
  1. 你都有什么样的客户?卖风筝能赚多少钱?

    Who are your customers ? What kind of money do you make selling kites ?

  2. “这风筝能把迈克尔从地上拉起来,”他喊道,“为什么不能把你带走呢?”

    " It lifted Michael off the ground ," he cried ;" why should it not carry you ?"

  3. 放风筝爸爸,能为我做一个风筝吗?风筝

    Dad , can you make a kite for me ?

  4. 如果配合默契,风筝线则能帮助风筝飞得又高又远。

    Working well together , a line can help a kite fly high and afar .

  5. 如果追风筝的人手里拿着风筝,没有人能将它拿走。

    And when a kite runner had his hands on a kite , no one could take it from him .