
biǎo qīn
  • cousin;cousinship
表亲 [biǎo qīn]
  • [cousin;cousinship] 中表亲戚,跟祖母、母亲的兄弟姐妹的子女及祖父、父亲姐妹的子女的亲戚关系

表亲[biǎo qīn]
  1. 他是我远房的一个表亲。

    He 's a distant cousin of mine .

  2. 乔治逃脱了和他表亲的包办婚姻。

    George ducked out of his forced marriage to a cousin

  3. 他是我表兄弟的儿子,所以他是我隔了一代的表亲。

    He 's my cousin 's son so he 's my first cousin once removed .

  4. 我不太清楚他们之间的确切关系——我想他们是表亲。

    I 'm not sure of the exact relationship between them ─ I think they 're cousins .

  5. 我们是表亲。

    We 're cousins .

  6. 这对表亲互相容忍,但是相处得并不真正融洽。

    The cousins tolerated each other , but did not really get on well together .

  7. 他们是远房表亲。

    They were distant cousins .

  8. 我们是表亲。

    We are cousins .

  9. 他们都是一个大家庭的表亲,其中8人来自农村。

    They are all cousins in a big family and eight of them are from rural areas .

  10. 一路支持你们的每个人都以你们为荣——除了父母和祖父母外祖父母,还有教授和导师、姨姑和叔伯、兄弟和姐妹、堂亲和表亲、远房堂亲和表亲,甚至你们自己都不确定是不是亲戚的亲戚们。

    Everybody who supported you along the way is proud of you — parents , grandparents , professors , mentors4 , aunties , uncles , brothers , sisters , cousins , second cousins , cousins who you aren ’ t even sure are cousins .

  11. 比如在每次你和不再想联系的一位友人约会时,又或者你答应一位表亲帮他/她照顾狗狗时(虽然你自己并不是一位爱狗人士),你总是陷入要当好好先生的境地。

    Every time you go out with that friend you no longer really want to keep in touch with . Or every time you agree to babysit your cousin 's dog ( even though you 're not much of a fur-lover yourself ) . Or whatever this scenario involves for you .

  12. 而RNA是DNA(脱氧核糖核酸)的基因表亲,具有重要的生物学效应。

    RNA is a genetic cousin of DNA and can have important biological effects .

  13. 他说:我一向都很容忍Dick,因为他是我太太的表亲。

    2 : I 've been patient with Dick because he 's my wife 's cousin .

  14. 除了外表的差异,Flash平台其实和它的Java表亲很相似,都有一个基于字节码的执行引擎,都被移植到多种平台。

    Despite that exterior , the Flash platform has always borne a remarkable resemblance to its Java-based cousin : a bytecode-based execution engine , ported to a variety of different platforms .

  15. 人们认为芋头比它的表亲土豆更健康,它比土豆含有更多的纤维,并富含钾、维生素C、钙、维生素E、维生素B和矿物质。

    Think of taro root as the potato 's healthier cousin . It has more fiber than a potato and is a good source of potassium , vitamin C , calcium , vitamin E , B vitamins , and trace minerals .

  16. 来自美国哈佛大学(harvarduniversity)的研究人员在基因发现中走了一条捷径:只对父母是表亲或堂亲的家庭进行采样,从而增加了子女遗传罕见突变的可能性。

    The researchers , who are based at Harvard University , took advantage of a short cut to genetic discovery by sampling families in which parents are cousins . This increases the likelihood that offspring will inherit rare mutations .

  17. 在这位表亲——珍妮特·贝尔(JanetBell)——找不到的情况下,按照规定要在报纸上发布一则为期四周的告示,意在通知下落不明的亲属。

    When that cousin , Janet Bell , was not found , protocol dictated that a notice be published in a newspaper for four weeks , a gesture intended to alert unlocated relatives .

  18. 莉莉·詹姆斯(LilyJames)在《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中饰演克劳利家的表亲——活泼迷人的罗斯·阿尔德里奇·麦克克莱尔夫人(LadyRoseAldridgenéeMacClare);为迪士尼的《灰姑娘》(Cinderella)试镜时,她本该饰演被宠坏的继女。

    As Lady Rose Aldridge n é e MacClare , the ravishingly feisty Crawley cousin on " Downton Abbey , " Lily James might have appeared the embodiment of a spoiled-rotten stepsister when auditioning for Disney 's " Cinderella . "

  19. 片中真正让人感兴趣的事发生在破损的金门大桥另一侧的马林县,在那里,我们进化之路上的表亲们正在建立自己的文明,他们仁慈的领导者名叫凯撒(Caesar),是一个会直立行走的黑猩猩。

    The real interest lies across the battered Golden Gate Bridge , in Marin County , where our evolutionary cousins , under the benevolent guidance of an upright-walking chimpanzee named Caesar , have built their own civilization .

  20. 它融合了表亲马自达RX-8和MX-5跑车的运动元素,在前轮上方使用了巨大的弧形轮廓。

    The car resembles its cousins , Mazda 's RX-8 and MX-5 sports cars , in deploying huge arched fenders over the front wheels .

  21. 由于乔纳森采取间谍式的隐瞒策略,连他的出版社也不知道《格列佛游记》(Gulliver'sTravels)的作者是谁。这位作家派中间人在夜间把自己的手稿送出,还附上信函,暗示去信人是格列佛的表亲。

    Thanks to Swift 's cloak-and-dagger tactics , not even his publisher knew the true identity of the author of " Gulliver 's Travels . " The writer sent an intermediary to hand off the manuscript under the cover of night , along with a letter supposedly from Gulliver 's cousin .

  22. 这名自称为Umi女士的表亲在吉隆坡国际机场向记者表示,她与Amran的遗孀和孩子一起来到机场。

    The cousin , who only identified herself as Ms. Umi and who spoke to reporters at Kuala Lumpur International Airport , said she had come to the airport with the pilot 's widow and children .

  23. 这桩交易看起来非常不谐调,以致有人猜测,这完全是中国企图比照民用悍马改造出一款军用车辆的无耻阴谋。民用悍马的表亲军用悍马(Humvee)没有包括在这笔交易之中。

    The deal seems such a mismatch that it has led to speculation it is all part of a dastardly Chinese plot to reverse-engineer a military vehicle out of the civilian Hummer , cousin of the military Humvee , which is not part of the deal .

  24. 奥斯卡最佳外语片的角逐已经开始,时报博客theCarpetbagger的作者在欧洲的表亲正在跟踪这场竞争。之前,她扶了扶眼镜,读了十几种语言的字幕,穿上高度适中的高跟鞋去往戛纳红毯。

    The race is on for the Oscar for best foreign-language film , and the Carpetbagger 's cousin in Europe has been tracking the contest from afar , after adjusting her glasses to read subtitles for a dozen languages and wearing her fairly sensible heels to the red carpet at Cannes .

  25. 她激动地跑过大厅去迎接她的表亲。

    She ran excitedly down the hall to greet her cousins .

  26. 他的表亲情谊一定是大于他自己的激情。

    His cousinly love must have been greater than his passion .

  27. 对方是我的表亲,枪声还很响呢。

    It was my cousin 's and it was very loud .

  28. 那么他们全都是你的表亲,对吗?

    Then they are all your cousins , aren 't they ?

  29. 斯图:你知道威尔克斯家总是和表亲结婚的。

    STEW : You know the Wilkes always marry their cousins .

  30. 那就留给你的表亲海伦

    No , then that would go to your cousin Helen ...