
xuè ɡuǎn xì tǒnɡ
  • blood vascular system
  1. 由于当前所用的许多青光眼药物对血管系统有影响,因此评价这些药物对眼部循环的作用有着重要意义。

    Drugs currently used to treat glaucoma often exert effects on blood vascular system , so it is very significant to evaluate the effects of the drugs on ocular blood vascular system .

  2. 结果表明,血液&血管系统受损先于心脏,心脏改变与微循环改变密切相关;

    The result indicated that the blood vascular system lesion was prior to heart damage , the change of heart was closely related with that of microcirculation .

  3. 对实验牛心血管系统、呼吸系统,肝肾系统和血液指标监测,仅见心率减慢、轻度酸碱平衡紊乱以及ECG的P&R间期延长,其他指标均无明显变化。

    In monitor of the chief systems of experimental cattle , only bradycadia , mild imbalance of acid-base and prolonged P-R interval of ECG were found .

  4. 用Bode图确定体循环血管系统输入阻抗的表达式

    Determination of Analytic Expression of Input Impedance of Systemic Circulation based on Bode Graph

  5. 用免疫酶标组织化学观察大白鼠垂体LH细胞的分布与垂体门脉血管系统的支配关系

    Observation on the relationship between LH cell localization and pituitary portal vessel supply in the rat using horseradish peroxidase immuno-labelling method

  6. 间歇性跛行患肢膝以下三叉血管系统重度狭窄率41.7%,与静息痛(83.3%)或溃疡(79.5%)患肢相比,差异均有统计学意义(P均0.05)。

    The degree of stenosis in the below-knee section was less severe in patients with intermittent claudication ( 41.7 % ) compared with patients with rest pain ( 83.3 % ) and gangrene patients ( 79.5 % ) ( both P0.05 ) .

  7. 背景资料&在血管系统中,活性氧(ROS)水平升高可导致氧化应激并使动脉粥样硬化易于发展。

    Background & In the vascular system , elevated levels of reactive oxygen species ( ROS ) produce oxidative stress and predispose to the development of atherosclerosis .

  8. 结论GLA粉剂能改善血液流变性、调整血脂、减轻心脑血管系统疾病的自觉症状。

    Conclusions GLA powder can improve blood rheology , the adjustment lipids and reduce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases symptoms .

  9. NAD(P)H氧化酶是中性粒细胞和血管系统中的活性氧主要来源,在缺血性损害和动脉粥样硬化形成中发挥了重要作用。

    NAD ( P ) H oxidase is the principal source of reactive oxygen species in neutrophilic leukocyte and vascular system , and plays an important role in the ischemic lesion and atherogenesis ( As ) .

  10. 胎盘小叶胎儿血管系统CRH及其受体CRH-R1的表达

    Expression of Corticotropin - releasing Hormone and Its Receptor Type - 1 in the Placental Cotyledon Vessels

  11. 目的:缝隙连接(gapjunctionGJ)广泛分存于心脑血管系统,缝隙连接通道功能的变化在许多心脑血管疾病中扮演重要角色。

    Objective : Gap junction ( GJ ) are widely kept in cardio-cerebral vascular system , while changes of gap junction channel function plays an important role in the number of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases .

  12. 之前的研究表明,空气污染可能会导致血管系统发炎受损,而发表在《神经学年报》(TheAnnalsofNeurology)上的这项研究表明,空气污染会导致大脑受损。

    Previous studies have shown that air pollution can cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system , but this study , in The Annals of Neurology , showed damage to the brain itself .

  13. 结果注射IC后的24小时,IC主要见于血管系统如肝血窦,脾血窦,肠道固有层和粘膜下层的血管,肾小球毛细血管等。

    Results The results showed that 24 hours after injection , ICs were localized mostly in the blood vessels , such as the liver sinusoids , the splenic sinuses , the blood vessels of the mucosa and submucosa of the intestine , and the capillaries of the renal glomeruli , etc.

  14. 虽然黄嘌呤氧化酶、NADPH氧化酶(NOX)、线粒体电子传递链及一氧化氮合酶等均可产生ROS,但人血管系统中产生的ROS主要来源于NOX。

    Potential sources of endothelial ROS generation that are implicated in disease progress include mitochondria , xanthine oxidase ( XO ), uncoupled NO synthase , cytochrome p-450 enzymes , and NADPH oxidase ( NOX ) . ROS of human vascular system mostly derive from NADPH oxidase .

  15. 虽然AT2受体在肾脏的近端小管、远端小管和血管系统都存在表达,AT2受体刺激诱导肾脏的缓激肽(bradykinin)/NO通道,但很少有关AT2受体调节肾功能和钠外排方面有价值的研究。

    Although the AT_2 receptor is expressed in renal proximal and distal tubules and vasculature , and AT_2 receptor stimulation induces a bradykinin / NO pathway within the kidney , little information is available concerning AT_2 receptor regulation of renal function and sodium excretion .

  16. 人的碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(hbFGF)在多种生理及病理过程中发挥作用,包括能诱导多种细胞分化、增殖,促进血管系统形成,损伤修复以及肿瘤生长。

    Human basic fibroblast growth factor ( hbFGF ) has been implicated in a multitude of physiologic and pathologic processes , including proliferation , differentiation , angiogenesis , wound healing and tumor growth .

  17. 目的研究广谱基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂多西环素对卒中易感型自发性高血压大鼠(SHR-SP)脑血管系统基质金属蛋白酶的作用,探讨多西环素对脑卒中的发病率及病死率的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of doxycycline on cerebral matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs ) in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats ( SHR-SP ) , and its contribution to stroke incidence , mortality rate and stroke volume in SHR-SP.

  18. 从皮质纵血管系统到骨痂。

    Longitudinal vessels of the cortical bone to the callus .

  19. 麦冬对心脑血管系统药理作用研究进展

    Advancement in Research of Pharmacological Functions of Radix Ophiopogonis on Cardiovascular System

  20. 动物的心脏血管系统对我们来说是一个很好的样本。

    The animal 's cardiovascular system is an excellent model for ours .

  21. 骨皮质纵血管系统在骨折愈合中的作用

    Study of Longitudinal Vessels System of Cortical Bone after Fracture

  22. 练气功对康复老年人心脏血管系统机能的观察研究

    A study on rehabilitating effect of Qigong on cardiovascular function of old people

  23. 胰腺的血管系统

    Vasculature of the Pancreas : a Pictorial Essay SYSTEM

  24. 结论老年人鼾症对心脑血管系统有损害。

    Conclusions Elderly snoring harms their cardio-cerebral-vascular system .

  25. 运动对大鼠冠状血管系统降钙素基因相关肽的影响

    Effect of exercise on the expression of calcitonin gene-related peptide in coronary vessels of rats

  26. 大鼠实验性非冻结性冻伤微血管系统超微结构的研究

    Ultrastructural study on the microvasculature after nonfreezing

  27. 血管系统是人类最大,分布最广的系统。

    Vascular system is the biggest and the most widely distributed system in human being .

  28. 桂枝茯苓胶囊对药物流产后大鼠子宫血管系统的影响

    Effect of Guizhi Fuling Capsule on Blood Vessels of Uterus in Rats after Medicine Induced Abortion

  29. 脉络膜及视网膜中央血管系统充盈均延迟者5只眼,占16.6%。

    Five cases ( 16.6 % ) had delayed filling time in both choroidal and central retinal vessels .

  30. 目前主要应用集中在心脑血管系统疾病和中枢神经系统疾病。

    At present , it is mainly used in the disease therapy of cardio-cerebral vascular system and central nervous system .