
  1. 美联储(Fed)宣布将维持宽松货币政策直到2013年的声明,导致利率大幅下降,瑞郎与日元两种避险货币急速上涨。

    An announcement by the Federal Reserve that it would maintain loose monetary policy until 2013 led to a sharp drop in interest rates and a surge in safe haven currencies , the Swiss franc and Japanese yen .

  2. 5年后,我们还需要这样一种避险货币吗?

    Will we still need such a safe haven in five years ?

  3. 然而,对那些有渠道投资人民币的人来说,人民币很快也将成为一种避险货币。

    But , for those who can access it , the renminbi could soon join them .

  4. 他们现在正把曾经的“大宗商品货币”变为避险货币。

    They are turning what was once a " commodity currency " into a safe-haven one .

  5. 在亚洲内部,新加坡元和日元是传统的避险货币。

    Within Asia , the Singapore dollar and the Japanese yen have been the traditional risk-aversion currency plays .

  6. 尽管日本经济疲弱、债务负担沉重,但日圆依然被视作避险货币。

    But the yen is seen as a safe-haven currency , despite Japan 's weak economy and massive debt burden .

  7. 欧元兑美元的报价靠近一周以来的最低,因为有迹象显示全球经济的持续复苏拖累了美元作为避险货币的买进量。

    The EURUSD traded near a one-week low as signs the global economy is improving damped demand for the USD as a refuge .

  8. 美国和欧洲的货币刺激举措,让投资者口袋里装满了现金,他们不敢把钱投向任何地方,只能投资于避险货币或黄金。

    Monetary stimulus in the US and Europe has filled investors ' pockets with cash they fear to place anywhere but in haven currencies or gold .

  9. 日本官员曾希望欧洲国家就债务问题达成一致有助于阻止资金流入日本。在全球经济前景面临不确定的时候,日元被视为“避险货币”。

    Japanese officials had hoped that an agreement on the European problems will help stop money flowing into Japan , seen as a'safe haven'in times of global economic uncertainty .

  10. 鉴于欧洲、日本和新兴市场的种种问题,目前已经存在这样的风险:因资金流入避险货币,导致美元币值升高到可能使美国经济显著放缓的地步。

    There is already a danger given all the problems in Europe , Japan and emerging markets that safe haven flows will drive the dollar up to the point where the US economy could be significantly slowed .

  11. 人们想要持有的黄金规模是有限的,而瑞士法郎和挪威克朗等小型避险货币则无法吸纳流出欧元的海量资金。

    There is a limit to how much gold people want to own , and small safe haven currencies like the Swiss franc or the Norwegian krone can 't handle the vast amounts of capital moving out of the euro .

  12. 该报告估算,2008年雷曼冲击波过后,美元作为避险货币突然走高,导致巴西、中国和俄罗斯等新兴市场国家约5万家公司损失300亿美元。

    It estimates that after the Lehman shock in 2008 , about 50,000 companies in emerging countries such as Brazil , China and Russia suffered $ 30bn in losses when the dollar suddenly surged in value as a safe haven currency .

  13. 当前美元走低显得特别不寻常,因为它发生在地缘政治不确定性浮现的背景之下,而这种形势通常会引发逃向避险货币的风潮&在过去这就意味着追逐美元。

    The drop in the dollar was especially remarkable because it took place against a backdrop of geopolitical uncertainty , which usually triggers a flight to haven currencies – which in the past would have meant a rush to the dollar .

  14. 2008年金融危机爆发以来,投资者对全球经济感到紧张时,便会大量买入美国国债,导致美元超越传统的避险货币日元和瑞士法郎,成为终极避险货币。

    Since the financial crisis erupted in 2008 , investors have piled into US Treasury bonds when they have felt nervous about the global economy , causing the dollar to surpass the traditional havens of the yen and the Swiss Franc to become the ultimate " risk off " currency .

  15. 中国企业外汇策略的调整始于去年年底。当时全球投资者纷纷买进美元和其他传统上被视为避险资产的货币,使人民币承受压力。

    Chinese companies started to rejigger their foreign-exchange strategies late last year , when the yuan came under pressure from a global rush for dollars and other currencies historically viewed as havens .

  16. 直到日前,“投资避险”的主要货币仍然是日元和瑞士法郎,但由于其对出口的影响,日本及瑞士政府对其自身货币的这种能力并不看好,双双采取干涉措施,防止持续升值。

    Until recently the chief beneficiaries of a flight to safety were the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc . But the Japanese and Swiss authorities have been none too keen on this strength ( because of the impact on exporters ) and both have intervened to prevent further appreciation .

  17. 其他人则认为,全球增长放缓将引发避险交易,并导致作为避险货币的美元走强。

    Others thought slowing global growth would create a risk-off trade and lead the dollar to strengthen as a haven currency .