库的蓄水过程已确定为多年平均蓄水过程。

    This method is to conduct SDP by means of successive approximations for one reservoir at a time , with the storage processes of the other reservoirs set to be the average annual ones .

  23. 小浪底水库如采用设计的逐步抬高蓄水位的运用方式,水库运用前6a水位不能满足引水要求。

    If the operation model of lifting step by step is applied in Xiaolangdi reservoir , the water level in the first 6 years during reservoir operation will not match the demand for water drawing .

  24. 三峡水库于2006年10月底蓄水至156m水位,标志着三峡工程顺利进入初期试运行阶段。

    The water level of Three Gorges Reservoir moved up to 156m at the end of October 2006 , representing Three Gorges Project had begun its primary operation period .

  25. 在此基础之上,对三峡电站蓄水位达到156m高程时发电机楼板系的响应进行了预测。从安全监测的角度出发,对大型电站厂房动力监测问题进行了研究。

    On the base of those study , the dynamic response of the generator floor layer in the Three Gorges Project is forecasted when the water level reached elevation 156m .

  26. 鱼中PCDD/Fs的浓度,蓄水季显著高于枯水季。而DL-PCBs的浓度在枯水季和蓄水季并无差别。

    The concentration of PCDD / Fs in water season was significantly higher than the dry season , but the concentration of DL-PCBs was no different in the dry and the water season .

  27. 湖北省兴山县顺利完成了17处崩滑体、3处长2939.07m库岸防护的二期地质灾害的防治工作,为135m、139m水库蓄水创造了条件。

    Geological hazard prevention and control in Xingshan country have been successfully accomplished . There are 17 landslides and collapses and 2 939.07 meters reservoir collapse bank in the second period of geological hazards prevention projects .

  28. 当三峡水库蓄水至175m时,填筑体绝大部分处于库水位以下,设计中必须考虑填方体的整体稳定性和湿化变形引起高填方不均匀沉降对直径为70m的氧化沟的不利影响。

    When the TGP 's water level arrives at 175m , the most part of the high fill will be submerged , it is necessary for designer to consider the overall stability , the differential settlement and the slaking deformation of the high fill due to wetting .

  29. 在三峡水库二期蓄水后,135m水位线下的支流尽管多数仍保持狭长的河流态势,但回水段的流速明显降低,成为名副其实的人工湖泊,适合藻类生长。

    Though the tributaries under 135 m lever maintained slim flow pattern after second water storage in the Three Gorges Reservoir , the speed in the backwater reach reduced obviously , so it became the lake which was suitable for growth of algae .

  30. 采用蓄清排浑的运用方式,正常蓄水位175m方案,运用100a后,可以保留水库有效库容86%~92%;

    Under the conditions of reservoir operation scheme of " discharging the turbid and impounding the clear " and the normal pool level ( NPL ) of 175m , after 100 years operation of the reservoir , 86 % - 92 % of utilizable capacity may be preserved .