
yǎn biàn
  • develop;evolve
衍变 [yǎn biàn]
  • [develop;evolve] 通过进化而发展;演变

衍变[yǎn biàn]
  1. 而书体的发生又是书风持续衍变的必然结果。

    But the occurrence of the calligraphy style is also the inevitable result which the font continues to evolve .

  2. 至后新时期,因与政治关切的疏离,导致人道主义主题在中国文学的衍变。

    Up to the post-new period , because of estrangement to the political concern , humanitarianism theme begins to evolve .

  3. 同样条件下CB晶型衍变程度极低(DSC测试显示单熔点峰),不发生胀罐。

    Almost no phase transition occurred ( single peak in DSC ) under the same crystallization conditions in CB and no can-breaking happened .

  4. F(X),其从数字角度全面反映了多态模型状态转换时,多维数据的产生、消亡、衍变过程。

    F ( X ) . By means of digital , the model clarifies the process of the multidimensional data 's producing , disappearing and varying when polymorphic model changes its state .

  5. 由Cox迷宫手术的复杂术式逐渐向左迷宫、放射迷宫衍变。减少创伤提高治愈率,成为房颤外科治疗不断追求的新目标。

    From the complex Cox maze procedure to the left atrial maze procedure and radial maze procedure , the high successful rate and elimination of trauma have become the objective in the surgical intervention of atrial fibrillation .

  6. “Prelude”前奏曲,这一古老的体裁经过历史的发展及衍变,在浪漫主义时期终于真正脱离引子功能的附属地位,成为了完全独立的音乐作品&浪漫主义时期的钢琴特性小品。

    Prelude , one of the ancient genres , which has passed through the development and evolution of history , finally separated itself from " introduction " as subordination during the Romantic Period ; and became a completely independent musical genre , the Character piece of the Romantic music .

  7. 在此过程当中,学习方式对学习结果的衍变具有重要作用。

    In this process , learning style plays an important role .

  8. 城市边缘属性在空间形态衍变中的作用

    The Action of City Marginal Attribute in the Spatial form Evolvement

  9. 金华之学的衍变与戴良的诗文成就

    Development of Study in Jinhua And Poetic Achievements Of Dai Liang

  10. 中国电影资料馆观众群落的衍变及其教育策略

    The Change of Audience and the Policy of China Film Archive

  11. 用同步辐射光电子能谱研究了相衍变过程。

    Phase evolution was studied by the synchrotron radiation photoemission technique .

  12. 现实主义精神观照下中国电影女性形象的衍变和呈现

    Change of Female Images in Chinese Films : Perspective of Realism

  13. 汉语新词语当代衍变的交往理论阐释

    Modern Chinese Neologism Variations from the Perspective of Communicative Action Theory

  14. 骑士精神在欧美文学中的衍变

    The Development of The Cavaliers Spirit in Literature of Europe and America

  15. 美国天然气市场政府管制衍变简介及评述

    Introduction and Comment on Evolvement of NG Market Control Management in USA

  16. 当代中国传媒的受众策略研究&从社会转型中受众身份衍变的角度

    The Study of Audience Strategy of Media in Contemporary China

  17. 现在的秦腔也是吹腔衍变来的。

    The Shaanxi Opera is also a blow to the Evolution cavity .

  18. 泰华新文学的衍变与展望

    On the Evolution and Prospects of Chinese Literature in Thailand

  19. 话语分析基础理论的衍变

    On the Evolution of Underlying Theories in the Domain of Discourse Analysis

  20. 试论水意象在20世纪乡土小说中的衍变

    Tries to Discuss the Water Image in 20th Century Local Novels Evolving

  21. 隋唐五代诗歌在体制上的发展衍变

    Development Evolution of Poem Forms in the Sui Tang Dynasties

  22. 礼貌原则由合作原则衍变而来。

    The politeness principle somehow derives from the cooperative principle .

  23. 在西方语境下言说&试论二十世纪中国留学生文学价值观念衍变

    Changes of Literary Value Concepts of Students Abroad in 20 st Century

  24. 论日语中汉字的衍变

    On the Evolution of Chinese Characters in Japanese Language

  25. 它在衍变过程中完成了对城厢街区社会的整合,并在主体价值系统更新、组织与利益的整合之内外两个层面上凸显出鲜明的现代意义。

    It completed integration of block society and manifested its distinctive modern significance .

  26. 广东近代诗歌中文人心态的衍变

    Humans The Development of the Intellectuals ' Mind Reflected in the Guangdong Poems

  27. 牌坊是由棋星门衍变而来的。

    Memorial archway derives from the Ling star Gate .

  28. 心理学中的文化意识在跨文化心理学、文化心理学、文化建构主义心理学中经历了3次重大衍变。

    The cultural consciousness in Psychology has three forms .

  29. 宫颈癌是一个由癌前病变逐渐衍变为癌的连续的病理过程。

    Cervical carcinoma is a continuous pathological procedure from preinvasive lesion to carcinoma .

  30. 汉语句型观经过了一个相当长的衍变过程。

    The concept of Chinese sentence thus underwent a slow and long change .