
bì léi zhēn
  • lightning rod;lightning conductor;lightning arrester;Lighting rod
  • lightning conductor(rod)
避雷针 [bì léi zhēn]
  • [lightning conductor(rod)] 一种保护建筑物及屋外电气设备免受雷击的装置

  1. 美国开国元勋之一本杰明·富兰克林不仅仅发明了避雷针。

    Ben Franklin , one of America 's founding fathers , didn 't just invent the lightning rod .

  2. 分析表明,在紫外区获得的铑的SERS信号主要源自于有着特定形貌的铑纳米粒子所引起的避雷针效应及微弱的表面等离子体共振效应的共同作用。

    The mechanisms of SERS for rhodium electrode in the ultraviolet region are mainly attributed to the lightning rod effect together with the weak surface plasmon resonance .

  3. 利用CAD技术实现避雷针保护范围设计

    Design of Lightning Rods ' Protection Range with CAD Technology

  4. 避雷针作用的MATLAB模拟

    Simulating the Effect of Lightning Rod With MATLAB

  5. 本文介绍了通过建立数学模型、并采用CAD技术直接计算并生成避雷针保护范围,可以避免计算差错并明显的提高设计效率。

    This paper will introduce how to build the mathematical models , and calculate the protection range of the lightning rods via CAD technology .

  6. 关于提前放电(ESE)避雷针的测试方法和结果

    Method and Result of Early Streamer Emission Lightning Conductor Test

  7. 本文详细介绍了半导体少长针消雷装置(SLE)的防雷原理,并与传统的避雷针相比较,结合贵冶采用该装置后的收益进行分析。

    This article makes a detailed description on thunder-proof principle of SLE and analyzes the efficiency compared with the traditional thunder-proof device .

  8. 架设三角形网状结构的塔式独立避雷针,站台建筑物内部使用UPS不间断电源和浪涌保护器。

    Triangular mash structure tower single lightning arrester was fixed , uninterruptable power system ( UPS ) and surge protective device ( SPD ) have been running in the station building .

  9. ESE避雷针在我国防雷标准中并未被采纳,但有多种产品在国内已经有一定数量的应用。

    The ESE air terminal has not been accepted by our national lightning protection standards . But some products of the ESE air terminal have been employed in practical projects with remarkable amount .

  10. 曾和他一起接受培训的侍酒师勒妮&12539;布拉萨(ReneeBourassa)说:我觉得拉雅无意中成了一枚招来批评‘雷电’的避雷针。

    ' I think Raj is an unintentional lightning rod , ' said Renee Bourassa , a sommelier who trained with him before moving to New York .

  11. 输电线路应用避雷针防雷符合传统防雷理论,但对35kV架空输电线路而言有其局限性。

    Using lightning rod on transmission line for protection against lightning accords with the traditional theory of protection against lightning , but there are limitations on 35 kV overhead transmission line .

  12. 针对山区输电线路雷害故障较为严重的情况,在输电线路杆塔顶部装设可控放电避雷针可以较好解决雷击问题。山区输电线路EGM绕击率计算

    The lightning accident is serious in mountain area to install controllable discharge lightning rod on the tower top can solve the problem of lightning strike . Calculation of Lightning Shielding Failure of Transmission Lines in Mountainous Area Using EGM

  13. 牛头被拴在一根名为PoteauMitan的巨柱上。这根柱子被视为一种避雷针,将神界与凡界连接起来。

    Its head was tied to a large pole , called the Poteau Mitan - this is considered to be a kind of a lightning conductor connecting the divine with the mortal .

  14. 避雷针可保护建筑物不受雷击的破坏。

    A lightning conductor protects a building from damage by lightning .

  15. 传统避雷针保护对信息防雷的危害

    Harm of Conventional Lightning Conductor Protection against Lightning for Information Instruments

  16. 确定避雷针安全保护范围的一种新方法

    A New Method to Determine the Safety Protection Range of Lightning Arresters

  17. 油罐区独立避雷针保护作用的分析

    Analysis of Prevention Effect of Separated Single Lightning Rob in Tank Farm

  18. 避雷针避雷线联合保护范围的简化计算

    Simplified Calculation of Combined Protection Area with Lightning Rod and Ground Wire

  19. 浅谈避雷针保护范围作图法及其校验

    The Plotting Method for Protection Scope of Lightning Conductor and Its Checking

  20. 该领域同时也是(市场动荡)蔓延的避雷针。

    The sector is also a lightning rod for contagion .

  21. 顶部延展的独立避雷针的保护特性

    The Protection Characteristics of the Lightning Rod with Expanding Top

  22. 保护范围大的新型避雷针机理分析

    The Mechanism Analysis of New Type Lightning Rod with Larger Protective Range

  23. 双避雷针联合保护范围最小保护宽度计算问题的探讨

    Calculation of minimum width of range jointly protected by dual lightning rods

  24. 避雷针的上部表面是否有可见的电弧放电痕迹?

    Are there any visible arc marks on upper surfaces LPS rods ?

  25. 别把避雷针(线)保护范围绝对化成果在线

    ONLINE Avoiding absolutization of protection range of lightning rods and overhead ground wires

  26. 但是之后,这个想法促成了避雷针的发明。

    But later on , it enlightened the invention of the lightning rod .

  27. 走楼梯上来嘛,‘只当是’爬避雷针上来的。

    Come up the stairs , and let on it 's a lightning-rod .

  28. 提前放电避雷针的研究与应用

    Sketch and Discharge the Lightning Rod Ahead of Time

  29. 避雷针的发明,有效的减少了雷击灾害。

    The invention of lightning rod decreases lightning disaster .

  30. 高速船舶铝质避雷针规格的研究

    A research on the specification to the lightning rob on high speed vessel