
  • 网络Street culture;Street Life
  1. Hip-Hop运动作为一项由美国黑人社区发展起来的街头文化运动,在青年人群中广泛流行。

    As a street culture from black Americans ' district , Hip-Hop is prevalent among the youngsters .

  2. 你是否知道街头文化中有哪些元素?

    Do you know any elements of the street culture ?

  3. Skullcandy公司于2003年成立于美国犹他州帕克市。目前,iPod采用白色耳机,而其他公司则仅有单调的黑色产品,Skullcandy则受到街头文化的启发,推出了彩色音频设备,让公司异军突起。

    The company , founded in2003 in Park City , Utah , made its mark selling colorful , street art-inspired audio gear in an iPod white or everyone-else-black world .

  4. 那时没有可供艺术家聚会的街头文化或是咖啡馆。

    There was no street life or cafes where artists could meet .

  5. 一种新型的、粗扩的街头文化正在形成。

    A new , rough wisdom of the street corner was emerging .

  6. 试论街头文化的语言特点

    A Trial Analysis of the Language Characteristics Of Street Culture

  7. 我觉得你真得好好见识见识街头文化。

    You haven 't even begun to see the street .

  8. 我所接受的学校教育和街头文化之间是有差别的。

    There is a difference between my schooling and the wisdom of the street corner .

  9. 街头文化的现代变迁

    The Modern Variance of Street Culture

  10. 同时开辟高端的非主流意识和街头文化,大胆开创和引领漫都新意识流。

    Meanwhile , we create high non-mainstream sense and street culture and bravely lead new stream of consciousness .

  11. 出租车还未出现,统治街头文化的是自行车,而不是汽车。

    Taxis had not yet arrived on the scene , and street culture was dominated by bicycles rather than automobiles .

  12. 摊贩经济能营造一种特殊的城市街头文化,让游客和市民感受地方的特殊风味。

    Vendors can create a special economic urban street culture , so that tourists and local people feel a special flavor .

  13. 林育贤在片中结合街头文化的元素,例如涂鸦、嘻哈、极限运动等等。

    In his film , Lin uses elements from street culture , such as graffiti , hip-hop , and extreme sports .

  14. “一个食品了街头文化起源于市场与露天晚上用餐,像东南亚的,”她说。

    " A lot of street foods originate in cultures with open-air dining , like Southeast Asia 's night markets ," she says .

  15. 街头文化不单单是病态社会的症状,而且也使得那些它所宣扬的东西能够延续下去。

    That street culture is not only a symptom of a deeply dysfunctional society ; it also helps to perpetuate what it celebrates .

  16. 在街头文化发展的每个时期中,服装作为其构成元素之一也经历了许多变化。

    During the every period of the development of street culture , clothes is a one part of street culture , it has experienced great changes .

  17. 近年来,大学生行为艺术成迅猛发展之势,给街头文化增添了一抹亮色的同时,也给广大教育者以思考。

    College students action art has developed swiftly and violently in recent years , which adds vigor to the Street Culture and meanwhile causes all educators to think .

  18. 在1992年,当公司因出品冰特乐队狂暴的说唱歌曲《警察杀手》而遭受了巨大的谴责时,莱文说这是街头文化的合法表达方式,它应该有自己的宣泄途径。

    In1992 , when Time Warner was under fire for releasing Ice T 's violent rap song Cop Killer , Levin described rap as a lawful expression of street culture , which deserves an outlet .

  19. 然后阐述了现实主义的以人为本理念和街头文化对白领青年服装审美取向产生的重要影响,主要表现为白领青年服装审美更重视服装的实用性和流行元素。

    Thirdly , it described that the people-orientation in realism and modern pop culture on the streets had a significant impact to clothing aesthetic orientation of white-collar youth , which resulted in the attentions to the practical and fashionable elements of the white-collar youth to their clothing aesthetics .

  20. 街头篮球文化对HIP-HOP时尚的影响

    The Influence of Street Corner Basketball Culture on HIP-HOP Fashion

  21. 如果要选一个城市为印度街头饮食文化的缩影,那就非孟买莫属了(以前称为Bombay)。

    If you have to pick one city that epitomizes Indian street food culture , go with Mumbai ( formerly Bombay ) .

  22. 安娜格林斯潘说:在发达国家,一辆辆流动食品车所代表的街头食品文化正在复兴。

    In the developed world , there is a renaissance of street food culture , with the food trucks , she says .

  23. 如今,时尚已经逐渐成为广大年青人表达个性想法的途径,从而形成了街头服饰文化。

    At present , fashion has become an approach through which the vast number of young people tries to express their specific ideas , which has helped the creation of the street wear culture .

  24. 经过一段时间的发展,街头篮球已经成为一种面向世界的街头文化。

    During a period of time of developing , the Street basketball has become a kind of street culture of the world .

  25. 街头篮球活动是传统篮球运动与美国街头文化相结合的产物,它继承了传统篮球运动的精髓,又具有自身独特的功能和特征。

    Street basketball is a traditional basketball and the United States the product of a combination of street culture ; it inherits the traditional essence of basketball , but also has its own unique features and characteristics .