
  • 网络The Principle of Conduct;Behavior Principles
  1. 行为原则在护理管理中的运用;

    The using of the behavior principles in the nursing management .

  2. 行为原则对护理管理者的启示

    Inspiration of Behavior Principles to Nursing Administrators

  3. 在CSS2规范中,可以找到浮动属性的权威性定义和行为原则。

    The CSS2 Specification provides the definitive definition and behavior rules for the float property .

  4. 而作为一个“处世行为原则”的实行者,你能够做到。

    As a follower of the Action Principles , you can .

  5. 论城市经营中的政府功能定位与行为原则

    On the Government Function Positioning and Behavioral Principles in Urban Management

  6. 行为原则:治理解决方案推动组织的行为。

    The Behavior Principle : The governance solution drives the organizational behavior .

  7. 但是,有些个人主义者坚持我行我素的生活方式和行为原则。

    But some individualists insist on living and behaving as they please .

  8. 属于、关于马基雅维利或他推荐的行为原则的。

    Of or relating to Machiavelli or the principles of conduct he recommended .

  9. 国际民事诉讼中的国家行为原则&以美国法为例

    The Act of State Doctrine in International Civil Procedure

  10. 美国国家行为原则研究

    Research on the Act of State Doctrine in U.S.A

  11. 中庸之道的行为原则:入隐有则的处世态度。

    The behavior principle of the golden mean ; conducting attitude of insisting principle .

  12. 论公司越权行为原则

    On Principle of Exceeding Company 's Authority

  13. 四日市的诉讼判例第一次在审判中运用了共同侵权行为原则。

    In Yokkaichi case , the principle of joint tort was applied for the first time .

  14. 孔子认为作为人的行为原则的礼仪不是外在于人的强制性规范,而是与人的自然情感和德性自觉密切相关的,是人性本来具有的。

    Confucius thought proprieties as behavioral principles were not coercive norm but sensible and moral human nature .

  15. 依据不同案件类型,初步总结了国家行为原则的适用方法。

    According to different types of cases , the thesis summarizes the application methods of the doctrine .

  16. 国家行为原则是国际法中一个古老而重大的理论问题。

    The act of state doctrine is one of the ancient and important theories in international law .

  17. 为了员工较好的工作环境,你要制定基本的行为原则。

    To have a better working environment for your staff , you need to set ground rules .

  18. 多边主义是依据普遍的行为原则,协调多个国家或国际行为体之间关系的制度形式。

    Multilateralism is a form of institution to adjust states or international actors relations according to universal action principles .

  19. 这部分内容属于论证司法如何介入的范畴,为司法介入给予合理的行为原则。

    This part is how the argument judicial intervention areas , and given a reasonable principles of conduct for judicial intervention .

  20. 本文重点研究了建立一般-特殊关系所必须服从的抗变性、协变形原则和闭合行为原则。

    It is emphasis on contravariance rule , covariance rule and closed-behavior rule that generic-special relation must abide in this paper .

  21. 行为原则(参见下个部分)说明一些过程风险与执行变量的统计不确定性相关。

    The Behavior Principle ( see below ) states that some process risks are associated with statistical uncertainty in the execution variables .

  22. 查询和视图设计器可帮助您遵循“关系图”窗格和“条件”窗格的行为原则。

    The query and view designer helps you comply with these principles in the way the diagram pane and criteria pane behave .

  23. “价值观的执行天条”,导致了企业管理实践的个性行为原则的总结、提升。

    " the performance of the value day ", caused the business enterprise manage fulfillment of the summary of sexual behavior principle , promote .

  24. 家庭道德是一种社会现象,它是在一定社会条件下人们的行为原则和规范的总和。

    Domestic morality is phenomenon of a kind of society , it is the behavior principle that lays people in certain society condition and normative summation .

  25. 文章以美国法为例,从该原则的概念、特点、历史等基本点入手,分析了国家行为原则产生的法理基础;

    From the basic points of the doctrine , for example , it 's conception , characteristics and history , the thesis analyses the doctrine 's legal basis ;

  26. 为探讨行为原则对护理管理者的作用,本文阐述了行为原则的内涵;

    To inquire into the behavior principles to the action of the nursing administrators , it is expounded in this article that the connotation of the behavior priciple ;

  27. 各水平目标层级教学内容的安排要符合5个原则,即教育性原则、与教学领域目标和水平目标相一致原则、科学性原则、兴趣性原则、有利于培养学生终身体育意识和体育行为原则。

    The arrangement of teaching content should meet the five principles such as educational , consistent , scientific , interesting and have the benefit for long life exercise .

  28. 最后,在第四章提出了现有政府的行为原则,以及克服技术路线锁定和制度改革路径依赖的战略抉择。

    Based on the analysis above , in the last chapter , the article puts up with the strategic choices of government to avoid the trap from path dependences .

  29. 国家行为原则的基本内涵和理论基础决定了它与主权豁免理论既存在密切联系,又存在本质区别。

    The basic concept and its rationales of the act of state doctrine partly account for the intimate relationship and fundamental deference between it and the theory of sovereign immunity .

  30. 阐述了对于财务管理原则的理解与应用,重点分析了自利行为原则、信号传递原则、有价值的创意原则与比较优势原则。

    By analyzing the judicial practices of American courts both theoretically and practically , and by comparing with other countries , this thesis mainly discusses the act of state doctrine in U.