
bì léi
  • lightning-protection
避雷[bì léi]
  1. 山西大同古代建筑避雷机制之浅谈

    Talking about the Lightning-protection Mechanism of the Ancient Buildings in Datong , Shanxi

  2. 结合对山西大同古代建筑进行实地考察的结果,对山西大同古代建筑避雷的机制做了初步的探讨。

    Connecting with the results of the on-the-spot inspection of the ancient buildings in Datong , Shanxi , this paper probes into the lightning-protection mechanism of the ancient buildings in Datong , Shanxi .

  3. 美国开国元勋之一本杰明·富兰克林不仅仅发明了避雷针。

    Ben Franklin , one of America 's founding fathers , didn 't just invent the lightning rod .

  4. 避雷器作为TV二次回路中性点保护的分析

    Analysis on Arresters as the Protection of Secondary Winding Neutral-point of Voltage Transformer

  5. 特高压避雷器用ZnO压敏电阻电压梯度限值的探讨

    Analysis on Voltage Gradient Limitation of ZnO Varistor in Ultra High Voltage Arrester

  6. 复合绝缘外套线路型ZnO避雷器防雷运行分析

    Analysis on Lightning Protection Performance of Metal Oxide Surge Arresters for Transmission Lines

  7. 线路ZnO避雷器的发展概况

    Development of Line ZnO Surge Arrester

  8. 避雷器动作对互联电网IPC潮流调控的影响

    MOA action influence tie-line power control of interconnected power system with IPC

  9. 本文介绍了通过建立数学模型、并采用CAD技术直接计算并生成避雷针保护范围,可以避免计算差错并明显的提高设计效率。

    This paper will introduce how to build the mathematical models , and calculate the protection range of the lightning rods via CAD technology .

  10. 本文讨论氧化锌避雷器在基波PT铁磁谐振过电压下的工作状况。

    The working circumstances of metal - oxide arresters under fundamental frequency PT ferroresonance are discussed in this paper .

  11. 线路侧避雷器应布置在侵入波前沿,与架空进线呈V形或一字形连接的重要措施;

    The line lateral lightning arrestor should be installed at the flout of intrusive waves to form a V-shape or I-shape with incoming lines .

  12. GIS型避雷器的电位分布解析结果与日本新榛名变电站使用避雷器的解析和实测结果都相当一致,满足技术协议要求。

    The analysis result of potential distribution for the GIS lightning arrester is consistent with that used in Japanese substation , which satisfies the requirements of technical agreement .

  13. 仿真中运用带合闸电阻的开关、RC阻容装置及其氧化锌避雷器来限制操作过电压,并取得了一定的成效。

    The switch with closing resistor , RC equipment and MOA are used to limit switching overvoltages . Certain effect is obtained .

  14. 关于提前放电(ESE)避雷针的测试方法和结果

    Method and Result of Early Streamer Emission Lightning Conductor Test

  15. 10kV电力系统无间隙ZnO避雷器额定电压选择

    Selection of the Rated Voltage of the Gapless ZnO Lightning Arresters in 10 kV Power System

  16. 本文详细介绍了半导体少长针消雷装置(SLE)的防雷原理,并与传统的避雷针相比较,结合贵冶采用该装置后的收益进行分析。

    This article makes a detailed description on thunder-proof principle of SLE and analyzes the efficiency compared with the traditional thunder-proof device .

  17. 氧化锌避雷器(MOA)是电力系统重要的过电压保护设备,对其进行在线监测,及时、准确地了解其运行状况,对电力系统安全运行十分重要。

    Metal Oxide Surge Arrester ( MOA ) is an important over-voltage protective equipment of power system .

  18. 介绍了研制的以浮点型DSP为主处理器的氧化锌避雷器泄漏电流测试仪,阐述仪器带电测量的工作原理和仪器的设计要点。

    In this paper the development of tester of leakage current of MOA based on floating DSP is introduced , and the working principle in field and design method are given .

  19. 10kV避雷器直流参数测试仪的研制

    Study of Measurement Device on DC Parameter for 10 kV MOA

  20. 氧化锌(ZnO)非线性电阻片是电力避雷器的核心工作元件,其微观电流分布的非均匀性导致其冲击能量吸收能力的下降。

    ZnO varistors are key functional element of surge arresters . The nonuniformity of current distribution in microstructure of ZnO varistor leads to the decreasing of its impulse energy absorption capability .

  21. 35kV主变压器中性点避雷器的运用

    Application of MOA on the Neutral Points of 35 kV Transformers

  22. 500kV金属氧化物避雷器均压电容选用探讨

    Discussion on Selection of Equalizing Capacitance for 500 kV Metal Oxide Arrester

  23. 35kVFZ型避雷器不动作原因分析

    Cause Analyse of Reject-acting Arrester 35 kV FZ

  24. OPGW光缆集通信功能与输电线路避雷功能于一体,广泛应用于电力系统通信网络。

    OPGW who has both Communication Function and transmission line lightning function is used widely in the electric power communication network .

  25. 35kV线路悬挂式避雷器的应用

    The Application of Suspended Arrestors for 35 kV Transmission Line

  26. 超过1000V电压用避雷器、限压器和平压装置

    Lightning arrester , voltage limiter and surge suppressor for a voltage exceeding 1000V

  27. 采用避雷器防止10kV架空绝缘导线雷击断线

    Application of arrester against lightning-caused breaking of insulated conductors on 10 kV overhead distribution lines

  28. 目前我国3&66kV交流无间隙金属氧化物避雷器(MOA)在持续运行电压Uc的选取上有争议。

    Nowadays , in China there are disputes in selecting the continuous operating voltage U. for gapless MOA used in 3 ~ 66kV power system .

  29. 110kV线路型避雷器10kV扩频数字传输系统的研制

    The development of spread spectrum digital transmission system on 10 kV power line

  30. 一起110kV氧化锌避雷器的异常缺陷

    The Abnormal Defect of 110 kV ZnO Metal Oxide Surge Arresters