
  • Hip-Hop;Street Dance;breaking
  1. 不是单纯的街舞哦还用了很多NOBODY原版的元素!

    Not simply hip-hop , there are lots of moves from the original NOBODY !

  2. 有的人大概会把krumping跟旷课乐(crunk)搞混,两个都是街舞(hiphop)。

    You might have it confused with crunk . That 's hip-hop , too .

  3. 我们真诚欢迎你们加入CT街舞工作室这个大家庭。

    We sincerely welcome you to join CT Dance Studio in this family .

  4. 《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)的报道称,这是一个时尚秀场,有新潮hip-hop街舞,当然也有激光红毯秀。

    The New York Times reported that it was a flashy affair , with hip-hop dancing and , of course , a laser light show .

  5. 打开MTV看看他们教我怎么跳街舞

    Click to MTV so they can teach me how to Dougie

  6. 浅析HIP-HOP街舞文化的发展

    On Development of HIP & HOP Culture

  7. 可是据Susan所知,现在有很多种不同种类的健身操,比如拉丁舞,福克斯等等,Peter为什么会选择跳街舞呢?

    Susan : As I know , there are different kinds of aerobics , Latin dance , fox and so on . Why do you choose Jiewu ?

  8. 甚至街舞俱乐部也开始表演“Valentine'sBalls”——在校园迪斯科舞会上做出吓人的视觉效果。

    Even hip clubs get in on the act with " Valentine 's Balls " - a phrase that conjures up awful visions of school discos .

  9. 知道Hok是个街舞技巧很赞的舞者,而不是一只鸟。

    You know that Hok is an amazing B-boy dancer , not a bird .

  10. 经过调查,Booth和Brennan发现死者生前放弃了芭蕾舞转而投身街舞嘻哈,另一层线索被揭开,一位与死者有着秘密联系的嫌疑人浮出水面。

    After learning the victim quit ballet to pursue hip hop , Booth and Brennan uncover another layer of evidence that points them to a suspect who had a secret relationship with the victim .

  11. 舞艺高超的也有不少。有名年轻的足球运动员跳了一曲YG的《TwistMyFingaz》,舞技超群,简直可称得上是一则街舞MV了。

    Some of the dancers are considerably better than others , such as a young football player who proved he has moves worthy of a hip hop music video as he stepped along to YG 's Twist My Fingaz .

  12. 名列欧洲最受欢迎的俱乐部Paradiso俱乐部和Melkweg俱乐部开始演奏街舞音乐和爵士乐。

    Hip pop or funk music begins blaring from Club Paradiso and Club Melkweg . These are two of the most popular clubs in Europe .

  13. 首尔上市的韩国娱乐公司——YGEntertainmentInc.推出了一个名为Nonagon的时尚品牌,该品牌针对全球喜欢街舞和流行文化的年轻消费者。YGEntertainment旗下艺人有鸟叔朴载相(Psy)、男子偶像组合BigBang、以及少女组合2NE1。

    YG Entertainment Inc. - the Seoul-listed artist-management powerhouse whose clients include rapper Psy , boy band Big Bang and girl group 2NE1 - this week launched a fashion brand called Nonagon that targets young consumers around the world interested in street dance and pop culture .

  14. 高校街舞教学及训练技巧研究

    On the Street Dance Teaching and Its Skill Training in Colleges

  15. 对街舞运动的分类及其主要动作特点的分析研究

    The Analysis of Classification and Major Action Feature of HIP-HOP Dance

  16. 我不跳街舞,我也不是艾米纳姆。

    And I am not hip-hop and I just not Eminem .

  17. 今年的“街舞争锋”也赢定了。

    Streets ain 't gonna be ready for us this year .

  18. 街舞啦啦队易于在学校开展,尤其高校发展潜力大。

    Hip-hop cheerleaders easily in schools , especially college development potential .

  19. 浅谈街舞健身操对高职学生的身心影响

    The Body and Mind Influence of HipHop Gymnastics on Vocational Students

  20. 你叫我什么?街舞小姐?

    What did you say to me ? Little miss hip-hop ?

  21. 他们的街舞让大家流连忘返。

    They are dancers , their street dance impressed us deeply .

  22. 我刚才去健身中心学习街舞了。

    I have just been to Fitness Center to learn Jiewu .

  23. 普通高校街舞课程的设计与实践

    The Plan and Practice of the Street Dancing Course in Universities

  24. 从2004年全国街舞大赛看健身街舞的发展

    Street Dance Development From National Street Dance Match in 2004

  25. 在普通高校健美操课程中引入街舞内容的实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Introducing Hip-hop to Aerobics in Colleges and Universities

  26. 对高校开设街舞选修课的可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Opening Hip-hop Elective in University and College

  27. 街舞运动风靡于世界的原因分析及趋势预测

    Reasons why hip-hop dancing is popular in the world and its developing tendency

  28. 那里渐变为街舞中心,年幼的我,早早见证了历史。

    It became the hub , and I front row seat to history .

  29. 接下来的六个星期里我们将为街舞比赛作准备

    For the next six weeks , we prepare for the step show .

  30. 探析街舞对高校女生身心健康的影响

    Influence of Hip-hop Dance on Physical and Mental Health of female College Students