
xínɡ huì zuì
  • Bribery crime;crime of offering a bribe
  1. POD与O-2.;论行贿罪的未遂

    2 , between POD and O - . About Abortive Bribe

  2. 在经过了多次上诉之后,Hoffa追中由于藐视法庭,诈骗和行贿罪被判刑13年,并于1967年入狱。

    Hoffa , who had been convicted of jury tampering , attempted bribery , and fraud in 1964 , was imprisoned in 1967 , sentenced to 13 years , after exhausting the appeal process .

  3. 行贿罪是非常严重罪行,它可能导致极长的服刑期。

    Bribery is a serious charge which carries long prison sentences .

  4. 行贿罪是贿赂犯罪中一个重要罪名。

    The crime of bribery is bribery charges in a major .

  5. 论行贿罪与受贿罪的非对向关系

    On Dissymmetrical Relationship between Crime of Bribery and Crime of Accepting Bribery

  6. 行贿罪案件证据实务剖析

    Analysis on Evidence Practice of Bribery Cases On Bribery Crime

  7. 第二部分行贿罪在立法中存在的问题。

    The second part is the problems in the legislation of bribery .

  8. 刍议行贿罪立法之完善

    On the Perfection of the Legislation of the Crime of Offering Bribes

  9. 第四部分完善惩治行贿罪机制的构想。

    The last part is the idea of perfecting the punishment of corruption .

  10. 第一部分行贿罪概述。

    The first part is the bribery overview .

  11. 论行贿罪中不正当利益之认定

    The Identification of the Illegitimate Benefits of Bribery

  12. 我国行贿罪若干问题研究

    Several Issues on Study of Giving Bribery Crime

  13. 论行贿罪中的为谋取不正当利益

    Study on " to Seek the Unjustified Interests " of the Crime of Bribery

  14. 单位行贿罪共同犯罪的认定。

    Common units bribery Crime . 3 .

  15. 行贿罪比较研究

    The Comparative Research on Crime of Bribery

  16. 商业贿赂犯罪中最主要的犯罪行为就是商业行贿罪和商业受贿犯罪。

    Main commercial bribery crime is the crime of commercial bribery and commercial bribery crime .

  17. 甲乙两公司都构成单位行贿罪,但不属于共同犯罪。

    B constitutes a unit of the two companies bribery , but not a common crime .

  18. 我国《刑法》第三百八十九条关于行贿罪的规定有三款内容。

    There are three contents about bribery crime regulated in the389 article in the criminal law .

  19. 论行贿罪的主观要件

    A Discussion on Legislation of Bribery

  20. 论行贿罪的未遂理论上存在未遂形态。

    About Abortive Bribe In theory it exists a state in which the crime has not finished .

  21. 第三部分,行贿罪贿赂范围的界定。

    Part three , the definition of " bribery " scope on crime of giving a bribe .

  22. 本案焦点问题是:1.单位行贿罪中为谋取不正当利益的认定。

    Case focus is : 1 . Bribery in the unit " to seek illegitimate interests " identified .

  23. 在对行贿罪量刑时,应根据行贿罪的不同情节确定不同的法定刑。

    While sentencing offering bribes , shall confirm different legal punishment according to distinctive circumstances of offering bribes .

  24. 论对单位行贿罪立案数额标准的相对降低

    Bring Down the Amount Standards for Placing a Case on File of the Crime of Offering Bribes to Units

  25. 中国法庭在3月份以内幕交易和行贿罪判处黄光裕入狱14年。

    In May , a Chinese court sentenced Mr Huang to 14 years in prison for insider trading and bribery .

  26. 行贿罪作为贿赂犯罪的一种,具有严重的社会危害性。

    As one great crime reasons of the social corruption , bribe crime infringes the national missionary functionary actions greatly .

  27. 第二章就目前学界对行贿罪争论最大的一些问题进行综述,以及自己的观点分析。

    For chapter II , it gives some issues which are in dispute , and some viewpoints of the author .

  28. 但迄今为止,在行贿罪的若干重大问题的认定上,理论认识并不一致,实践中也难以统一;

    But theoretical consensus and practical standards are still in great need on some key issues concerning bribery crime , hitherto .

  29. 我国对行贿罪一直坚持严厉的刑事打击政策,取得了一定的效果。

    In China , the crime of bribery has been insisting on harsh criminal against the policy has achieved some results .

  30. 但从刑法的基本理论而言,行贿罪与受贿罪的成立没有必然的对向关系;

    But , from the viewpoint of basic criminal theory , there is no any necessary symmetrical relationship for committing a bribery crime .