
xiě chánɡ
  • blood sausage


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  • black pudding;blood sausage
  1. 现今一些宾馆也有“血肠”供应。

    Today there are a number of hotels ," Blood Sausage " supply .

  2. 就此了事。吃血肠往往使山村的邻里之间更加亲密团结。

    To eat blood sausage tend to make between the villages of the neighborhood closer to unity .

  3. 主厨安东尼奥·索里亚诺(AntonioSoriano)是新派阿根廷料理的领军人物,定期更换的菜单上列满了各式创意料理,最近更有血肠天妇罗(bloodsausagetempura)和牛舌沙拉。

    The chef Antonio Soriano is a leading light of the new school of Argentine cooking , and his oft-changing menu is packed with creative dishes , which recently included blood sausage tempura and a salad of beef tongue .

  4. 血肠是用猪血或牛血灌制而成的,通常都是传统的英格兰早餐会吃到。

    Black pudding is a sausage made by cooking pig 's or cow 's blood .

  5. 测定了发酵血肠的理化指标和微生物指标并制订了产品的质量标准。

    Physiochemical and microbiological index were determined and the quality standard of products was established .

  6. 接种发酵血肠的品质优于自然发酵血肠的,其发酵风味明显、适口性好、营养价值高。

    And the quality of fermented blood sausage by inoculation was better than the product by natural fermentation due to obvious fermenting flavor , good palatability , high nutrition value . 4 .

  7. 在发酵血肠中添加0.60%卡拉胶可显著改善其凝胶特性,添加0.03%抗坏血酸钠可有效抑制亚硝酸钠的产生。3、研究了发酵过程中发酵血肠的理化及微生物的变化。

    Addition of sodium ascorbic acid up to 0.03 % could inhibit the generation of sodium nitrite . 3 . Study on the physiochemical and microbiological changes of fermented blood sausage during fermentation process .

  8. 他的饭馆坐落在一个古老的石头地下室里,吸引高消费的游客,他说,曾有一个日本电影摄制组把两页菜单上的菜全点了,包括兔肉和西班牙血肠之类。

    His restaurant in an old stone cellar attracts high-spending tourists , including , he said , a Japanese film crew that ordered the entire two-page menu to sample dishes like rabbit and morcilla .

  9. 比如我吃到的开胃菜中就有英国血肠配猪脚和金枪鱼刺身蘸柚子醋,更不必说番茄沙拉搭配意大利布拉塔奶酪。

    So while the starters I encountered included a pig 's trotter with black pudding for the Anglophile , there was also tuna tataki with ponzu dressing , not to mention a tomato salad with Italian burrata cheese .

  10. 安琪尔转身去找克里克太太送给他的血肠,他已经吩咐按照在奶牛场烤血肠的方法把它们好好地烤一烤,他希望他的父亲和母亲能像他自己一样,非常喜欢这种加了香料的美味血肠。

    Angel looked round for Mrs Crick 's black-puddings , which he had directed to be nicely grilled , as they did them at the dairy , and of which he wished his father and mother to appreciate the marvellous herbal savours as highly as he did himself .