
  • 网络Virtual Computing
  1. 基于互联网的虚拟计算环境(iVCE:Internet-basedVirtualComputingEnvironment)是一种适应互联网特征的新型网络计算平台。

    Internet-based Virtual Computing Environment ( iVCE ) is a novel network computing platform which fits the features of the Internet .

  2. 除了与思科的合作之外,CA还发布了许多管理虚拟计算资源和基于云计算的系统的各种软件管理工具。

    Separately from the Cisco partnership , CA is announcing a variety of software tools to manage virtual computing resources and cloud-based systems .

  3. 可以使用AddVirtualDimension为任何添加到模型的定义虚拟计算成员。

    The virtual calculated members can be defined for any virtual dimension that was added to the model using Add Virtual Dimension .

  4. 这种情况带来的一种可能性是,您的虚拟计算设备可能与物理硬件上承载的其他Guest操作系统争用资源。

    This situation presents the possibility that your virtual computing device might be in contention for resources with other guest operating systems hosted on the physical hardware .

  5. 针对这一界定原则,指出了虚拟计算环境中CPU开销的两个测量指标,即虚拟机之间进行调度时产生的CPU性能开销和由特权域代理执行某些特权指令产生的额外CPU开销。

    Based on this principle , we point out two indicators to measure the CPU overhead : the overhead of scheduling between virtual machines and the additional overhead generated by the privileged domain agent executing some privileged instructions .

  6. 作为对OGSA的补充,UC-OGSA将网格用户放在主导地位,并以服务为中心构建更大的虚拟计算资源。

    UC-OGSA was the supplement of OGSA , and it was a user-centered architecture which was used to build larger virtual computing resources based on grid services .

  7. 为了实现互联网资源的有效共享和综合利用,虚拟计算环境聚合和协同机理研究973课题组提出了虚拟计算环境的概念,即iVCE。

    In order to realize the effective sharing and comprehensive utilization of Internet resources , 973 Task Force proposes the concept of internet Virtual Computing Environment ( iVCE ) .

  8. 虚拟计算环境业务支撑平台设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Operating Support Platform for Virtural Computing Environment

  9. WAVE:一个基于对象技术的广域虚拟计算中间件

    WAVE : an Object-Oriented Middleware for Wide-Area Virtual Computing Environment

  10. 虚拟计算环境中基于资源池的资源聚合机制

    A Resource Pool Based Aggregation Mechanism in the Internet-Based Virtual Computing Environment

  11. 注意,虚拟计算成员相互利用。

    Note that one virtual calculated member uses the other .

  12. 虚拟计算环境实验床平台的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Experiment Platform of the Virtual Computing Environment

  13. 一种基于虚拟计算环境的分布式存储体系结构

    A Distributed Storage Architecture Based On Virtual Computing Environment

  14. 虚拟计算环境中的分布式虚拟网管技术

    Distributed Virtual Network Management Technology in Virtual Computing Environment

  15. 虚拟计算成员通过允许设置父计算成员提供了更大的灵活性。

    The virtual calculated members have another degree of flexibility by allowing setting of a parent .

  16. 考虑到虚拟计算环境中资源自主化的思想,本文提出了一种基于推模式的iVCE/M预取技术。

    Based on the resource autonomisation in iVCE , we propose a push-based iVCE / M prefetching mechanism .

  17. 该文基于虚拟计算技术,提出一种异构应用资源融合和共享机制。

    Based on virtual computing technology , a kind of architecture for cooperation and share of heterogeneous applications is put forward .

  18. 如何设计并实现一个能适应虚拟计算环境需求的健壮、高效、安全的目录服务是本文的研究内容。

    The emergence of internet-based Virtual Computing Environment ( iVCE ) makes it possible to integrate distributed and heterogeneous computing resources .

  19. 虚拟计算成员仅存在虚拟数据集上下文中,并且不可以在子数据集中使用它们。

    The virtual calculated members exist only in the context of the virtual cube and are not available from the dependent cubes .

  20. 云和虚拟计算让这个工作比以前简单多了。祝您好运!

    The cloud and virtual computing make it a lot simpler than the " old days . " Good luck in your planning !

  21. 然而,由于互联网资源自身具有的动态性和自治性,使得虚拟计算环境的研究与发展面临许多新的挑战。

    However , because internet resources have dynamic and autonomic characters , the research and development of iVCE confront with much new challenge .

  22. 而且,虚拟计算所得结果的准确性可用通过建立动力学模型和严密的理论分析所得的结果进行验证。

    Moreover , accuracy of outcome of virtual calculation can be testified by outcome of calculation gotten by building dynamic model and strictly and theoretically analyzing .

  23. 针对虚拟计算环境下资源交易的欺骗性和风险性,本文提出一种信任驱动的资源交易模型。

    Virtual users face increasing cheat and risk when executing resource trades , which is taken as a prominent feature of the market-oriented virtual computing environment .

  24. 为此提出了虚拟计算环境的思想,它以网络资源的聚合与协同为核心机制,为用户提供透明的一体化环境。

    The core mechanism of the virtual computing environment is the aggregation and collaboration of network resource and its purpose is to provide integrative environment for user .

  25. 测试表明,本文所设计的调度算法和资源管理系统能够满足整个云平台虚拟计算系统对资源管理的要求,并一定程度上提高了管理系统的整体可靠性,达到了预期的目的。

    And tests show that the resource management system meets the requirements of resource management in the Virtual Computing System on Cloud platform and achieves the intended purpose .

  26. 提出了一种将传统的计算中心和系部计算机房结合组建基于校园网的虚拟计算中心的方案。

    This paper puts forward a scheme which combines the traditional computing center with the computer rooms of departments to establish the virtual computing center on the basis of the campus intranet .

  27. 网格技术的目标是收集互联网络中大量的具有各种混合资源的异构系统,组织成一个简单的巨型的功能强大的自管理自组织的虚拟计算系统。

    The goal is to create the illusion of a simple yet large and powerful self managing virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous systems sharing various combinations of resources .

  28. 虚拟计算环境中存在着极为丰富的资源,但由于其系统的动态性与自治性特点非常突出,系统服务质量很难得到保证。

    However , the resources are inherently dynamic and autonomous , which leads to difficulties in providing high quality of services ( QoS ) in the Internet-based virtual computing environment ( iVCE ) .

  29. 如果虚拟计算设备与其他虚拟机争用真实的物理计算资源,那么在负载测试期间执行的响应时间度量的精确性可能值得怀疑。

    If your virtual computing device is in contention with other virtual machines for real physical computing resources , it is possible that the fidelity of the response time measurements you make during load testing are in jeopardy .

  30. 通过对虚拟计算环境理论和网格技术的研究,本文提出了一种自适应的层次型分级调度模型架构,这种模型具有高度可扩展性,能够适应资源动态变化。

    By researching the virtual computing environment theory ( iVCE ) and the grid technology , this article proposed a kind of auto-adapted scheduling model construction with level graduation . It has high extendibility , and can adapt the resources dynamic changes .