
bì nàn suǒ
  • shelter;refuge;haven;sanctuary;safe haven;asylum;cover;harbor;Citadel
  1. 他把这个屋子当作是逃避外界的避难所。

    He regarded the room as a refuge from the outside world .

  2. 我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。

    We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge .

  3. 有位朋友戏谑地称它为“避难所”,然后这个名称就沿用了下来。

    A friend dubbed it ' The Sanctuary ' and the name stuck .

  4. 一些民主党人支持为海地人在美国提供临时避难所。

    Some Democrats support granting the Haitians temporary safe haven in the US .

  5. 他的教堂成为成千上万逃离内战的人们的避难所。

    His church became a sanctuary for thousands of people who fled the civil war .

  6. 当水位较高时,所有的泻湖就会连接起来,鱼就必须退回它们的溪流避难所,否则就会死掉。

    " All the lagoons join when the lake is high and fish must retreat to their stream refuges or die . "

  7. “鱼在溪流中有一个避难所,当水位较低并且泻湖各自分开时,它们就可以游进泻湖,”哈珀说道。

    " Fish have a refuge in the streams and can expand into the lagoons when the lake is low and the lagoons are separate , " Harper said .

  8. 温尼伯有一个叫"汉娜之家"的紧急避难所,汉娜对此感到非常自豪。

    There is an emergency shelter in Winnipeg called " Hannah ` s Place " , something that Hannah is very proud of .

  9. “汉娜之家”被分成几个区域,当天气寒冷到户外睡觉可能意味着死亡时,它就是人们的避难所。

    Hannah ` s Place is divided into several areas , providing shelter for people when it is so cold that sleeping outdoors can mean death .

  10. 避难所里充满了欢乐。

    The shelter was filled with joy .

  11. 在接下来的几个小时里,我看到数以百计的人从避难所出来。

    Over the next few hours , I watched hundreds of people come through the shelter .

  12. 如果附近没有避难所,你也可以呆在墙边,用胳膊和手捂住头和脖子。

    If there is no shelternearby , you can also stay by a wall , and cover your head and neck with your arms and hands .

  13. 你那二十个避难所到了最后一分钟也要不认帐

    Your twenty havens would back out at the last minute anyhow .

  14. 这片只有少数猎人涉险的高山森林,一直都是黑熊的避难所。

    The highland forests where few hunters venture have long been the bear 's sanctuary .

  15. 其中包括闯入(高山小屋和避难所),还袭击牛群。

    It includes breaking and entering ( Alpine cottages and refuges ) and attacks on cattle .

  16. 《Alone》这一集的剧情简介:有一组幸存者找到了避难所;一组避难者找到了真正的保护。

    The synopsis for Alone reads : One group finds a shelter ; a group has a realization about protection .

  17. 样例应用程序计算出金额并创建一个XML报告,交给避难所(sanctuary)。

    The sample application calculates the amount and creates an XML report to rush to the sanctuary .

  18. 有关FDI的环境溢出效应的污染避难所假说和污染晕轮假说在中国都能够得到验证。

    Spill-over effects of FDI on environment such as assumption of pollution refuge and assumption of pollution halo have not been verified in China .

  19. 在TorresDelPaine国家公园,美洲狮找到了避难所。

    In Torres Del Paine National Park , pumas have found a refuge .

  20. 这段Youtube视频展示了一个俄克拉何马州家庭从避难所出来的情景。

    this Youtube video shows what it looked like when one Oklahoma family came out of its shelter .

  21. 为了防止对Bt的耐药性在棉红铃虫中间扩散,农民必须在附近种植常规棉花的植物避难所。

    To prevent the spread of resistance to Bt among the bollworm , farmers are required to plant refuges of conventional cotton nearby .

  22. 科学家们还认为,在规划这些保护区的时候必须把气候变化考虑在内,以便让物种逃离高温或者较低PH值,找到避难所。

    The scientists also argued that these reserves had to be designed with climate change in mind , so that species escaping high temperatures or low pH would be able to find refuge .

  23. 现年58岁的SamSimon在他生命的最后时光里选择了建立项目,帮助流浪者和建造动物避难所。

    Sam Simon , 58 , is spending his final months funding projects that feed homeless people and save animals from being killed in animal shelters .

  24. 美联社(AP)的报道,估计暴风对长岛的影响将会更大,长岛现在正在搭建避难所并且关闭了所有的公园。

    The effects were expected to be stronger on Long Island , where emergency shelters were opened and parks were closed , the Associated Press ( AP ) reported .

  25. 红十字会发言人SteveBayer正在纽约的长岛。他表示,该组织已经准备好了可以容纳数千人的避难所。

    Red Cross spokesman Steve Bayer is on New York 's Long Island , where he said the organization is prepared with shelters that can thousands of people .

  26. 特别是,法国兴业银行(socgen)已成为略有些离经叛道人士的避难所。

    French banking house SocGen , in particular , has become a haven for slight eccentrics .

  27. 结合各群体所在地的生态环境综合考虑,认为WC和TM两群体所在地最有可能为野生银杏冰川期避难所。

    Considered of the genetic diversity of the 4 possible wild populations combined with the ecological environment of their habitats , populations WC and TM are regarded as the survival habitats in glacial period .

  28. 接着则是大名鼎鼎的圣猴森林避难所(SacredMonkeyForestSanctuary),它坐落在一片风景迷人的神庙之中,3万卢比的票价绝对物有所值,尤其是你从来没有喂过猴子吃你手里的香蕉的话。

    Then there was the famed Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary , which is on lovely temple grounds and certainly worth the 30000 rupiah fee , especially if you 've never before had monkeys eat bananas out of your hands .

  29. Mint的另一个畅销礼品是捐钱建设泰国大象避难所,主要用于救助曼谷街头为旅游业服务的大象,给它们在农村建设一个安全的家园。

    Mint 's other top seller was a donation to an elephant refuge in Thailand that rescues elephants used for tourism on the streets of Bangkok and gives them a safe , rural home .

  30. 鲍伊成为“ZiggyStardust”并一举成名之后,其公关发言人雪莉·范妮拉(CherryVanilla)在西20街上的公寓成了他的避难所。

    After he became Ziggy Stardust , and a huge star , Mr. Bowie found refuge at the West 20th Street apartment of his publicist , Cherry Vanilla .