
  • 网络short sale;security lending;stock loan;securities loan
  1. 信用交易部分,则收足融资自备款或融券保证金;

    For margin trading , they shall collect in full the margin for the purchase or the short sale .

  2. 文章采用定性分析和比较分析的方法对证券公司融资融券业务的相关问题加以研究。

    In this thesis , the author adopt qualitative analysis and comparative analysis to study the related issues of margin purchase and short sale .

  3. 新的平台中国证券金融公司(chinasecuritiesfinancecorporation,csfc)将使券商能够从机构投资者那里融券,从而方便卖空中国上市股票的操作。

    A new platform , the China Securities Finance Corporation , will enable brokerages to borrow stock from institutional investors , making it easier to short shares in Chinese companies .

  4. 如果市场允许融资融券,在多头市场行情下,GD-DPIS策略甚至可以超过同期市场的表现。

    If allowed to buy short and sell short , GD-DPIS will even exceed the market performance .

  5. 然后介绍套利的基本原理和方法及融资融券业务,阐述中小投资者如何利用ETF实现股指期货正向套利与反向套利,并制定一套简单可行的套利策略。

    Then describes the basic principles and methods of arbitrage and margin trading business , explain how to use the ETF to achieve small investors stock index futures arbitrage and reverse arbitrage forward and develop a simple and feasible arbitrage strategies .

  6. 再次,通过对XB证券公司融资融券业务风险管理进行研究,从风险控制体系、具体业务风险及防范措施、风险评估等方面,进行了详细的研究分析。

    Again , the paper makes detailed research and analysis from the risk control system , business risks and preventive measures , the empirical analysis etc , through empirical study of risk on the securities margin trading of XB Securities Company .

  7. 融资融券业务是成熟的金融市场广泛应用的金融制度。

    Securities margin trading is widely used in developed financial markets .

  8. 融资融券自推出以来,至今已有近三年的时间。

    Margin has been introduced nearly three years since its introduction .

  9. 第一章是融资融券监管制度概述。

    The first chapter outlines the supervision system of margin trading .

  10. 融资融券制度以效率为追求价值。

    And efficiency is the value of the system of margin transaction .

  11. 请到史考特证券表格中心下载“融资融券同意书”。

    Please go to the form center to download the margin agreement .

  12. 融资融券扩大了交易筹码,具有一定的财务杠杆效应,其实质就是放大了金融风险。

    Financial leverage effect of margin enlarge the Finance risk .

  13. 我国也在最近推出了股指期货和融资融券。

    China has also launched a stock index futures and margin recently .

  14. 我国融资融券与股指期货的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis of Margin Financing and Stock Index Futures in Our Country

  15. 融资融券业务带给我国证券公司的机遇、风险及应对措施

    Financing business 's opportunity to China security company and risk and countermeasure measure

  16. 三是关于融资融券担保制度。

    The third is on the guarantee systemof margin trading and short selling .

  17. 境外证券市场已经形成了较为成熟的融资融券交易制度。

    It has developed into a mature system overseas .

  18. 融资融券业务基于它的特殊属性可归为高风险业务。

    Securities margin trading belongs to high risk business because of its particularity .

  19. 融资融券交易的产生是证券交易的内在需求。

    The emergence of margin trading is the internal need of commercial transactions .

  20. 融资融券业务的信用交易模式比较研究与启示

    Comparison Research and Enlightenment on Securitie Borrowing and Lending Business of Credit Pattern

  21. 我国证券公司开展融资融券业务的风险控制

    China security company having financing business 's risk control

  22. 中国证券市场融资融券交易的授信模式选择

    Choice of Capital and Security Financing Method for Margin Transaction in Chinese Security Market

  23. 融资融券贷款飙升,交易额升至创纪录水平。

    Margin debt has surged , while trading volumes have jumped to record-breaking levels .

  24. 那么中国融资融券业务中的融资业务现在的运行状况如何?我们应该从哪些方面去完善中国现有的融资制度。

    So our margin financing business is now in the business of running status ?

  25. 台湾的融资融券经过40余年的试错和发展,建立了较为完善的证券信用交易制度。

    In Taiwan , the Securities credit transaction system has developed for 40 years .

  26. 证券金融公司是一种新型的券商融资融券形式。

    The financial company of stock is a new form of financing of stock-jobbers .

  27. 融资融券对我国证券市场的影响探析

    The effects of margin to china securities market

  28. 客户委托证券公司进行融券回购交易。

    Customers entrust securities companies to carry out a repurchase transaction of financed bonds .

  29. 我国融资融券担保制度的法律困境与解决思路

    Legal Dilemma and Solution for Implementing Security System in Stock Lending and Borrowing in China

  30. 证券信用交易,即融资融券交易。

    Margin requirement has another name , that is , financing and securities load exchange .