
  • 网络fake news;False News Reports
  1. 时至今日,虚假新闻还是时有出现。

    Until now , fake news will appear now and again .

  2. 虚假新闻的出现,就是一些新闻工作者职业道德与操守缺失的表现。

    The occurrence of fake news is a expression of the journalists have lost their vocational morality .

  3. 在新闻的“四大公害”中,首当其冲的是虚假新闻。

    Among the four pollutions , fake report comes first .

  4. 从世界新闻史来看,也一直都有虚假新闻出现。

    From the world history to see there are always appear false news .

  5. 我国职业足球虚假新闻透视

    Perspective of false news about professional soccer in China

  6. 这直接导致虚假新闻出现,背离了新闻真实。

    It directly leads to false news , which is deviated from truth .

  7. 强化责任意识是制止虚假新闻的关键

    Prohibiting False News , Preventing Dishonest Reports Must Strengthen Journalists ' Sense of Responsibility

  8. 网络受众的这一特点和网络特有的属性助长了虚假新闻的产生和传播。

    This feature of netizen contributed to the generation and propagation of false news .

  9. 网络虚假新闻的生成形态

    Networking A Tentative Study of the Causes of the Formation of False Journalism on the Internet

  10. 从新闻的商品属性看虚假新闻的侵权责任

    Responsibilities of False News for Violation of Legal Rights as Seen from the Commodity Nature of News

  11. 虚假新闻不仅影响社会的利益,也影响着媒体的公信力。

    False news affect not only the good of society , also affect the credibility of the media .

  12. 本文就网络媒体上大量信息垃圾的产生、网上虚假新闻信息的衍生等问题进行了讨论。

    This paper is aimed at discussing on the appearance of information rubbish and false mews in network media .

  13. 对于那些不熟悉虚假新闻报道概念的人而言,经常错把《洋葱》的讽刺和幽默当真。

    For those unfamiliar with the concept of fake news stories , their satire and humor can easily be missed .

  14. 《中国特产报》因涉嫌敲诈勒索及报道虚假新闻被责令停业整顿。

    The China Special Native Product has also had its license suspended after being accused of blackmail and releasing false stories .

  15. 本文是笔者近年来对虚假新闻这一问题进行思考、探讨和研究的一些粗浅的认识。

    This paper is the thoughts 、 explorings and study on the issue of false news of writer in the recent years .

  16. 从媒体诞生那天起,虚假新闻就是引起媒体信任危机的罪魁祸首。

    From the day of media 's emergence , false news has been the very culprit who causes media 's creditability crisis .

  17. 最终证明这原来是虚假新闻,两位演员极力否认,并就该事件发起法律诉讼,力争与那些谣言传播者斗争到底。

    It turned out to be false and both of the thespians vehemently denied the gossip , initiating legal proceedings against the rumormongers .

  18. 职业足球虚假新闻的成因主要源于思想上的失察、工作中的失误以及道德上的失范,特点是涉及面广、危害程度深。

    The main causes of false news are the ignorance in thought , fault in the job , and lack of regulation in morals .

  19. 虚假新闻不断,不良风气蔓延,时刻挑战着新闻的底线,挑战着职业道德的底线,也挑战着受众容忍度的底线。

    Constant fake news and prevailing negative custom have challenged the bottom line of news and occupational ethics as well as public tolerance constantly .

  20. 根据《人民日报》日前报道,中国国家互联网信息办公室(网信办)将整治网络虚假新闻及不实报道。

    The Cyberspace Administration of China ( CAC ) is cracking down on fake online news and false coverage , the People 's Daily reported .

  21. 娱乐新闻的过度炒作、虚假新闻、低俗化等现象,已经引起了全国自上而下的广泛关注和指责。

    Excessive propagation of the amusement news , false news , have already caused the extensive concern and criticism from top to bottom of the whole country .

  22. 无庸讳言,为根除虚假新闻,新闻主管部门和新闻单位自身,都可谓是胶尽了脑汁,也采取了许多具体的措施。

    Frankly , to eliminate false news , departments responsible for the news and news units themselves both rack their brains and also take many concrete measures .

  23. 从法律的视角出发,虚假新闻无论对新闻受众还是虚假新闻中的当事人,都构成了侵权行为。

    In the perspective of law , the false news of professional soccer is a kind of right violation for the readers and person involved in false news .

  24. 脸书不再在其平台上分享的虚假新闻故事旁边显示红色警示标识,称此举并未取得预期效果。

    Facebook no longer displays red warning icons next to fake news stories shared on the platform , as it says the approach has not worked as hoped .

  25. 新闻传播的负面效应很多,主要有虚假新闻、煽情新闻、新闻侵权和舆论监督失误等。

    News communication sometimes can bring negative effects , such as : distorted news , tabloid news , news tort and the lapsus of supervision by public opinion , etc.

  26. 将失范现象归结为四类:虚假新闻充斥;不良信息泛滥;侵权现象严重;舆论导向偏失。

    Anomie phenomenon will be reduced to four categories : full of false news ; undesirable proliferation of information ; infringement is a serious problem ; ignored public opinion .

  27. 为了在市场化的社会中求得立足之地,一些媒体、新闻工作者有意或无意地走入了虚假新闻的歧途。

    In order to obtain the foothold in the market society , some media , journalists entered into the wrong road of the fake news either intentionally or unintentionally .

  28. 这些潜在的现实基础导致有些新闻媒介为吸引读者而从中有意制假,成为虚假新闻产生的根源之一。

    These latent realistic foundations cause some news medium to attract the reader to intend the system to be false , become one which of roots the false news produces .

  29. 无论是在新闻事业发达的西方,还是在正处于社会转型期的当代中国,都能够看到虚假新闻现象的反复发生。

    Whatever in the developed Western journalism , or in the modern China which is in the phrase of social transition , they all have the phenomenon of broadcasting false news .

  30. 本论文借助国际的先进经验和教训,分析网络虚假新闻的本质和危害,并提出很多了切实可行的建议。

    This thesis clarified the international advanced experience and lessons learned , analysis of the nature and hazards of the false news on the internet , and at last , raised a lot of practical recommendations .