
  • 网络Executive Leadership;Administrative leadership
  1. 特别是关于行政领导方面,很少有人涉足。

    Especially on administrative leadership , few people involved .

  2. 当他们与行政领导意见不一致时,要答应保留不同意见。

    When they and administrative leadership opinion are abhorrent , want to allow to withhold different opinion .

  3. b方案:行政领导和管理;

    B Programmes : Executive Direction and Management ;

  4. 在调查过程中我发现CHA一些行政领导的个人花销超出了预算的范围。

    In my review , I realized that the personal expense accounts of CHA executives were over budget .

  5. 个人特征对女干部行政领导能力的影响显著。

    The background affects the female cadres ' administrative competence significantly .

  6. 试论现代行政领导职能的动态把握

    On a dynamic grasp of the leadership function of modern administration

  7. 解读行政领导角色及其定位

    Understanding in role of leadership in administration and its specified position

  8. 试论信息时代行政领导如何掌握和利用信息

    On Administration Leader 's Information Acquisition and Utilization in Info Society

  9. 管理会计涉及到向行政领导提供信息。

    The management accounting is concerned with supplying information to management .

  10. 论高校行政领导班子的合理结构

    Discussion on the Rational Structure of the Administrative Leading Group of University

  11. 试论行政领导决策机制缺陷及其应对之策

    Defects in the System of Executive Leadership Decision - making and Countermeasures

  12. 归纳为四个方面,一是关于行政领导体制与制度;

    It includes : first , the administrative leading system and institution ;

  13. 行政领导职能具有系统化的理论。

    There exists a systematic theory on the leadership function of administration .

  14. 服务型政府视野下的行政领导与新闻媒体

    Analysis of Leader and Media under the Vision of Service-oriented Government Building

  15. 学校行政领导的职业角色认同要高于普通教师。

    School heads ' role-identity is higher than common teachers .

  16. 行政领导责任性与绩效之间关系的研究

    The Relationship between Accountability of Administrative Leader and Performance

  17. 二是关于行政领导的职责;

    Second , the duty of the administration leader ;

  18. 三是行政领导的素质;

    Third , the quality of the leader ;

  19. 究其原因,由心理因素造成的行政领导失效是其重要方面。

    And the psychological reason is very important .

  20. 新时期行政领导干部素质建设研究

    A Research into the Quality Building of Administration Leading Cadres in the New Period

  21. 公共行政领导角色

    The Leader - Role of Public Administration

  22. 这个女孩不是专横,她有行政领导能力。

    That little girl 's not bossy . That little girl has executive leadership skills .

  23. 行政领导人才素质的综合评价

    Synthetical evaluation of goverment administration leader qualities

  24. 论行政领导艺术

    On the Art of Administrative Leading ship

  25. 本文研究的对象是大连市城市街道行政领导干部考核评价体系。

    The paper studies the system of checking administrative leading cadres of Dalian subdistrict office .

  26. 干部的行政领导能力及其影响因素在性别上存在明显的差异。

    The administrative competence and the factors that influence the competence differ distinctively with the gender .

  27. 与时俱进:公共领域的领导发展&从行政领导到公共领导

    The Development of the Leadership in the Public Area : From Government Leadership to Public Leadership

  28. 政府作为一个城市的行政领导机构,是国家在某一城市的具体执行部门。

    The government is an administrative leading organ of the city and a concrete execution department .

  29. 浅论行政领导创新能力的培养与提高

    On the Innovation of Leadership

  30. 权威可分为“学术”方面和“行政领导”方面。

    Authority can be divided into " academic " authority and that of " administrative leadership " .