
  • 网络BLUE DIAMOND;Hope Diamond
  1. 这颗枕形鲜彩深灰蓝钻石重达35.56克拉。

    A cushion-cut fancy deep grayish blue diamond weighing 35.56 carats .

  2. 乔治的妻子一心要买那颗蓝钻石。

    George 's wife has set her heart on the blue diamond .

  3. 包含硼杂质的蓝钻石,是美丽昂贵的,且自然产生p型半导体。

    Blue diamonds , which contain boron impurities , are beautiful , expensive , and naturally occurring p-type semiconductors .

  4. 盖迈希公司还可以生产蓝钻石,这是一种世人争相追求的珍贵宝石。

    Gemesis is making blue diamonds & rare and sought-after gemstones .

  5. 蓝钻石是第二稀有的钻石,仅次于极难被发现的红钻石。

    They are the rarest diamonds after red , which are almost never found .

  6. 该项拍卖创造了鲜彩蓝钻石拍卖单价最高的记录。

    The sale broke a record for price-per-carat for any fancy vivid blue diamond sold at auction .

  7. 蓝钻石的晶体结构中含有的化学元素硼是蓝色的由来。

    Blue diamonds get their colour from small amounts of the chemical element boron trapped in their crystal structure .

  8. 消费者会在意吗?下一年盖迈希公司准备在美国销售它的蓝钻石,到那时,我们或许会明白的。

    Will consumers care We might find out next year when Gemesis is ready to market its blue diamonds in the United States .

  9. 佩特拉钻石公司近日宣布,他们在南非库利南钻石矿发现了一颗很有可能是迄今为止最大的蓝钻石。

    Petra Diamonds announced its discovery of what may very well be the largest blue diamond to ever be unearthed at the Cullinan mine in South Africa .

  10. 枕形鲜彩蓝钻石,重达6.01克拉,左右两侧各有一颗椭圆形粉钻镶嵌在铂金之上,重量分别为0.46和0.44克拉。

    A cushion-shaped fancy vivid blue diamond weighing 6.01 carats , flanked on each side by an oval pink diamond weighing 0.46 and 0.44 carat respectively , mounted in platinum .

  11. 这枚钻戒镶嵌有一颗重达10.95克拉的三角形鲜彩蓝钻石和一颗重约9.87克拉的三角形钻石,于1972年面世。

    The ring is set with a triangular-cut fancy vivid blue diamond , weighing 10.95 carats , and a triangular-cut diamond , weighing 9.87 carats , and dates from 1972 .

  12. 别装傻,就是那首有关蓝眼和钻石的啊

    You know , that one about blue eyes and diamonds